
I Decided To Renew My Life To Enjoy Playing Games

Ron, who is one of the world's most powerful Mana User regrets his whole life. He wanted to be a professional gamer but because of his parents he was forced to become a very well known mana user and succeeded in doing it. But after he reached his goal, he suddenly lost his motivation to become better at something and remembered his dream when he was young. To become a professional gamer. Ron realized that if he followed his dreams then he will be able to enjoy his life until he grows old because games are getting better and better every year but Mana Users will get weaker and weaker as they get old. Even if he gets weaker at playing games when getting old, at least the games are getting better and better. Ron decided to be reborn and wiping all his memories except for some reminders that he will continue to remember as he starts his new life. [ If you don't like weird, disgusting and perverted stuff. Just don't read this please and criticize my novel. You're not my target audience! ] To those who don't read the TAGS. This is R-18! Meaning there would be gore's and sexual content. If you don't like it those then don't bother to read this. Don't you dare question the Cover! It is my masterpiece!

N01Knowz · Games
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104 Chs

Pain pain pain!!! ( Warning, this chapter is extremely painful )

In the room where Adrian got tortured, there sat Richard and Adrian. Right now, like Adrian in the past. They were both tied to their chair and can't move at all. There was a helmet on the chair this time, both men wore a helmet each and watched the video in front of them.


What does that helmet do? Well, it will make you feel the pain in a video by 100%. Say if you saw a guy getting punched in a video, you will feel like you got punched too. It may not leave an injury tor your body but pain is still pain.

Right now Adrian and Richard was watching a video about male genitals getting cut, scratched by a sharp object, smashed, whatever you can do to hurt it there it is!

Right now the nuts of a man was getting cut open as the testicle came out. The man pulled the testicle as much as he can and smash it with a hammer.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! My nuts! My nuts is coming out! Ahhhh! "

" Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Help me! My nutssss!!!! "

Adrian and Richard was already crying from the pain they felt since the start. After all, they felt the 100% pain the man in the video felt. That meant that they felt their nuts getting cut open and smashed to paste.

Their groin already felt numb as they are thinking that their genitals were already gone but they could still pain in there.

The man in the video grabbed his mushroom and inserted a stick inside the hole where pee come out.

" Gaaaaaa!!! Stop it, nooooooooo! Don't do it! "

" Ahhhh, Ahhhhhhh, Waaaaaaaaaa! Don't push it deeper! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! My Dick! "

While the mushroom of the man was finally skewered all the way through, he grabbed a very sharp knife and used it to carve on his mushroom. The man's genitals was already bleeding intensely as he continues to torture himself.

After that, he smash his mushroom with the hammer like what he did to his testicle. The mushroom skewered by a stick got smashed flat.

Daisy was drinking her tea as she watched Adrian and Richard screaming. Devin was already holding his groin as he knows how much it hurt when you get hit by the genitals.

Let's say a person punched in full power a man in the face, that man who got punch will be fine and still be able to fight back.

But if that man's testicle got slap weakly, even just a weak slap. He will probably be bending his knees holding his groin for a while.

Yes, only a weak slap in the testicle can make a man unable to fight back. Even if you are a baby kid, as long as you slap the testicle then the man will be unable to fight!

That's how painful it is when your genitals gets hit. Devin shoot Adrian and Richard a look of pity as he thought to himself that he was very lucky that he ran away fast enough.

" Hey Devin, is there something better than this? You know, the more painful ones. Can you play it? " Daisy said as she thinks that the PAIN OLYMPICS LEVEL 9000 can't send Richard and Adrian to hell.

And so Devin quickly changed the video to a new one. This time it was a sustained pain they will feel.

The man in the video picked up a very rough whetstone. He place it between his testicle and mushroom and started rubbing furiously. Blood was already coming out after only a few seconds in the video.

"" Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! "" Both Adrian and Richard wasn't even able to apologise to Daisy. They really want her to stop as it was very painful! But before they could say that their vision turned black.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


" Heyyy, welcome back to hell Adrian. I see you brought your friend here. " Satan greeted Adrian and Richard as soon as they got here.

" Satan you fucking basta... " Satan poked Adrian before he was able to finish his words.

" Hahaha! Adrian you are so ungrateful. I tried to help you avenge yourself but instead of thanking me you will insult me? You are so mean! " Richard finally understood why Adrian suddenly woke up back then and brought them into this trouble.

" You!!! You!!! How dare you! If it was only Adrian then its fine but I got affected too! You fuc... " Satan poked Richard and his body didn't move anymore.

" Hahaha! You guys relax there! Oh Alabama! You got a new friend for today only! Come play with them while you still have a chance. "

Bark! Bark bark!

A dog with a wolf like appearance came running towards Satan. It was Alabama the dog. Alabama's birth was a mistake. Zven was his grandfather which is also his father and Shallow was his mother. That's right, his father was his grandfather. The owner of Zven mistakenly made Zven impregnate his child and Alabama was the result.

The owner deeply regrets what he had done and so he sent Alabama to hell. Satan took care of Alabama after he was abandoned.

" Haha! You guys play with my dog while your soul rest. " Satan snapped his fingers and both men were finally able to move. They watched as Alabama, a giant wolf like dog was running to them.

Alabama mutated as he lived in hell and he became bigger than his parents. Right now, Richard and Adrian were defenseless as they only have their souls. They were not used to using mana without their body and so.

They were unable to fight back!

Both of them quickly ran away from Alabama as they started pushing each other towards Alabama.

" Haha! Now now, be nice to each other okay? " Satan laughed as he saw Richard and Adrian pushing each other.

Adrian finally was able to trip Richard and so Alabama caught Richard.

" Haha! Sayonara motherfucker! " Adrian was laughing at Richard getting mauled by Alabama, he then ran away as fast as possible.

Adrian was running but then, a hole appeared right in front of where he was going to step and so Adrian fell to the ground.

Alabama was able to catch up to Adrian with Richard on his mouth. He crushed Adrian with his paw as he continued to bite Richard.

" Oops, my hand slipped. Hahahahaha!

Adrian and Richard were played almost to death by Alabama before they were able to return.

If you're curious about pain Olympics, search it on Google and you will find out.

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