
I Dared An Immortal

[Warning: This Book is strictly R-18] Once upon a time their love had ended tragically centuries ago, binding them a Thousand years later... ... [sypnosis is ongoing]

xai_dee13 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Kid, who sent you to spy on me?

"I fell in love with the dark side of you..."

Heaven abruptly jerked out from her slumber.

There it was. The same dream and same pain.

This same dream had constantly made her eyes water and throat burn, for no particular reason.

Heaven tried to pat her chest where a familiar pang was felt, but then she felt some restriction on her arms.

Where was she?

Just then, her eyes inspected her surroundings and she swallowed hard, at that instant the recollections of the recent events immediately surged to her mind, causing shivers to run down her spine

So it wasn't actually a dream.

It didn't take long for her to realize that she had been bounded firmly to a seat inside a dimly lit room; in which the only source of light was a small lamp that was placed a few feet away

Exempting from the lamp, the chair she was tied to, and the door which was at the entrance, the area seemed empty.

Heaven wrinkled her nose when she subconsciously inhaled the murky smell of the room.

There were no windows in the room, and that might have been the reason the air in the room seemed tight and stuffy

heaven winced in pain as she attempted to free herself; but alas, her effort was all in vain

Thankfully her lips were not sealed.

"H. Hello!"

"Anybody there?"

"Hello!!" Her voice was slightly hoarse as a result of dehydration, but despite that, she continued calling out until the door was pushed open.

A masked man who was decked out in black immediately walked in and loosened her.

Finally, she could feel her bones again!

"Follow me"

Heaven observed that Although the man's looks were masked, the sharp outline of his features and sharply carved jaw line were unusually stunning.

And his lips; when he spoke..... But his eyes were cold as ice; devoid of any emotions.

Heaven inwardly berated herself at her perverted thoughts…she suspected these were the after effects of being friends with Kelly!

She was scared, but at the same time she felt greatly relieved

Scared because she had trespassed on a stranger's territory and was unaware of what was awaiting her.

Relieved because she had finally escaped from those hooligans who had sought after her life.

She was momentarily relieved, but then she was not convinced that they would easily let her off, At that thought, her expression turned sour and With her head down she trailed behind the mysterious man

Immediately she was brought out of the dark area, heaven's jaws dropped like saucers as she stood frozen in shock.

Her senses were paralyzed as a result of the over whelming view before her. It almost seemed like she was in a palace, She was speechless and didn't know that to call this, but a house it was not!

Golden walls, marble tiles, bronze handrails, magnificent chandeliers…

The whole thing was completely surreal; Almost as though she was in a fairy tail world or inside a historical Manhwa!

Heaven couldn't believe her eyes, the only thing that was going through her head was that; all this must surely cost a lot of fortune.

The masked man brought her into an extravagant, Ancient styled sitting room.

Her curious gaze scanned her surroundings and once again she was rendered stupefied

But then her gaze fell on the familiar silhouette of a man, who was seated gracefully on the couch.

From Afar, heaven could tell that the man was not just any ordinary person; his pose was just too graceful.

The man was donned in a black tailored suit which seemed quite costly, His shoulder-lenght hair was held up into a loose pigtail, the dark diamond ear-stud on his left ear glinted from afar…his eyes were shut whilst his head was thrown back indifferently on the couch.

Now that she was close enough and could see his features, heaven gulped seemingly stunned.

Just as she was scrutinizing the man's appearance, those eyes which were once shut, abruptly opened at once.

Heaven was awestruck by the man's features that she literally almost fell into a trance…not because the man's physique was strikingly hot and almost didn't look real, but because she felt a pang of familiarity with those gray eyes of his.

She knew that she had seen those eyes before, but she couldn't properly place a finger on it… but then she recalled something

Those eyes which had stared apathetically at her the previous night before she blanked out.

This man's eyes were untamable but at the same time apathetic, as if life were noting but an interesting game to him.

And right now, those eyes were gazing at her unblinkingly with a little nonchalance and a hint laziness.

Seconds ticked to pass, And her mind was running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out what the man was up to.

"Kid, Who sent you to spy on me?"

When the man finally opened his mouth to speak, his deep, husky and enchanting voice almost swept her off her feet.

Heaven swallowed. Presently, his temperament had changed drastically.

His wild and untamed eyes glimmered with a dangerous light

She couldn't help but think That this man was a perfect example of those walking Red flags.

Heaven coughed awkwardly before forcing words out from her lips

"U-um er-m, Mr. This is nothing but a considerable mistake, I actually landed here accidentally"

She was still unaware of how she was able to reply his questions because her mind was spinning, and her legs were trembling

"Is that so?"

Heaven ignored how his muscle bulged in his black button up and how his cruel eyes crinkled towards her. The man was scrutinizing her, looking at her as if she were a prey.

"What did you see?" The man questioned bluntly.

His gaze seemed deadlier than the sharpest dagger. He was definitely glaring at her like he wanted to kill her.

She had never seen eyes as beautiful as his, yet so venomous. He had killer eyes that could pierce through one's soul.

Heaven did not even want to recall what she saw last night because not only did she feel shivers run down her spine when she thought about it; the scene was simply too bloody.

Was she going to end up just like that person; devoured on by a wild tiger?

Or was she going to be pardoned?

The second option didn't seem likely to occur.

"I-i am sorry I didn't mean to witness such a scene" heaven whimpered with her head down.
