
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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365 Chs

Chapter 168 Shui Bing Er’s fifth spirit skill (2 in 1)

What a vicious scheme!

Tang San felt a chill run down his spine, he slightly lowered his head as if admitting his mistake, "Auntie, it was the nephew who thought too simply."

Tang Yuehua smiled, her gaze revealing doting, as she slightly shook her head, "It's fine, Xiao San, you're still young. When you see more in the future, you'll naturally be able to think about this."

After saying that, her face switched to a puzzled expression, "Right, Xiao San, is that medicinal herb Bai He gave you very precious?"

Only then did Tang San raise his head, his face crawling with joy, "Its medicinal effect is equivalent to an immortal herb, it can be a great help to nephew."

"Immortal herb!" Tang Yuehua was instantly taken aback.

Tang Hao, who was sitting next to Tang San, also revealed a brilliant light in his eyes and turned his head slightly.

Immediately, he saw Tang San's right hand swipe his spirit tool, pulling out the jade box, then slowly opening it, and immediately a crystal-clear blood-coloured ginseng made its appearance in front of his eyes.

"This is Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, Innate Eighth Grade, is the very best healing holy medicine," He began to introduce its effects one by one.

Healing Holy Medicine. Tang Yuehua immediately showed joy, turning her head to look at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao shook his head slightly, and when Tang San finished, he blandly asked, "Xiao San, when you finish eating this Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, will your spirit power directly break through to level 50?"

Tang San shook his head, "That won't be the case, the medicinal power of the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng mainly acts on the blood, causing one's vitality and blood to flourish, washing away the impurities within the blood while boosting the muscle activity to strengthen the flesh and grow the vitality. Therefore, it is mainly for laying the foundation. As for cultivation, I reckon it would be pretty good if I could raise 3 to 4 levels on the spot. Of course, the remaining medicinal power that remains in my body will also slowly be converted into cultivation, which should be enough to support my cultivation to the Spirit Emperor level. In addition, if I get injured, it will also accelerate my body's self-healing and heal my injuries."

"Then you can go inside and consume it." Tang Hao nodded slightly.

Given his child's age, breaking through Spirit Ancestor might attract the attention of the Martial Spirit Hall, but it wasn't so great that they would ignore his existence and directly send people to assassinate them. However, if he broke through to Spirit King, then the situation would be completely different, and Martial Spirit Hall would absolutely stifle them at all costs.

In that case, I'm afraid that it'll be impossible to participate in the Spirit Master Tournament.

"Okay, father." Tang San nodded, picking up the box and getting up to walk towards the bedroom.

When the door closed, Tang Yuehua quickly spoke out, "Brother Hao."

"Yuehua, I have made up my mind." Tang Hao immediately spoke out to stop her, "Xiao San is my child, as well as my account to the Clan, this immortal herb would be best suited to use on him. As for the injuries on my body, don't worry, I've long thought of a solution."

"Brother, don't lie to me. If there was a way to solve it, why would you have dragged it out until now?" Tang Yuehua looked in disbelief.

"Because Xiao San needs my protection, I can't leave him for too long, too far away." Saying that Tang Hao looked up at Tang Yuehua, the corner of his mouth tugging out a smile, "Yuehua, since we were little, when have I ever lied to you? Moreover, Xiao San is the child of Yin and me. No one wants to see him grow up and lead the clan to regain its glory more than I do, and this has always been my heart's desire."

Tang Yuehua then believed it.

Two hours later, with a creak, the door was opened, and Tang San walked out with a smile on his face.

"Auntie, father, I'm at level 47."


Spirit City, Supreme Pontiff's Hall.

"Your Holiness, according to the incoming reports, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao left soon after they walked out of the Skywalker Academy and returned to the Strength Clan, and didn't bring along Bai He with them, so they should have already broken up completely. However, Tang Hao didn't step out to chase the duo." Ghost Douluo stood in the centre of the hall and respectfully reported back.

The possibility of the four Single Attribute Clans breaking up and Tang Hao launching a pursuit to avoid leaving behind any future troubles was something they had long guessed.

However, killing Tang Hao at this point in time would have too great impact, even if it would be done quietly, Tang Yuehua would definitely suspect the Martial Spirit Hall when she saw Tang Hao not returning for too long, and then the Clear Sky Clan would definitely step up its guard, which would not be conducive to the subsequent plan. Therefore, they didn't send out a Titled Douluo to ambush, but let the people who were previously concerned about the four single-attribute clans bring along spirit tools that could record visual evidence.

The footage of Tang Yuehua bringing Tang San in and out of the Strength Clan had already been recorded.

If they could record the footage of Tang Hao attacking and killing Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, it would definitely be of great use when dealing with the Clear Sky Clan in the future.

Now that things didn't transpire as expected, they could only say that it was a pity.

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, "In that case, just keep the follow-up in focus, and don't bother with the rest."

"Yes, Your Holiness." Ghost Douluo arched his hand in response.

Of the four single-attribute clans, the strength of the Speed Clan was the worst, so there was no need to make some kind of halfway interception to affect the plan.

"Retire." Bibi Dong continued.

"Yes, the subordinate will retire."


A month and a half later, the Strength Clan.

With a snap, the table and chairs fell apart, and Tai Tan rose from his seat with a scuffle, gritting his teeth.

"Damn it, those two traitors, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, they actually chose to join the Skywalker Academy!"

"Alas," Bai He sat on the side, his face was dull as he sighed.

On the other hand, in the Skywalker Academy's meeting hall, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao finished reading the booklet in their hands, their faces brimming with excitement.

Looking at each other, they turned their heads to Dugu Bo and arched their hands in unison, "Thank you, Dean!"

How can the gap between people be so big? Clear Sky Clan is nothing more than a fucking arse. The two people thought this inwardly at the same time.

"A small thing, in the future we are all one family." Dugu Bo smiled and nodded, then got up and raised his hand.

"Let's go, let's get drunk tonight!"


Another month later.

Five silhouettes walked on the endless snowy ground, the cold wind howled, and snowflakes flew all over the sky.

"Damn, this really isn't a place for people to come." Dugu Bo, who was wrapped in his coat, couldn't help but complain.

Lin Manshan tightened his collar, the surrounding temperature was dozens of degrees below zero, he didn't want to open his mouth because the breath he exhaled immediately froze, and his throat was colder when he inhaled a breath.

At the end of December, Shui Bing'er broke through level 50.

The first Spirit Skill is Ice Bind, and the fourth Spirit Skill is Ice Cone, a strong control, a long-range attack, so when she talked about how to choose the fifth Spirit Skill, he thought of Ice Blast at the first instance. The spirit skill known only ice jade scorpion can produce, ice jade scorpion basically only live in the core of the far north, so he called on Dugu Bo, father-in-law Shui Chaozong and mother-in-law Bai Xue to come together.

The reason was simple, all three could fly.

The Ice Jade Scorpion is a herd-type Soul Beast, and although its quality is extremely high, it cannot be called rare; instead, it has a very large number of members in its race. It was only because there was a bullish clan leader, the Ice Emperor, under whose blessing, this race has been thriving. In addition, because they are born with an almost ultimate ice attribute, and the area where they live is in the core of the extremely dangerous and harsh environment of the extreme north, very few outsiders have seen them.

To summarise, living in groups, with soul perception ability there should be a chance to find them, but there is a powerful boss.

The kind that could slaughter them all.

Therefore, the method he thought of was to first find a small group, catch one with the right age and directly run away, and wait to reach the periphery before killing and absorbing the spirit ring. The Ice Jade Scorpion's body size is not large, even if its cultivation reaches 100,000 years, its body length will not exceed one metre and a half, which makes it possible to knock it out and fly away with it. Plus his soul perception range has exceeded a thousand metres, which is why he dared to come and try.

As of now, they had been circling around the vast core area for almost half a month and had found nothing. The extreme environment had slowed them down, and they had to dig a hole and bury themselves in place during a slight snowstorm. When they came out, a day had gone by.

It's not that they haven't encountered the Ice Jade Scorpion group, but they just haven't found the kind of Ice Jade Scorpion that has the Ice Blast natural skill and has the right age. The Ice Blast skill was extremely rare even within the Ice Jade Scorpion community, even the Ice Emperor didn't have it. And it was this scarcity originating from the talent that made the search difficult once again.

He had sensed two Ice Jade Scorpion groups on the way from afar, and among them, he was lucky enough to find one that possessed the Ice Blast skill, which blew up the abdomen of the prey it hunted with the lift of its claw, making it easy to feed on it. After comparing, he found that its soul was clearly more solid than the other Ice Jade Scorpions he had encountered, and its soul fluctuations were also different from the other Ice Jade Scorpions, with the fluctuations steeply intensifying when it performed the Ice Blast Skill.

This also allowed him to clearly perceive the difference in the fluctuations within the soul and keep it firmly in mind.

It was a pity that the age of that one reached 50,000 years, too high to be absorbed by Shui Bing'er as a Spirit Ring.

Heavens! God, please grant me an Ice Jade Scorpion with an age of around 20,000 years and knows the Ice Blast Skill! Of course, there mustn't be Ice Emperor or Snow Emperor passing by in the vicinity. Lin Manshan shouted in his heart.

Since the day he stepped into the land of the extreme north, he had been viewing the snow for a month, and he was sick of seeing it.

Sighing silently, he continued to walk forward, and about half an hour later, while walking, he suddenly stopped.

Holy cow, the heavens have shone their light?

This soul fluctuation, it's a familiar note.

Lin Manshan was instantly shocked inwardly, and hurriedly pointed his finger to the right front, ''Grandpa, there seems to be a suitable one over there, its age should be 20,000 years. There are nine in total, and the strongest cultivation is less than 40,000 years."

Obviously, this was a small group consisting of a family.

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up, my eyes are going blind from watching the snow these days." Dugu Bo hurriedly urged.

As the words fell, he turned his head to look at Shui Bing'er, "Bing Er, wait here with your mother and act according to the plan later."

"Mm." Shui Bing'er hurriedly nodded her head, and Bai Xue on the side nodded along.

"Let's go." Dugu Bo greeted and led the group forward.

Not long after, Lin Manshan, Dugu Bo, and Shui Chaozong appeared on a snow-covered mountain peak using the probe.

"That's the one." Lin Manshan pointed his finger at the turquoise-coloured scorpion that was feeding in the valley below.

"Watch me!" Dugu Bo responded, his figure flickered and directly disappeared in place.

"Martial Soul True Body! Eighth Spirit Skill, Time Freeze." The familiar script reappeared, the nine Ice Jade Scorpion figures below that were feeding instantly froze, followed by a turquoise-coloured dragon that plunged straight down to the ground, and with a bang, the claw smashed into one of the tails, and the scorpion tail that was divided into several sections was instantly snapped off from the middle. Immediately the body length of less than a metre was dragged up by Dugu Bo from the tail, who shot straight up the mountain.

On the way, he suddenly slapped his palm, his spirit power bursting out and hitting the head, knocking the Ice Jade Scorpion unconscious on the spot.

"Got it." Shui Chaozong on the mountain peak was delighted and hugged Lin Manshan beside him as he stretched out his feathered wings behind him. With a few flaps, he directly took him up into the sky and glided towards the direction of Shui Bing'er along with Dugu Bo who flew in.

Soon after, Bai Xue also flew up holding Shui Bing'er, following the group.

The five people and one beast, under Lin Manshan's guidance, dodged the soul beasts below while flying low and fast towards the southeast.

"Clack Clack Clack" In the valley, the eight Ice Jade Scorpions that had resumed their movements hurriedly climbed up the slope, wagging their tails. The leader shook its head and quickly turned around and headed north, making a strange chirping sound as it ran.

After a long time, the sky that was originally covered in dark clouds suddenly fluctuated violently, followed by a turquoise light that suddenly spread from the north and dyed the entire sky turquoise, followed by a stream of light like a comet cutting through the snowy landscape.

In just a few breaths, a turquoise scorpion with a body length of one and a half metres reached the leader of the group.

"Chirr, chirr, chirr!" The Ice Jade Scorpion that had come raised its claws and shook it eagerly.

In the next moment, intense turquoise light erupted from the Ice Jade Scorpion in front of it, colouring the entire sky.

It then transformed into a stream of light, cutting towards the south.

"Shit, what the hell is that?!"

Dugu Bo, who was flying with the beast, seemed to sense it and looked back at the distant space, his scalp tingling.

"That should be the leader of the Ice Jade Scorpion clan, definitely more than 100,000 years old." Lin Manshan also turned his head back, chills running down his spine, "Luckily, the direction we flew in was the southeast, and we ran the first chance we got, and have already flown far enough away, or else even if it's chasing straight south right now, it might have sensed us by now. And with this speed at which it is moving, I am afraid that it will be very difficult for us to escape."

"More than 100,000 years!?" The crowd was stunned.

"It is said that soul beasts need to cross a heavenly tribulation every 100,000 years, and if they cross it, they can continue to cultivate, and if they don't, they die. And re-cultivating into a human is another way to live." Lin Manshan nodded, then asked obviously, "I just don't know how many times the leader of this Ice Jade Scorpion clan has crossed the Heavenly Tribulation."

"For the Ice Jade Scorpion's clan to thrive to this extent in the core of the Extreme North Land, it's probably inseparable from its shelter."

"As a group-dwelling soul beast, the Ice Jade Scorpion should logically stay in one piece, but we were able to encounter three groups, it's obvious that it's because the environment of the Extreme North Land is too harsh and there's a shortage of food, so they can only use the dispersal of the tribe to allow the tribe to continue to thrive."

Of course, being able to encounter them could also be because I'm lucky, I'm very lucky since I was born in this world. Lin Manshan added in his heart.

"No wonder there are so few 100,000-year-old soul beasts that I've heard of on the continent." Dugu Bo stared slack-jawed and sighed, "A portion of them should have already been struck to death by lightning."

"There's also a small portion that chose to re-cultivate as a human and impact that illusory Level 100 God Realm."

"Unfortunately, they should have all failed."

"Other than the Angel God enshrined by the Martial Spirit Hall, I've never heard of the name of a god anywhere else."

"Becoming a god, how can it be that simple, it's just a legend nowadays." Shui Chaozong was also emotional, and then a strong fear appeared on his face, "I really didn't think that there are still Soul Beasts in the world with a cultivation of more than 100,000 years, it seems that this continent is not as simple as we thought it would be. If there is one, there are two, perhaps in other places on the continent, similar super soul beasts are surviving."

"Luckily, Man'er was cautious enough to let us grab and leave, or else I'm afraid we'll have to give an account here."

If we had absorbed it in the same place or close by, the consequences would have been frightening to think about.

"Indeed!" Dugu Bo nodded and then commented, "However, I dare to say that all of these soul beasts that have been struck by lightning must be very afraid of death and are all hiding and trying to cultivate, or else it wouldn't be possible that they haven't been heard of for so many years."

"I also think so." Shui Chaozong nodded in deep agreement.

Not long after, the turquoise colour in the sky faded away, and only then did the crowd secretly breathe a sigh of relief and continue to fly forward.

As soon as the Ice Jade Scorpion struggled, it was immediately slapped unconscious by Dugu Bo, after all, it is only 20,000 years old, so it didn't even have a chance to fight back.

When they were tired, they stopped to rest and took turns to recover their spirit power, and after resting, they immediately set off again. Under the all-out rush, they finally flew out of the core land on the second day, but the crowd didn't slack off and continued to keep flying at full speed until they arrived at the outer area on the fourth day.

With a snap, the Ice Jade Scorpion, which was already somewhat shrivelled from hunger, was thrown directly onto the cave inside the ground by Dugu Bo.

"Bing'er, hurry up and kill and absorb it."

"Hmm." Shui Bing'er nodded and pulled out a knife and stabbed it to the head without hesitation.

With a tremor in its body, a black spirit ring floated out. Along with it, there was also a lump of blue aura underneath the head.

"Eh? There's such a good thing?" Dugu Bo was the first to speak out, his eyes widened.

"It's a head spirit bone!" Shui Chaozong and his wife both had surprise on their faces.

So, is it just me being lucky enough today, or is my wife having a stroke of luck? Lin Manshan also froze for a moment, then his face revealed a smile.

"Bing'er, absorb the spirit rings first." As the words trailed off, the soul power surged out of his body and was injected into Shui Bing'er's body.

"Mm-hmm." Shui Bing'er also had a joyful look on her face as she picked up the spirit bone and handed it to Lin Manshan.

Not long after, she sat down on her knees and ran the meditation technique to pull the spirit ring.

In the next moment, the spirit ring floated straight towards Shui Bing'er, and seeing this, Lin Manshan also breathed a secret sigh of relief.

The Ice Jade Scorpion, which is born with the Ultimate Ice Attribute, is an extremely proud race, and the spirit rings and spirit bones it produces can only be absorbed by Spirit Masters who also possess the Ultimate Ice Attribute. Now that Shui Bing'er was able to directly absorb it, it undoubtedly explained everything.

Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix Martial Soul had an ice attribute that had already reached its ultimate intensity.

"The quality is very good and has a lot of potential." Lowering his head and observing the spirit bone, Lin Manshan commented, "When Bing'er finishes absorbing the spirit ring, it would be best to absorb the spirit bone directly as well. Coming from the same soul beast as the spirit ring, the attributes are definitely an excellent match."

"Well, if the Clan Leader can cultivate to more than 100,000 years, its bloodline isn't that bad." Dugu Bo nodded his head in agreement.

The Shui Chaozong couple also nodded with a smile on their faces.

Many hours later, Shui Bing'er slowly opened her eyes, and Lin Manshan did not ask many questions and directly handed over the spirit bone.

Shui Bing'er took it and stuck it to her forehead.

After a long time, Shui Bing'er once again opened her eyes.

"Bing'er, how is it?" As her father, Shui Chaozong finally couldn't help but ask.

"Dad, I'm fine, and my spirit power is at level 53." Shui Bing'er had a smile on her face as she slowly got up under Lin Manshan's assistance.

"What about spirit skills?" Dugu Bo smiled slightly and chimed in.

"Same as what Manshan guessed before, the Ice Blast Skill." Shui Bing'er responded with some excitement, "Also, after absorbing the Spirit Bone, I feel that my affinity for the surrounding ice elements has increased quite a bit, so perhaps I can perform the Spirit Skills more easily in the future."

"Seems like good luck." Lin Manshan smiled broadly. Although the spirit skill had been washed away, it is a skull after all, and the Ice Jade Scorpion clan's affinity talent for the ice element specially retained a bit in it, which is a bit like a passive skill.

"Since it's all over, let's hurry back." Dugu Bo twisted his waist and chimed in.

"Calculating the time, when we return to Heaven Dou City, it's estimated that there won't be many days left before the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament begins."

"Hmm." The crowd nodded in unison. Packing up their things, they walked out of the cave together and continued their journey.


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#T, #Gabriel, #SkeleBlade and #shadow reader, Thanks for all your love and support.

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