
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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365 Chs

Chapter 311 Graduation and Love (2 in 1)


Shura god's face was indifferent, with a wave of his sleeve, the right half of the picture on the water's surface suddenly changed, when he looked at it, Tang San had already left the ancient battlefield, and was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed to adjust his breath, even though his eyes were closed, his fierce aura was like substance.

"Not bad, the foundation has been polished and compacted, then the next is the real actual battle."

With a point of the fingertip, a red light disappeared into the pool.

The next moment, a peculiar voice rang out in Tang San's mind, "Shura God fourth exam completed, reward, Shura God affinity 10%. Shura God fifth exam, challenge 99 blood guards, the timing starts when the first blood guard is challenged, time limit 99 days, death means failure."

As the words trailed off, the surrounding scene instantly distorted and changed, quickly transforming towards a circular ring bound by countless chains. There was scorching magma below, with flames and black smoke constantly rising up from all around.

In the centre of the platform, more than thirty meters away from Tang San, there was a sword-wielding figure, clad in scarlet plate armour, quietly standing there with his eyes closed.

'Damn it!' Awakened by the voice, Tang San opened his eyes, clenching his teeth, with a chill in his eyes. After clearing the fourth exam, he still hadn't gotten a tangible reward.

Although the experience of fierce battles on the ancient battlefield had allowed him to further advance his combat skills, his cultivation still hadn't grown at all.

Without an overwhelming cultivation, how could he save his beloved, Xiao Wu?

More importantly, too much time had passed. Thinking of this, his fists couldn't help but squeeze tightly, his body slowly stood up as he gazed at the blood shadow in front of him. With a quick pivot of his feet, he did not hesitate to launch an attack. What he wanted to do the most right now was to hurry up and pass the assessment, and then leave this hellish place.

This so-called Divine Examination was simply wasting his time.

On the other side, the Shura God's gaze was awe-inspiring.

The scenes in the secret realm had already been transformed somewhat illusory by him right now, yet Tang San still didn't suspect that the scene he was in was actually an illusion, and moreover, he didn't realize the benefits that the examination had brought to him, but instead, he was resentful, which really made him a bit disappointed.

Since you can't be brought to your feet, then like your great-grandfather Tang Chen, be a stepping stone. With a cold smile and a wave of his sleeve, the half of the screen allocated to Tang San suddenly disappeared, while the left side of the screen flashing Lin Manshan's fantasy realm instantly expanded to fill the right side of the vacancy.

Within the line of sight, Lin Manshan has already gone with Bibi Dong to the Martial Spirit Hall to get a warrant and is taking a carriage to the primary Spirit Hunting Forest.

The journey was smooth, and there was no danger encountered until they arrived.

After presenting the warrant, although the guards were surprised that the two dared to form a team to hunt spirit beasts, they didn't say anything and let them go directly.

After entering the Spirit Hunting Forest, with the two of them's experience and understanding of the Spirit Beast Forest, especially Lin Manshan's unique soul perception ability that wasn't restricted by the Rakshasa God's divine power, the process of searching for a suitable Spirit Beast was naturally exceptionally smooth.

After only 2 days of effort, the two of them found the first suitable spirit beast, a 500-year-old Man Faced Demon Spider.

Looking at the Man Faced Demon Spider that was munching on its prey in the distance in front of them, Bibi Dong's face did not look surprised.

As a matter of fact, at the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament a few years ago, she had already made some guesses from a few members of the Skywalker Battle Team. If a spirit master's physical body was strong enough, it was possible to absorb spirit rings over the levels. Thus, regarding this issue, before coming to this Spirit Hunting Forest, she had also taken the initiative to discuss it with Lin Manshan. The Spirit Beasts that she needed to look for on this trip were also the result of the two of them discussing it together.

As for the number of years, according to Lin Manshan's previous guess, what was gained from absorbing spirit rings in the illusion realm should be soul power. At this point, it was completely different from the situation of spirit rings absorbed by spirit masters in the outside world. One of the biggest differences was that in the outside world when absorbing a 10,000-year-old and above spirit ring, the spiritual impacts one had to face were all just due to the residual souls of the spirit beasts, not the complete souls.

But here, even the spirit rings produced by hundred-year-old spirit beasts, the strength of the soul power contained within them was not low. Regarding this, they had already tested it on the way, but of course, it was mainly Lin Manshan who tested it.

According to Lin Manshan's words, he had already promoted his soul to the Divine Soul level, so he could sense that their souls were all currently imprisoned by Divine Power and that only after cultivating to a certain extent in the Illusionary Realm would the Divine Power correspondingly loosen some of the restrictions, and the corresponding strength would therefore correspond to the intensity of the Spirit Rings that they were currently capable of absorbing.

In a nutshell, acquiring spirit rings in this secret realm and absorbing soul power to enhance the strength of their souls was considered a kind of stage-by-stage reward given out in response to cultivation enhancement.

The intensity of soul power she could absorb, converted into spirit ring years, was roughly around 500 years, and it was about the same for Lin Manshan.

Divine soul huh. She glanced at Lin Manshan in her spare glance, in her opinion, this could already indicate side by side that Lin Manshan's strength in reality was above her.

"Let's begin." Lin Manshan said in a low voice as he flipped the hidden weapon switch on his arm and began to load his arrow clip.

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded and pulled up her sleeves to do as she was told.

Not long after, "Swoosh." Two streams of light suddenly cut through the air, "Plop." Then they went straight into the eye sockets of the Man Faced Demon Spider, "Hiss." The eight spider spears swung violently, and when the head shook, "puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh." Waist and leg bone joints are hit by arrows one after another.

In just a few moments, the Man Faced Demon Spider collapsed on the ground, with juices flowing on the ground and its legs trembling slightly.

Only then did Bibi Dong step out from the bush, aiming another barrage of arrows at the Man Faced Demon Spider's eye sockets.

When dealing with low-level spirit beasts, it's really useful. Looking at the yellow spirit rings floating out, she couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Immediately, she sat on the side and began to absorb the spirit ring.

After a few hours, she slowly opened her eyes, "How was it?" Lin Manshan's voice was heard.

"It has indeed improved quite a bit." Bibi Dong smiled and nodded.

"That's good." Lin Manshan smiled and added, "Do you want to get adapted before we set off?"

"No need." Bibi Dong got up and patted her pants leg, "Let's go."

Thus, the two continued to set off.

Three days later, Lin Manshan successfully hunted a power system spirit beast of notable quality.

Thus, the mission of the trip was completed, and the two embarked on their return journey.

After returning to the academy, the two of them washed up in the dormitory and rushed straight to the Martial Spirit Hall to receive their spirit master subsidy.

Then, they continued their life in the academy.

In the blink of an eye, another three years passed, and the two came to the age of graduation. Moreover, at the time of leaving school, they broke through together. After going to the Spirit Hunting Forest together to obtain a spirit ring, the soul power level converted to the outside world is probably a little more than level 22.   

Upon returning to the academy again, it was the time of graduation. Packing up their things, the two decided to return to the village first.

Walking on the road back to the village, taking advantage of the gaps in casual conversation, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Bibi Dong, who had already grown into a young girl's stature. The height is about 1 meter 65 or so, thanks to the long-term training, the waistline is like a willow, the curve is perfect, chubby where it should be chubby, lean where it should be lean, her figure is already not inferior to most adult women. The face is even more beautiful, with features as exquisite as carved, simply beautiful.

Everything is good, but there is one thing that makes him feel a little vexed.

Even if he hadn't noticed it before, he would still notice it sometime later, even if he was a pig. Six years of carefree academy time, let Bibi Dong let go of a lot of things, her nature is also a lot more cheerful compared to before, and there are even sometimes when she also shows some liveliness that only teenage girls have. Moreover, the six years of spending time together also allowed Bibi Dong to develop some other feelings towards him.

At this point, he didn't even need to use his soul perception ability to notice it anymore, he could tell from his usual eyes.

At any rate, he had fallen in love and was an action-oriented person, so he couldn't be wrong.

In addition, he had to admit that his own heart was swaying a bit without him realizing it.

In the past, when Bibi Dong looked over, he wouldn't have averted his eyes, and would even ask rhetorically if something was wrong. But as time passed, he would actually subconsciously evade. And this change, invariably also let Bibi Dong muster up some courage.

As a result, her temperament became more relaxed.

However, so far, neither of the two had spoken the words out. He was because he knew Bibi Dong's true identity, and was a little unsure of how to handle it. As for Bibi Dong, he also understood what the reason behind it was, she undoubtedly couldn't let go of her past experience. Then, of course, she must have wondered if he had a family in the outside world or something like that. Neither of them had voluntarily asked about such things for years.

Honestly, regarding that experience of Bibi Dong's, he actually didn't care, it was just a membrane, what could it mean? Besides, it wasn't like Bibi Dong volunteered. In addition, it was just a physical body, in the future, she would become a god, so wouldn't she be able to just mend it?

Moreover, he really didn't know much about the former Bibi Dong, but from the viewpoint of these six years in the illusion realm, Bibi Dong is really a very good girl, not only good-looking, but also has a very good character, hard-working and tough in training, smart and decisive in dealing with things, seeing things with her own subjective views and judgment, and it is very easy to communicate, and there is no need to coax her with smooth words and so on.

Just this point alone would slay a lot of people's hearts.

The most important thing is that she is really becoming more and more gentle with him.

The word "gentle next-door girl" truly holds water. Time can really affect a lot of things. Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh quietly.

In his previous life, he had swiped a video on a certain channel, a certain actor mentioned a point, it was easy for male and female artists to have a bond when they were shooting duets and spending time together on the set, coupled with the role substitution.

He didn't think anything before, but now he believes it.

Although there is no role substitution on their part, they indeed spend time with each other every day.

During the primary academy, there were still a few dormitory mates in the work-study dormitory in the first two years, but in the last four years, the whole four years, the entire work-study dormitory was just him and Bibi Dong, and their beds were only separated by less than two meters. Not to mention the fact that every day he had to watch a growing beauty walk around in front of him, and they were inseparable most of the time as well.

He didn't know if other people could handle it, but he couldn't handle it right now.

He simply can't imagine what Bibi Dong's expression will be when she realizes his true identity later on, so he has a headache. Besides. Thinking back on these six years of practically calm and quiet times, Lin Manshan couldn't help but feel his heart sink, and he deeply suspected that it was the Rakshasa God who was intentionally pushing for all of this.

Other than that, the early graduation of several of his dorm mates, resulting in him and Bibi Dong sharing a dormitory all alone as a boy and a girl, was very thought-provoking.

The seven emotions test was mentioned in the original, Tang San and Qian Renxue had both passed this level. And seven emotions, respectively, represent joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire.

He always felt that these six years were deliberately laid out by the Rakshasa God, just to pull him into the game.

If Bibi Dong liked him, at least one of the emotions, namely love, corresponded to him.

As for Yu Xiaogang, after he had stirred things up, Bibi Dong had long since lost her feelings.

So, is this the legendary karma? If this is true, he can already imagine what he is going to encounter next, it is likely to be a bloody and painful drama such as parting in life and death situations.

Damn, dark arrows are hard to guard against, how is this going to be arranged?

"Ah Man, what are you thinking about?" Between his thoughts, the sound of Bibi Dong's call was heard.

When he turned his head, he was greeted by a stunningly beautiful face that was bursting with charm, as well as a face full of tenderness, Lin Manshan couldn't help but shudder inwardly and shook his head, "Nothing, just thinking about the next step in our plans. Now that we have graduated from the academy, it's time to think about the next step."

"How about, let's find a place to live in seclusion?" Bibi Dong blurted out, "With my understanding of spirit masters and spirit beasts, there's no need to attend an academy at all. As long as we cultivate in a step-by-step manner, I think that one day we will meet the requirements of the assessment."

Before, she wanted to spend more time with Lin Manshan in the illusion, but now, she wasn't averse to passing the Divine Examination early.

By becoming a god early, I'll be able to get rid of all the pasts on the continent early, travel to the Divine Realm to meet Ah Man in person, and live a new life in the Divine Realm. It's just that I don't know if Ah Man has a family in his world. Thinking of this, her gaze couldn't help but be gloomy, she could feel it, Ah Man has feelings for her, but hasn't said so explicitly, and she wondered if it was because of having a family.

In fact, she didn't care if there was a problem on Lin Manshan's side. Being able to be with the person she liked, she was very satisfied.

Regarding this point, she had actually been wanting to ask but had not been able to verbalize it. She was really scared, scared that the reply she would get would be denial and rejection.

How could it be that simple, this is a divine examination, can it be avoided? Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "It is possible to not go to the Spirit Master Academy, but I'm afraid that if we want to live in complete seclusion, we can't do it. In our situation, if we want to maintain our current cultivation speed, refining potions to aid in cultivation is a necessity, and this will involve the issue of the source of medicinal herbs, relying on our own cultivation will definitely not guarantee the needs."

"In addition, this is the Divine Examination after all, even if we don't go looking for trouble, I'm afraid that trouble will come to us. In order to deal with this possibility, we can't let our cultivation slow down no matter what. Besides, practising hard to break through the realm and hunting spirit beasts to absorb spirit rings is also the only way for you to advance to the Divine Soul realm as early as possible, and it's also the key element for us to pass the Divine Examination."

"Therefore, no matter where we go, quickly raising our cultivation level is always our first and foremost objective."

It was also unknown if this Divine Examination Secret Realm had simulated such things as Immortal Herbs, especially the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, if it had, things would have been much simpler. However, it was impossible to think about it, after all, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well involved the Ice and Fire Dragon King, if the Divine Realm knew about it, it was impossible not to make a move. If the Rakshasa God knew, it was also impossible to keep it for Dugu Bo to locate it easily.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong was also caught up in his thoughts, and then said with a straight face, "Ah Man, just like you said, even if we don't look for trouble, trouble will still come to us. Since this is the case, it might not necessarily be a good thing to keep hiding. Since the Rakshasa God established this secret realm to assess us, then sooner or later, we will still have to face what we should face."

"Perhaps we should be bolder, such as establishing an industry to collect money, which can then be used to purchase medicinal herbs."

"Here in the Spirit Master Realm, because of the existence of healing Spirit Masters, ordinary medicinal herbs are cheap."

Unlike the outside world, because of Lin Manshan's existence, ordinary medicinal herbs were speculated to have sky-high prices. Inwardly, she thought quietly.


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#Renee Bruffett, Thanks for all your love and support.

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