
Chapter 109: I said one

Continuation of Alicia's POV.

That day we stayed in the field until midnight, and we even caught some fireflies, then the mages from the tower joined us before going to bed and waking up late.

{Alicia? Are you done there?}

Suddenly Appolo's voice came into my head.

"Yes I am done here I killed everyone just as you told me"

{Huh? I didn't say everyone I said one}


{Yeah I said kill the strongest one so the barbarians would retreat, the strongest after all is the leader}

"Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly I thought you said, everyone"

{Sigh forget it how many did you kill?}

"Well I think around a thousand"


{Okay return here I found the archbishop}


My mind was flying out of nowhere I didn't quite understand Apollo. But it's okay at least we have no more problems.

I should go back now so I summoned one of the few things that I like to do.