
I dated my kidnapper

Amber is a new student in a new school and while there, she meets Zoe. Zoe who has been in the school since the beginning decisides to befriend Amber. Since Amber is new and vulnerable,she warns amber to stay away from Kelvin a boy in their class who's know for his dangerous and wicked schemes but amber pushes her boundaries and makes friends with Kelvin. what happens when Kelvin decides to take a special interest in her???

Albert_Omolu · Teen
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7 Chs

chapter 7

The day finally arrived, squee!!!!! I was very excited, it definitely felt like a movie. After already made observations, we knew when the guards will be off duty and when they had shifts..

It was a rainy day and every where was so cold, the air conditioner was also on...


As planned, i used my gps and i tracked my aunt emilia

To keep me going, i went on youtube and i watched some msa, it was really nice though, i gotta say among all, the one that caught my attention was a story titled "i am the only girl my crush ever saw in his life" talk about suspense❤️❤️

Soon it was 7:50 and i was excited because 8:00 was escape time

I'm very sorry my readers if you think these chapters have been short but all I have to say is be ready for the next....( I'm excited)

you guys are not ready for it❤️❤️❤️

Albert_Omolucreators' thoughts