Next day in morning-----------
Y/n: jihu?!! You what are doing here said while hugging her tight
Jihu:actually jimin imean jimin master took me here
Y/n:But for me?? It's wrong for me just can't do this you should leave
Jimin:she will stay here with you got it..
Suga : yeah she's looking hot the but not better then you.. (He was looking at her weirdly)
Y/n:we should go university let's go jihu
-----------------At University---------------University---------------
[Y/n's pov]
We went to our classes we both has the same class so we went together to our maths - class when we reaced and settle down in our seats----
Y/n:what happened (yn was looking for something in her bag) huh?! Hey jihu
Jihu:see your own.. See na
Y/n:wth what's he doin- here..
Jin:hello students gd mrng , today is your first class so introduce yourselves to to the class..
[Everyone was introducing themselves now it was y/n's and jihu's turn]
Jihu: he-hello everyone I'm jihu and I'm from busan please take care of me...
Everyone was waiting for y/n to introduce but she was lost in her thoughts suddenly someone tapped of her shoulder
Jin:hey baby girl don't think so much huh!!?
(He Wishpired in her ears)
Y/n:huh!?!? , yeah he-hello , everyone I'm
y/n and I'm from seoul and...
Ting ting ting [bell rings class over]
(Everyone leaves...)
When y/n and jihu was about to go from the class someone pulled y/n inside and locked the door and jihu was trying to figure out wht happened
Y/n: huh!?! Who are y-.... Jin I mean master?
Please let me go .. Plea-
She was about to complete her sentence when Jin pushed her against the wall
And she was locked in between his arms
Jin:Don't shout, and tell your frnd not to disturb me or else you know wht can I do
Y/n:b-but please
Jin:tell her (he volumed up his voice a bit)
Y/n:okay (her tears were rolling from her eye's) jihu please go away or else he's not gonna leave me that easily..
He started to give her hickey's, and his lips touched her's. He riped her clothes and sucked her boobs and massaged it while she was moaning..
Y/n:please let me go ah! Ahhmm! Mm!
Jin:I've just started.. Babygirl
When he heared some footsteps..
He throw my clothes into my face and said come out quickly..
[Y/n pov]
I wore my clothes and was sitting on my desk alone cz it was lunch time so everyone was in cantin.. I was lost in my thoughts when someone comed and sat near me
Jimin:huh what happened to my girl you looked so sad huh ?!
He hold my hand and said
Y/n:I'm just tired of these..
Jimin noticed my hickey's that was bcz of jin and said
Jimin:Jin hyung did this? Right
Y/n:(nooded her head in yes)
[Bell rings]
Jimin lefts from there
Another class passed, huh thank god that the lecturer was none of them that 7rude guy's oh sry except jimin bcz his quiet fun and cares for me (y/n was thinking and walking through the corridor)when someone pulled her to the corner
It was jimin
Jimin:oops sry! I did this intentionally ..
Y/n:and why did you pulled me
Jimin:oh yeah I'm telling just take some breath huh!? He chuckled..