
Chapter 85: Anguish

Chapter 85: Anguish

"Hurry! We just need to leave this place"

Ten hooded figures began to speed up in a tight space, brick-walled tunnel. Their steps haunt the ground while the surface vibrates furiously.

Breathing became short and their heart kept pounding up and down. Anxiety washes them over while their abilities are almost down to zero. It is all due to a massive conquering spell that Apollo castes beforehand. Because of that their desire to flee increases with each passing second.

They needed to get away from the temple's impending destruction and this tunnel was only their only way out.

More hidden paths and tunnels used to be accessible inside the tenth temple, however right now when they badly needed them they couldn't use any.

Someone invaded them and managed to find all the life-saving paths they made, only the one their taking was left.

"Hurry!" A female priest urged.

"What's with the rush?"