
Chapter 105: Vampire Hunter

"I won't die!"

While me and Jeremiah talk the vampire priest casts a gospel to finally attack. A black-tainted light draws a magic circle while a pool of blood comes into my view.

My mind went focused and time seemed to slow down as my spell formed inside my head.

I raised my hand a magic circle was drawn.

Fusion magic, Fire and Darkness element, Eclipse.

Light is a magic which stems from fire. It creates heat from its electromagnetic radiation and is visually appealing to the eyes. Darkness is the absence of light, its alter ego and counterpart.

My spell eclipse absorbed the light on the surroundings leaving darkness in its wake. Mana was also pulled adding power to the spell. I felt the air changes when both light and darkness bypass each other. Then a tiny black sun was made.

Combining the two created the harmony I needed to destroy the gospel.