
Chapter 11:Weapon

Returning to his room Apollo washed and changed his clothes.

"A month from now I will see the emperor...I wonder if he knows that I was one of the people who made Doomsday"

Suddenly Apollo remembered what happened two years ago. A massive breakout of demon beast happened on one of the coasts of Evaristo, the edge of the empire thus a huge amount of personnel were poured on it. Even the wizard tower was affected after all they needed to send assistance under the orders of the emperor. If the situation can't be controlled the breakout will spread and kill more people.

"Adhara message from the subjugation army arrived"

Gavin said his face was full of sweat from all the running.

Adhara was one of the senior mages of Blue Moon tower and at that time she was tasked to do research for any weapon that could kill the overflowing amount of demons.

"What message is it?"

Adhara asked but Gavin just handed her the letter.

Somehow the young senior mages felt like crying. Her hand began to shake even though she hadn't opened the letter. Looking at the black envelope with the seal of the subjugation army Adhara steeled her heart and opened the envelope.

Immediately she read the usual greetings until her eyes read the next section of the letter.

"No..." She weakly said as she lost strength in her hand which made the letter drop on the ground.

"Big sis Hara I already compiled the related topics about the material called uranium"

Unexpectedly Apollo arrived holding a pile of books and folders.

"Hmm?..what's this?" Confused the kid curiously put down what he was holding and took the letter on the ground.

"Apollo it's okay don't read that"

Adhara said while being comforted by the other senior mage. However, her words were too late Apollo already read the entire letter before her words could even be finished.

"I see...." Just like Adhara the child's voice became weak. While holding the letter the child's body began to shake as if trying to suppress something within him.

Seeing the tiny figure of the child turn sad Adhara embraced the young Apollo while slowly patting his head.

"It's okay let it out Apollo" she softly said trying to comfort him. Then from comforting Adhara all the mages at present switch to the kid who was with them.

The content of the letter was a notice that Adhara's older brother Astro died valiantly at the coast of Evaristo. He died fighting against a Marquis rank demon beast.

"Waaah..." Has the pent-up emotions burst out the kid finally cries clutching the clothes of Adhara. The mages present felt even more broken as they saw their little sun cry.

"It's okay everything will be fine it's okay" Adhara said however she didn't know if those words were for Apollo or for her.

Starting from that day more letters arrived from the subjugation army informing either the head of the tower about a mage's death or to inform about the death of their loved one. In the end, everyone felt hatred and miserable about the ongoing breakout.

"Just what on earth are they doing this battle has been going on for months when will it end once the mages of this tower die!"

Alger roared as he spoke of one of the high-ranking officials of the subjugation army.

"This is an order from the emperor, mage" the officer said sternly reminding Alger of his position.



The ground started to shake Alger released the pressure of his mana making the officer kneel.

"May I remind you I am the owner of this god-damned tower!" His voice made the four giant towers shake.

"Soldier asked your emperor to send some of his men if he does maybe I will as well"

The officer slowly stood up while trying to maintain his dignity however that was long gone the moment he had angered the owner of the wizard tower.



"Call the master of each tower here"

As soon as the officer was gone the old mage weakling sat down looking at the pile of letters he had received.

"If it weren't for that damn oath my hands wouldn't be shackled like this" he added as he used his tired hands to cover his face.

"It will be alright my old friend" Nicholas tried to comfort Alger until the three masters of the three towers arrived and stood right in front of Alger.

"It seems like you are in pain Alger"

The master of the Blue Moon tower said as she sat down on the couch.

"Alger, what do you plan to do?" Red Sun tower Master said placing another pile of letters.

"This just came in today" he added.

"How many of us have to die?..." Maya the master of the Ocean Tower clasps her hand to stop it from trembling then she continues.

"I just received news from the army if these continue they might start recruiting every capable person from the civilians"

"Head I know you are in pain but the wizard tower is not the only one who is experiencing this every sector of the empire is experiencing this heart-wrenching situation"

The master of Ocean Tower then looked at Alger waiting for his decision however an order from the emperor arrived.

"Mom, where are you going?"

Apollo asked while Isabella prepared her bags for travelling.

"Well you see Mommy needs to go there as well"

She said trying to sound like it was nothing serious however she felt her voice crack while speaking. This made the child in front of her teary whoever that child tried to stop his tears from falling. The little Apollo tried to look brave in front of his mother.

"I will return my little sun" she managed to say trying to suppress her unwanted sadness.

"I will definitely return" she added as she spread her arms to embrace her child.

"Wait for me okay?"

"Yes I will Mom"

That day Isabella and some senior mages were sent to the battlefield.

"Apollo the carriage has been long gone" Gavin said as he put his umbrella above the child's head.

"Little sun the snow will become stronger we must return now" he added however Apollo remained standing in front of the gate acting as if he was waiting for someone.

"Apollo it's getting cold now....." Still no reaction so he added "Your mother will be mad if she finds out"

Finally, the kid made a reaction he looked at Gavin his eyes deprived with emotions.

"Sir Gavin "


"How do you stop this battle?" He asked wanting everyone to return.

"Big brother Astro hadn't returned yet"

Gavin suddenly choked he was about to speak when Apollo said something about Astro.

"Everyone who left hasn't returned yet....they promised they would...."

Gavin became silent not knowing what to say.

"Big brother...." Apollo then looked at Gavin his eyes now filled with tears.

"Will mom become like them?"

"Promising to return but never coming back?"

"Little sun your mom will return"

"I have heard that countless times big brother....yet now no one from the people who left managed to return"

The senior mage wanted to say something but he didn't know what it was. He just stood right beside Apollo protecting him from the heavy fall of snow.

The next morning Apollo appeared in the Blue Moon tower suggesting a weapon.

"A missile?"

"It's a bomb to be specific but this time we will use a different one from the ones we have used so far"

"Big sis Hara once studied the material called uranium"

The little Apollo then revealed the thick books and files he once compiled for her.

"Uranium is highly hazardous to handle little sun are you certain?"

"Yes, I am...I had already talked about this to big sis Hara before she left with Mom. I think we have a chance with this"

Then he took out old blueprints of bullets, guns, cannons and rockets.

"We will use this to create the perfect weapon of mass destruction" the little Apollo said without a hint of hesitation.

The bomb was made using enchantment magic and reinforced magic with also a little involvement of machinery.

"Apollo is that!?"

"Yes it is"

In Apollo's hand was a floating material known as uranium and plutonium. Surrounding these two materials are magical enchantments used to seal them both.

"Alright we are nearing the final phase"

The reinforced case was already prepared while the missile-like body was already finished using machinery.

"Slow down if you drop that we are all dead"

Gavin warns one of the researchers with them.

After many ups and downs, they were able to create doomsday. Because they were in a rush only three doomsday were made however those missiles wiped out all the enemy demon beasts.

After that one by one, the mages came back from the battle giving their friends and family the warmest hug. Amongst the crowd of new arrivals, Isabella's white hair made it easy for Apollo to see her.

"Mom!" He shouted happily running towards her.

"Welcome back" he greeted with a bright smile on his face making Isabella happy as well.

Embracing her youngest child she said "I am back"

If you are liking the story so far please give it a power stone...thats all thank you

LAZYHEADcreators' thoughts