
I Dedicate Black Technology

99 years after the end of the world, human beings are extinct, and civilization is destroyed! That day, Wu Xie stared at the abyss, and the abyss was also staring at him! In the end, Wu Xie obtained the mysterious black technology system and returned to three years before the end of the world! Put all the power of the whole country, use the strongest black technology, and enter the era of national cultivation ten years ahead of schedule... When darkness falls, human beings are no longer beasts waiting to be slaughtered. The descendants of Yan and Huang have already made the most adequate preparations, an army of millions! Thousands of steel guns! The momentum of unity! ... Everything seemed turned upside down! Annihilation Terminator: Don't run yet, run quickly~! Lord of the Abyss: The script is not like this, mom, save me~~~~ The stars are devouring: how is this...possible~~~ Author: 唐三十六 Translator: ALN NOVEL

AbuBokker · Action
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60 Chs

Chapter 10 The Thirty Soldiers of Tianshan Mountain Meet Their Old Enemy Again!

Once human nature is wiped out, all that remains is heinous darkness.

——Zhang Juqing, master of Chinese martial arts

47 years of the dark calendar.

Two years before the sixth tide came.

On the Tianshan Mountains in the northwest, there is a 30-member Republic team stationed.

The Northwest has been the hardest-hit area of ​​the last days from the beginning to the end, with a vast land and few people. The only large city, Wuxia City, has to face countless attacks from the abyss monsters on the entire plateau many times.

The Republic has the most corps stationed here, and similarly, it also has the most sacrifices.

At the end of the 47th year of the Dark Calendar.

Millions of people in Wuxia City are enjoying a short period of peace. People live and work in peace and contentment, and they are vaguely returning to their lives before the end of the world.

But they didn't know how much drastic changes had taken place on the Tianshan Mountains 20 kilometers away.

Six o'clock in the morning on September 1st.

It was not yet dawn on the Tianshan Mountains, and the two sentry soldiers on duty were still dozing off.



Under the Tianshan Lake, however, winds and clouds were surging, and under the deepest crack, one abyssal monster after another continued to emerge.

In an instant, the lake was full of lickers, predators, and elemental devourers...

The most suffocating thing is that they possess intelligence.


The silence is terrifying, and you can hear a needle drop.

"not good!"

drop! !

The astonishing alarm sounded instantly, and tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of abyssal monsters no longer flinched, gushing out of the water like a tide and crawling towards the fragile barracks in the wind. The countdown to death has begun.

The lives of thirty fighters had begun to pass.


"Li Erdan!"


"Immediately ride a bicycle to report the news! Use your breastfeeding strength, be sure to be fast! I only give you 10 minutes! Are you clear!?"

"Report, I want to stay!"


A slap sounded.

"Sergeant Li Erdan! Execute my order. Time is running out now, and there are millions of people behind us, what will happen if the news doesn't get out!?? Do you know?"

The majestic voice appeared unusually strong in the wind.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

In the dark years of the last days, people cannot use all communications, including radios, satellite phones... everything has returned to the original, and they can only rely on human power.


bang bang!

The sound of gunshots was quickly drowned out among the monsters in the abyss.

Twenty-nine soldiers of the Republic bought enough time for the rear of Wuxia City with their lives.

When countless monsters from the abyss flocked to Wuxia City, what awaited them were the muzzles of heavily armed soldiers of the Republic, and tens of thousands of practitioners ready to go...

But those twenty-nine soldiers left their young lives on Tianshan Mountain forever.

A shrill cry rose in the sky, resounding throughout the Northwest.

The beeping sounded continuously for 60 seconds, stopped for another 30 seconds, and then sounded again... for several consecutive cycles.

The great legend has become an indelible memory in everyone's mind.


In a small interrogation room.

The faint yellow light flickered on the faces of the three people.

Wu Xie could clearly see the faces of the two people. When he saw the two people for the first time, he already knew it in his heart.

Gao Weiguo!

The leader of the central leadership security guard team!

He was the supreme commander of the 30 republic fighters during the Tianshan upheaval event in the 49th year of the dark calendar in the last days.

Wu Xie is very familiar with this person. After the end of the world, he had a very deep friendship with this person. He could have held an important position in the central government and stayed away from danger, but he insisted on going to the most dangerous Northwest. He is the person Wu Xie admires the most. one.

"why are you laughing?"

"Be serious, answer my question seriously!" Gao Weiguo frowned slightly and said.

"Do you believe me?" Wu Xie raised his head, and a dark and powerful breath gushed out.

"Gao Weiguo!"

"Leader of the Central Leadership Security Guard Team"

"Life history: the ace special soldier of the Wolf Fang Special Brigade of the Capital Military Region, participated in special operations against Vietnam, codenamed "Snake Killing" operations, beheading operations, led security missions many times, served as the captain of the special team, bodyguard in the South China Sea, and underground intelligence officer ...and the current head of the central leadership security guard!"

"Zhang Guoqiang!"

"Director of the National Security Agency!"

"He came from the national intelligence department and was responsible for major national security incidents. He once..."


Wu Xie blurted out the biography of the two people's life, not because Wu Xie is so good, but because these two people have played important roles in the last days, and Wu Xie happened to have an intersection with them.


How can this be?

The files of the two of them are sealed in the file room of the Central Military, Political and Personnel Administration, and it is impossible to open them without going through various procedures.

The faces of the two people were not very good-looking. This person shocked them too much.

"Be prepared to listen carefully to everything I'm going to say next, it may be crazy, but it's all true."

Wu Xie sat down and looked at the two people in front of her seriously.

Three years later, that is, Year 01 of the Dark Calendar.

The whole world will usher in drastic changes, something called the T-virus will break out all over the world, and three billion people will instantly become zombies!

And this is just the beginning.

In the next few years, there will be more powerful abyssal monsters, demon lords...

Eventually everything will be gone!

Humanity will usher in extinction!