
I Created My Own System as a Normal Guy

Michael had reached his limit. He was 30 years old but still stayed up night after night reading web novels to deal with his urge for escaping from reality. If he could, he would do it forever. However, tonight was different. He had no choice but to sigh deeply and hold in a sense of deep frustration. He didn’t want to believe it, but it had happened once again. He had outgrown web novels. Deciding to create his own system in real life, Michael decided to find ways of using technology, software, code, publicly available information, and a bit of fun to turn his real life into a system. With no divine intervention and no magic pills, Michael had chosen to kill the divine and be the one in control of his destiny. To take the first step himself. What will happen next?

Limitless_Observer · Urban
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In this story of Michael's life, his main enemy was himself. He'd never tried anything like the system, and it allowed for experimentation and dealing with his weakness of being distracted and bored. If he could conquer this weakness, then his ability to think critically and notice his flaws would make him a beast. However, no one was perfect.

While preparing baggy clothes for the gym, Michael recognized that his mood was low. He was excited to improve the system, but he knew that making the effort to exercise was difficult, especially during the start.

He pulled out his trusted headphone. The best way to push himself would be to use music as a crutch for the time-being. He looked for the most energetic rock-and-roll song he could find and downloaded it onto his cracked phone. He breathed in, pressed play, and then got to work.


With his jaw clenched and head moving, he excitedly began to shove clothes into his old gym bag that he hadn't touched in ages. It would be super embarrassing if anyone walked in, but he lived alone so there was no problem. Besides that, he didn't care. His mind was focused because the music managed any outside distractions. Running with the momentum of the music, he continued packing.

After 15 minutes, he was already spent but thankfully, he was ready. While opening the door to his Honda Civic, Michael sat down while huffing. He removed his vibrating headphones and sighed again. There was a small voice in his head telling him to go back home and sleep, but Michael was very well acquainted with this voice.

In the car, Michael was reminded of the years he spent to get his license. All his fellow classmates back in High School were driving at the age of 16 and 17 but it took him until he was 25 to finally get his license. It wasn't because he was lacking in understanding. Michael was actually very perceptive. What stopped him was his fear of taking action.

The idea of having to drive on the road where anything could happen paralyzed him. It took him years of being tutored to finally develop a habit and quiet the fear in his mind. Now, he seemed like any other ordinary driver, but it took hard work just to reach that point.

That's why today when Michael was faced with this same voice and reminded of his weakness, he felt a deep-seated hatred. If you asked him about his current situation in life, he'd tell you that was happy with it and he wouldn't necessarily be wrong, but who wanted to feel like their own impulses held them back?

Rather than Michael's life situation being a choice that he made of his own volition it was partly because of his lack of discipline that he became accustomed to his current circumstances. With all these memories coming back, Michael decided not to let the voice telling him to give up have its way today.

He pulled out speakers from the glove compartment of his car and connected them to his phone. There was no way that he'd let the momentum of the moment die down. The drive would be short anyways since the gym was only 6km from his house. Music started blaring from the speakers as his jaw began to clench again.


As soon as he arrived at the parking lot, he became slightly embarrassed and lowered the volume of the music. He didn't know if it was an action lacking in confidence, but he rationalized that he'd rather not ruin someone's day just for the sake of looking like he didn't give a f*ck. Michael was confident, but he wasn't shameless. He didn't want to be rude or attract attention.

After parking the car, Michael scrambled for the gym bag and then headed for a dark see-through glass door. Walking with a confident stride, he found solace in the fact that he was one step closer to starting his mission.

This is the song that he played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J9ayHYClw8

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