
Chapter 50: The rain has ended


Alicia asked seeing professor Adolfo in front of the dorm's gate.

"I am fine, you guys need to head inside, looking at the clouds the rain might become heavier"

He opens the gate urging for them to enter.

"Professor what's really hape-..."

"Not now Arabela just head inside please"

With the professor's urging they all obeyed, the wind raging on while the rain continued to pour.

"You are one stubborn enemy you know"

Behind his back a man wearing a black cloak emerges, his body is covered with wounds and his cloak is littered with holes.

"I finally found the five" Instead of looking at Adolfo the scouter was looking at the fifteen running students.

"You won't be able to go inside"

"Oh?..am I?"

To Adolfo's surprise, his body changed and morphed into a figure he was familiar with.

"Is that me?"