
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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359 Chs

Chapter 37 Huge harvest, meeting a girl by chance

"Worthy of being a spirit ring from a thousand-year-old Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, it is level 24 now." With a clenched fist, ecstasy crept onto his face, "Of course, it has something to do with the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone as well."

The life energy of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone not only saved him from his meridians bursting, but it also assisted him in receiving the spirit ring energy transformation, making his meridians tougher and wider.

"Hehehe, this time it's a big profit." In the next second, spirit energy surged, Lin Manshan turned his fists into palms, spreading his hands out, and immediately dark golden light flowed, only to see the nails of his ten fingers rapidly elongate, transforming into the form of sharp claws, the backs of his palms bulged and hardened, and his skin colour changed to dark gold, glowing with a metallic lustre.

When his fingertips touched lightly, clanking, a harsh metallic friction sound was emitted.

With a wave of his hand, a few blood marks immediately appeared on the right arm of the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear Corpse beside him.

"So silky smooth, it's surprisingly so sharp, and my grip strength has been enhanced by so much." Lin Manshan was instantly left dazed.

"Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear External Palm Bone, or a pair, I have no excuse for this kind of luck." This scenario of the same spirit beast spawning two spirit bones could be said to be unique, as far as he remembered, only Bibi Dong's left and right arm bones were spawned from the same spirit beast, both coming from the 100,000-year-old Death Spider Emperor. The only difference was that Bibi Dong had absorbed a pair of complete arm bones, whereas he had an external palm bone attached.

Although the age is only a thousand years.

"But in terms of value, mine is definitely higher!" Lin Manshan murmured.

An External Spirit Bone and a normal Spirit Bone, are not in conflict, which means that he can still absorb the arm bones normally in the future.

Moreover, External Spirit Bones can also evolve, it seems like all the Spirit Bones I have absorbed can evolve.

"Hehehe, with this External Palm Bone, coupled with the soul power boost, I definitely can injure an ordinary 10,000-year-old spirit beast right now. In this way, hunting ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts for the third spirit ring will also be more secure."

Lin Manshan withdrew the External manifestation of Spirit Bone and smiled broadly, "Moreover, with my current grip strength, in the future, I no longer have to worry about my great sword dislodging from my hand when I'm in a tough fight."

Rubbing his hands together, he stood up and turned his head towards the corpse of the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, Lin Manshan clasped his hands together and mourned in deep silence for ten seconds.

The bear's contribution was just too great, he had to show some appreciation.

After doing that, Lin Manshan looked at the sky, "The sun will not go down until a while later, so I can still rush on my way for a while."

Patting the dust on his body, he turned to leave.


'Hmm? Where are the spirit beasts? How come I haven't encountered even  a single spirit beast after walking for a mile?' After walking for a while Lin Manshan looked a little surprised, all the way along the path he actually did not encounter a spirit beast on the ground, 'Forget it, not encountering it means not encountering it, anyway, the second spirit ring is already obtained, there's no hurry to go back, it happens I have to collect some medicinal herbs on the way, it's very expensive to buy them outside.'

For this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, he had spent a lot of money.

Insect and Beast Repellent Powder, Healing Paste, and Detoxification Pill, all cost a fortune to buy as finished products, without such a fortune, you can buy the herbs to make them yourself.

To save costs, he of course chose to make them himself.

'Act Against the Sky' did not have the talent to cultivate when he was young, and was slow to integrate his soul gear into his soul, thus he focused on finding ways to cure petrified diseases for his race, and he had learnt everything he could from the research results of the ancestors of the Dark Ones over the past 10,000 years, and his achievements in pharmacology were extremely good, and this was one of the reasons why he was able to survive for ten years by cultivating in the harsh environment of the Blood Mist Forest under 'Night of Eternity'.

Lin Manshan had not inherited all of that knowledge, but he clearly remembered the ones that had been used during those ten years.

The ones that could be used in extremely harsh environments were of course all life-saving goodies.

Although he couldn't name any of the medicinal herbs in this world, judging by the growing environment and then using his soul power to perceive the medicinal properties, he still made a lot of gains. It must be said that the medicinal herb resources of the Star Dou Great Forest were indeed rich, and just after walking for not long, he found several precious medicinal herbs with decent age, so he even made a special basket to carry them, and continued to rush along while carrying them on his back.

Time soon came to the night, because of the midway medicinal herbs gathering, he did not rush by the river, so he could only find a place with a water source to stay for the night.

At the moment, there is a small pool of water with a natural fountain, less than two metres in diameter, but it is also considered living water for drinking.

Taking advantage of the freshness of the herbs, Lin Manshan casually ate a few things, made a few tools from the materials on the spot, and became a medicine pounder.

After chewing and kneading them into small pills, he stuffed them into porcelain vials, and when the vials were not enough, he wrapped them in leaves for the time being.

Time passed little by little, pounding and mashing, he abruptly raised his head, and turned his head to look to the side, and it was pitch black.

"Eh? A spirit beast running back?" Lin Manshan hurriedly packed up the items, carried the basket on his back and jumped on the tree, then he was shocked.

"???? So many? Huh, two people are running in front of them?"

With just a cursory probe, he sensed a scattering of about ten spirit beasts, as well as two human souls.

"Ow, ow, ow," A series of howls echoed through the forest, reaching Lin Manshan's ears.

'These spirit beasts' cultivation should be between 1,000 and 2,000 years, should I save them?' Lin Manshan fell into thought.

Soon, he chose to follow his heart, "Let's go and take a look first."

With this thought, Lin Manshan's feet were padded, and his figure suddenly travelled between the branches of the trees.

Not long after, through the sparse moonlight, he could vaguely see the approaching people.

'Surprisingly, it's two sisters, still one carrying the other on her back and running, no wonder she didn't climb up the tree.; Lin Manshan was surprised for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, 'This dress, blue dress and short skirt with long stockings, looking at the style it's a bit like the Skywater Academy uniform in the anime. Unfortunately, it's hard to see the face.'

Skywater Academy's people, it is possible to save them, judging from the original story this generation should not be that ungrateful.

'Saving a life is better than building a ten-story pagoda, not to mention it is two sisters.' Thinking of this, Lin Manshan's right hand clenched, and a great sword appeared in his hand, 'Ominous Moon Light!' Dozens of sword lights shot out, "swoosh swoosh swoosh" the path behind the two women completely locked by it.

"Roar, roar, roar," The leopard-shaped spirit beast that was running at the front of the group stopped in its tracks at once.

"Leave that person to me, climb up the tree first." Lin Manshan, who had already landed in front of the two girls, glanced at the several blood scars on the long snow-white legs of the goose-egg-faced girl on the back, and although it was dark and there were no colours in what he saw visually, the outlines of the wounds as well as the faint smell of blood were detectable.

After saying that, he directly squatted down.

"Thank you!" The delicate young girl in blue didn't show any hesitation and quickly squatted down to let the googly-eyed young girl on her back slip and hop onto Lin Manshan's back, and in the next second, the sturdy figure in front of her eyes disappeared instantly from the spot.

'???? Instantaneous movement spirit skill?' The pupils of the delicate young girl shrank, and she looked up in a hurry.

Lin Manshan had already made his way to a tree, and with a bounce, he came to an even thicker one and put the goose-egg-faced girl down.

With a glance at the spirit beasts that were once again surrounding her, the delicate girl's feet bent, and she wanted to jump for her life.

"Unh," Her right leg trembled, and she let out a pained grunt.

"Come up quickly." Lin Manshan landed on the ground again and turned around to crouch down.

"Thanks." The young girl murmured and leaned against him.

With an arch of his feet, Lin Manshan once again rose into the air and landed on the branch of the tree, putting the young girl down and glancing at the situation below.

The leopard-shaped spirit beast had already arrived under the tree, but due to the number of people up there and the relatively high height, climbing the tree was equal to being beaten for nothing, the instinct to avoid danger coupled with the only remaining reason told it not to mess around, so it could only spin around in place, calling and roaring loudly.

"Are you guys alright." Lin Manshan turned his head, sizing up the two women through the moonlight, and in the next second, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Hmm? Poisoned."


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