
I Created an Urban Legend in Tokyo

Shinji Kanhara travels through a parallel world in Japan and obtains a notebook called Urban Legends. As long as he writes an urban legend in the notebook, it can come true in reality. However, the Japan of this world lacks many urban legends that it had in the previous life. Hanako in the toilet, Jigoku Shoujo, Sadako's videotape, Hachisha-sama, Mary's phone call, Qinglong Temple Tunnel, Sight in the Cracks, Tenjin Elementary School... "Let me make Japan's demons dance wildly!" for advance chapters patreon.com/ihatesakura please support me on patreon so I can update more chapters

ihatesakura · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

  Chapter 10 Hell Communication

  I don't know what he was thinking about, Daichi Aida was in a state of uncertainty. He pushed the door open and went out. He was startled when he heard no sound downstairs.

  He went downstairs immediately and found no one in the living room.

  After arriving in the kitchen, he saw his mother cutting vegetables, and Iwaguro Yuto was quietly going over, obviously intending to attack.

  "Iwaguro!" Daichi Aida suddenly spoke, scaring Iwaguro Yuto and making Aida Masaji turn around.

  "Daichi is back." Masaji smiled gently, and then saw Iwaguro Yuto behind her, and couldn't help but curious, "Yuto, why are you in the kitchen?"

  "I want to help my aunt." Iwaguro Yuto smiled reluctantly and said.

  "No, you can't cook, so you don't make things worse." Daichi Aida obviously figured something out, and his face was calm, "Come out for a moment, I have something to tell you."

  Soon, Iwaguro Yuto came to the living room with a gloomy face. Before he could say anything, he saw Daichi Aida staring at him intently, and his bloodshot eyes startled him.

  "Get out of my house!" Daichi Aida said hoarsely.

  Seeing this, Iwaguro Yuto sneered in his heart. He knew that he might have done something too radical today, causing the other party to rebound. It

  's better not to provoke him now, since we already know his address.

  Thinking of this, Iwaguro Yuto quickly raised his hands to surrender, "Okay... don't get excited, I just wanted to tease you, but I didn't expect you to be so incapable of taking a joke."

  As he said that, he patted Daichi Aida on the shoulder, "Calm down. See you at school tomorrow."

  Seeing that Iwaguro Yuto left decisively, Daichi Aida's emotions that had just risen suddenly fell, and he felt like he was hitting cotton, which made him feel even more aggrieved.

  He looked at Yuto Iwaguro's back as he disappeared around the corner, and his bloodshot eyes suddenly became deep.

  At night, Daichi Aida turned off the lights and sat in front of the computer in his bedroom. The computer was obviously filled with posts about Jigoku Shoujo in the 2ch forum.


  "Dadi, do you have anything to say to your mother?"

  What happened in the afternoon obviously made Masaji Aida feel that something was wrong, but even if she asked during dinner, her son didn't say anything.

  "No, don't bother me."

  Daichi Aida looked at the time and spoke impatiently.

  "If you have any troubles, you can tell your mother." Masaji Aida sighed softly outside the door. She knew that her son must be hiding something from her, but she did not force her son to tell her.

  Daichi Aida did not speak again. Hearing the slight footsteps, he knew that his mother had returned to the room.

  He stared at the computer screen with his eyes dimly and looked at the time on the lower right.


  Daichi Aida's breath was choked. He immediately searched for the website of Hell Communication and clicked the confirmation button.

  The next moment, a ball of blood-red flames rose.

  Daichi Aida stared at this scene closely.

  Before Daichi Aida could react, the blood-red flames splashed and dissipated. In just one second, a string of words appeared.

  "I will eliminate your resentment."

  Under the handwriting, there was a blank box.

  Under the blank box were the two words "send a letter".

  In other words, as long as you fill in the name of the person you hate in the blank box, the Hell Girl will help you fulfill your wish and send this person to hell.

  At this time, Daichi Aida stared at it with his eyes fixed, his heart pounding, his face flushed with excitement, and his breathing was short and gasping.

  Is this true?

  He entered a four-character name.

  Daichi Aida trembled with his hands, and just wanted to click send, but he didn't have the courage to confirm it.

  "Generally, urban legends are weird... Although there are no ghosts in this world, it is still recommended not to try it randomly."

  "Although I am an atheist, some things are better to believe than not. Don't try this kind of thing."

  "This hell girl must be made up by someone. The non-humans in urban legends are harmful to people. How can they help you get revenge? Don't dream about it."

  "If it is true, if you really fill it out, maybe the hell girl will kill you."

  Daichi Aida thought of the replies he had browsed before, and felt that it made sense. Most urban legends are ghosts that harm people and will not help humans at all.


  Daichi Aida clicked the send message fiercely!

  People like me, even if I live, I am just the scum of society! I don't even have the courage to resist violence. If this hell girl can help me, what does it matter if I give her this life?

  One second, two seconds, three seconds...

  Time ticked by, and Daichi Aida looked at the three words "Delivered" on the computer screen, but it did not change. For some reason, he felt disappointed.

  Where is Jigoku Shoujo? Where is she?

  Sure enough... is it fake? Daichi Aida smiled bitterly. He actually believed in urban legends. He was really crazy.

  "Are you looking for me?"

  Daichi Aida suddenly felt his eyes blurry. When he opened his eyes again, the sky, which should have been night, suddenly changed. Under the bloody sunset, the river bank was printed in blood red.

  Daichi Aida subconsciously looked forward, and what caught his eye was a huge unknown tree, under which stood a girl.

  Her long black hair hung straight down, and she had a delicate but sickly pale face, blood-red eyes that were very different from those of humans. She was wearing a black kimono with red spider lilies printed on her clothes, which was seductive and weird.

  "You...you are the girl of hell?"

  Really! It was actually true?

  Daichi Aida's body trembled a little, and he was afraid in his heart. The girl in front of him was obviously not a human. After all, whose eyes are blood-red? He always felt creepy when he was stared at by the other party.

  Moreover, he was just at home, and in the blink of an eye, he was in a strange place.

  Daichi Aida's mind was confused.

  The standing girl of hell did not answer him. She came in front of Daichi Aida, then stretched out her hand and whispered, "Take it."

  Daichi Aida looked at the girl of hell in front of him with horror in his eyes. He subconsciously took a step back and then looked at the thing in the other's hand.

  It was a palm-sized scarecrow, with a thin red string around its neck. The red string fluttered in the wind, and it looked mysterious under the blood-red sunset.

  Aida Daichi

  took the scarecrow with trembling hands. Seeing this, the Hell Girl spoke in her unique voice, "Untying the red string means that you and I have officially reached a contract. The person you hate will be exiled to hell in an instant. But after revenge, you will have to pay the price yourself."

  Hearing this, Aida Daichi looked up at the blood-red eyes, as if a blood-red vortex was about to absorb his soul. He swallowed his saliva, "What price?"

  "After completing the contract, your soul will also fall into hell."

  I want to go to hell too?

  Aida Daichi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, obviously very uneasy in his heart.

  "Cursing others to harm yourself. However, that is a matter after you die. After death, your soul will not be able to enter the Pure Land of Bliss, and will always suffer pain and confusion in hell."

  Aida Daichi listened to this and stared at the scarecrow tied with a red string in his hand. After a long while, he looked up and was about to speak when he found himself in his bedroom.

  "Whether to pull off the red string is up to you."

  The disembodied voice of Hell Girl came to his ears. Aida Daichi sat on the bed, looking at the scarecrow with a blank look on his face.

  (End of this chapter)