
Chapter 101: The One Who Was Promised Part. II

The underground tunnel appears dimly lit passage carved through rock or earth. It has rough, uneven walls and a low ceiling. Also supported by beams or pillars to prevent collapse. The atmosphere was damp, with moisture seeping through cracks, and the air was cool and musty.

The Light is scarce almost non-existent at some part of the tunnel. The walls that are lit by unsteady light from the torches can barely be seen. The tunnel's length and curvature combined with the limited light create an eerie sense of isolation.

"Jeremiah, how long do we need to walk?"

[You are already close just pass the iron gate and you will see it]

And just like what he said we saw a black rustic iron gate filled with lock defensive magic.

"It's protected by magic Apollo"

"Yes I can see it"

I approached the gate and just ordered Jeremiah to break it for me.

[Creator I have noticed something at the end of this tunnel]

"And that is?"