
I Destroyed Konoha!

Dagon died and reincarnated in the Ninja world as an Uchiha. Despite being a complete outsider to the shinobi world, his skills and prowess in battle were unparalleled. He soon became known as the Strongest. Knowing his future and having gained knowledge from his past life, Dagon refused to coexist with the Senju or the other clans. Instead, he aimed to absorb all the Tailed Beasts and become the jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails. In a bid to prevent his total domination, Hashirama, Tobirama, Mito, and Madara, four of the strongest shinobi in the world, decided to join hands and take him down. They ambushed him and launched an all-out attack. Ashina Uzumaki, the leader of the Uzumaki clan, offered to sacrifice himself and separate Dagon's powers, sealing them in different parts of the Ninja World. ------ - 60 Years Later - As the bodies of the fallen Uchiha lay scattered in the street, a figure emerged from the shadows. "I will finish, what I didn't finish sixty years ago..." ------------------------------- This is a translated and modified book. ------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/f4Yjzxt4wz

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Chapter 2: Konoha

"Dear, The sealing was a success." As Mito finished applying every seal she knew on Dagon, she confidently assured everyone that he would never break the seal.

Madara, however, wasn't so sure.

"Hmph. Only an Uchiha can seal another Uchiha!" He believed that only an Uchiha could properly suppress Dagon.

Without a second thought, Madara declared that he would build a forbidden hall and use the collective power of the Uchiha clan to restrain Dagon once and for all. As long as their bloodlines remained intact, Dagon would never pose a threat.

The battlefield fell silent as Madara's arrogance filled the air, and Tobirama's expression immediately changed. He could see right through Madara's words, and knew this was just an excuse to prevent the other clans from attacking the Uchiha.

However, Madara ignored Tobirama, and continued.

"This bastard." Madara growled "He will never be free as long as I live!"

The tension was palpable, and the three could feel the gravity of the situation.

"Sigh…" Hashirama took a glance at Madara before sighing "Let's head back to the camp."

_ _ _ _ _ _

With Dagon finally gone, the other clans started to establish their own Ninja villages all over the Ninja world.

Countless villages sprang up, but many were destroyed due to the neverending conflicts and wars that plagued the land.

The cliff that was chopped in half by Dagon was turned into a monument, with the face of Hashirama proudly carved into its surface.

The establishment of the first Ninja village marked a milestone in the history of the Ninja world, and it was a testament to Hashirama's efforts in uniting the other clans.

It was supposed to bring peace and prosperity, but it didn't take long until things started to get out of hand.

The newly built villages began to attack one another out of greed and desire for power and ressources.

Many innocent lives were lost due to these senseless wars. It was a never-ending cycle of hatred and vengeance, with every clan looking for ways to defeat their opponents before they could take them down.

The Uchiha clan quickly became one of the most powerful in Konoha. Their sharingan gave them a huge advantage in battle. But, with power came corruption, and the Uchiha clan soon began to abuse their abilities.

They started to see themselves as superior to others, and started to treat other clans and villagers as inferior to them.

This led to a growing resentment among the other clans towards the Uchiha, which only served to fuel the hatred and grudges that were already boiling beneath the surface.

In the place where Dagon was sealed, a shrine was built, following Madara's instructions. And the seal was suppressed with a forbidden jutsu that was passed down from generation to generation in the Uchiha clan.

It was decided that all shinobi with the Uchiha bloodline, who possess the sharingan, must regularly inject their chakra into the stele to strengthen the seal.

This became an ancient tradition handed down from the Warring States period.

However, as the years passed, the memory of the original purpose of the seal faded, no one remembered the reason behind it anymore.

It became nothing more than a tradition, a part of their daily lives.

With the establishment of Konoha, a conflict broke out between Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage, and Madara Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha clan.

The two men engaged in a vicious battle in the Valley of the End, where Madara sought to prove that there is no real peace in this world.

In the end, the battle was won by Hashirama, and a defeated Madara met his demise.

Despite the tragic end, it was a historic moment, as the first Hokage had emerged victorious.

However, the battle between these two would leave a lasting impact on the Ninja world.

As the first Hokage passed away, his brother Tobirama Senju became the second Hokage, and he embarked on a mission to restore order in the village.

One of his main priorities was to suppress the Uchiha clan, as he believed that their power was too evil for the good of Konoha.

To this end, Tobirama instilled policies that favored the Senju clan and the interests of Konoha, leaving the Uchiha clan feeling marginalized.

This caused division within the clan and a growing sense of resentment towards the Hokage and the Senju clan.

However, for the first time, there emerged a group of Uchiha shinobi who were willing to put aside their personal grievances and prioritize the greater good of Konoha.

With their sense of duty and sacrifice, they worked tirelessly to strengthen the village and prove that their loyalty could not be questioned.

Despite the passage of time, the tensions between the Uchiha clan and the village persisted. If anything, they seemed to be growing stronger, with each feeling increasingly wary and suspicious of the other.

Tobirama, with his political power and strong influence in Konoha, had taken steps to limit the Uchiha clan's power and influence.

On the other hand, the Uchiha, feeling marginalized and oppressed, began to plot and plan against the Hokage in secret.

The cycle of hatred and resentment between the clan and village was a deep-seated one, with roots that went back to the early days of Konoha's foundation.

As it festers and grows, it threatens to tear the village itself apart and plunge it into a darkness never seen before.

In the years following the reign of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the distrust and mistrust between the village and the Uchiha clan continued to grow.

The authority and power that the clan held had started to be reduced, and the village's treatment of the clan became more and more hostile and discriminatory.

It seemed that a full-scale conflict between the village and the clan was inevitable.

But, just as things seemed to be reaching a breaking point, a new leader emerged in the village and brought about a period of peace.

Under the reign of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, the village entered a time of relative harmony, and the tension between the village and the Uchiha clan dwindled.

However, this peace was short-lived, an incident of unprecedented scale and destruction shook the village of Konoha.

One fateful night, The Nine-Tails, the strongest of the Tailed Beasts, had been unleashed upon the village, leaving destruction and death in its wake.

The Nine Tails attacked relentlessly, destroying buildings, killing civilians and ninjas alike, and leaving a path of ruins.

The village was thrown into chaos and panic, as the ninjas desperately tried to fend off the beast, but their efforts seemed futile.

The Fourth Hokage, gave his life and made the difficult decision to seal the Nine-Tails' power within his infant son, Uzumaki Naruto.

The Sharingan, one of the most fearsome and powerful dojutsu in the world, had the ability to create illusions and control the minds of others, including that of the Nine-tails.

During the Night of the Nine-Tails, the Nine-tails was manipulated into attacking the village by the use of the Sharingan.

This led to the Uchiha clan becoming a prime suspect in the attack, as it was believed that the clan had betrayed the village.

The incident led to widespread mistrust and discrimination against the Uchiha clan, and they were forced to live on the outskirts of Konoha in a corner of the village known as the "Solitary Leaf".

It was a painful time for the clan, as they were shunned and isolated, and it was during this time that some members of the clan started to talk about taking revenge for the perceived injustice.

The seeds of rebellion had been planted, and the consequences of this action would have far-reaching implications for the future of Konoha and the Ninja world as a whole.