
I Dedicate Black Technology

99 years after the end of the world, human beings are extinct, and civilization is destroyed! That day, Wu Xie stared at the abyss, and the abyss was also staring at him! In the end, Wu Xie obtained the mysterious black technology system and returned to three years before the end of the world! Put all the power of the whole country, use the strongest black technology, and enter the era of national cultivation ten years ahead of schedule... When darkness falls, human beings are no longer beasts waiting to be slaughtered. The descendants of Yan and Huang have already made the most adequate preparations, an army of millions! Thousands of steel guns! The momentum of unity! ... Everything seemed turned upside down! Annihilation Terminator: Don't run yet, run quickly~! Lord of the Abyss: The script is not like this, mom, save me~~~~ The stars are devouring: how is this...possible~~~ Author: 唐三十六 Translator: ALN NOVEL

AbuBokker · Action
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60 Chs

Chapter 12 Hurry up! Great Northwest, zombie frenzy!



The air defense alarm has already sounded!


"Run! Quick!"

"What the fuck is this?"

A zombie fell on a living person, its densely packed fangs closed together fiercely, crunching and devouring flesh and bones.

On the side, a corpse with its entire upper body rotting away was chasing a little girl. The facial expression of the corpse still retained the ferocious expression before death.

in another screen.

Groups of zombies scatter like locusts from public places such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, etc., biting anyone they see, and swallowing as long as they tear off the flesh and blood without even chewing.

"Da da, da da da"

The gunshots rang out!

The armed policeman fired with a microcharger, but it didn't have any effect except for a short period of stiffness. The zombie paused for a while, and rushed towards the armed policeman in front of him again.

Each fingernail of the mutated hands pierced into the body like a knife, and black blood gushed out instantly.


In another surveillance video.

Countless zombies frantically ran out of the city.

In front are regular mechanized troops armed to the teeth.

Incendiary bombs and high-explosive bombs are thrown into the frenzy of zombies one by one. Heavy firepower such as armored vehicles, tanks, and bazookas is also constantly hitting, and the soldiers in the rear are constantly pulling their automatic rifles. trigger.

During the interval between reloading, soldiers were thrown down from time to time...

but! Even though the casualties were heavy, everyone still did not retreat a step.

The whole town is full of ruins.

Corpses, blood mist, gunpowder smoke, bullet casings, and collapsed buildings were piled up on the ground, surrounded by sporadic howls, and the breath of death permeated the entire sky.


In the video of the sealed top-secret document, horrific scenes are constantly being broadcast, and the zombie frenzy in the movies in the past has become a reality.

Wu Xie's complexion was a little livid, he was too familiar with these things.

Low-level zombies, these zombies are mutated by humans, their attack power is stronger than ordinary people, and their moving speed is not as slow as in the movie. They will become crazy and extremely bloodthirsty when they encounter blood. Only hitting the head can make the zombies Die completely.

But what's the matter?

Why didn't he know about this in the last apocalypse?

Is the government hiding it?

Or has a mutation occurred in this life?

Questions emerged from Wu Xie's mind.

"This is the surveillance video and data from Saha City in the northwest seven days ago."

seven days ago.

According to the calculation of time, it was the day when the meteorite came.

And Saha City is the hardest hit area of ​​the meteorite.

The secretary's face was a little pale. Obviously, the tragic scenes in these videos were not easy to accept.

"The mutation happened very suddenly. Although the city's armed police detachment and the public security department resisted and maintained it immediately, the virus spread too quickly and the zombies were too aggressive. It turned into a dead city in a short time."

"As soon as we got the news, we immediately dispatched the 024th Brigade and 715th Brigade of the 18th Group Army nearby, two full modern mechanized infantry brigades, and paid a heavy price to seal off the city in time to prevent the further spread of the virus."


The secretary recovered his expression and explained the situation to Wu Xie one by one.

"Then why there is no news on the Internet, we don't know!" Wu Xie was a little strange and couldn't help asking.

"That's because we immediately cut off all communication between the city and the outside world, including telephone, internet and other communication functions." The secretary paused for a moment, then continued.

"If the news spreads, the entire Republic will probably cause a huge panic. Everyone will be in danger, classes will be suspended, production will be suspended, and unimaginable losses will be caused."...

After Wu Xie understood the situation, the secretary left with a notebook and a sealed USB drive.

in front of you.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, but the old man kept looking at the potted plant by the window, not paying attention to everything in the video.

"Xiao Wu! How do you feel?"

The old man suddenly stood up from the wicker chair, his calmness changed, his eyes were firm, and he looked forward to Wu Xie's answer.

Wu Xie frowned, unable to say a word.

The video in the screen is too tragic, the little girl is being eaten by the corpse, and she screams in pain, but it attracts more zombies, and countless zombies rush towards...

He never expected that things would happen three years in advance. According to the correct time, the mutation of zombies should be caused by the T-virus infection in 2001 of the Dark Calendar, which broke out at the same time all over the world!

But what happened now made him panic.

Will everything happen earlier?

"Boss, I..."

"Xiao Wu, I have already read the information about the future you said. To be honest, if this incident did not happen, I would never believe what you said, but the reality is that it happened as you said. I I have to believe everything you say."

"But we can't be sad. Now that something has happened, we can only face it and make preparations as soon as possible to ensure the safety of people's lives and property as much as possible."

"People, the greater the ability! The greater the responsibility, I am now formally inviting you, no, I am asking you to join the "National Crisis Strategy Response Team"! I don't know if you would like..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Wu Xie interrupted.

"I am willing! A man should contribute to the country!"

A strong and resolute voice sounded in the house.

This is Wu Xie's original purpose, to let the country accept the existence of doomsday, and to prepare in advance, prepare! So as to avoid the tragic sacrifice in the last days.

Now the goal has been achieved!

"Drip! Congratulations to the host for completing the phased task 1 - [Dawn of Dawn]! Reward 5000 black technology points!"