
I Cook My Way Through The Multiverse!

A retired Assassin under the High Table, fabled as the second coming of Baba Yaga, was hunted and finally let go of his last breath after taking high-ranking members along with some other assassins with him. As he died, he met an angel and mysteriously transmigrated into a new world as Tsunayoshi Ito! A filial son who took his own life out of guilt after a certain accident that claimed his mother's life! He decided to honor his mother's memory and fulfill the former Tsuna's dying wish, and enroll in Totsuki Culinary Academy! Main world: Food Wars! Secondary world (s): 1. One Punch Man! 2. ??? 3. ??? ??? = Has yet to be revealed Read 15 chapters in advance here: p@treon.com/mythoast Find me at X (Twitter) @mythoast The cover's main img is not mine; feel free to let me know if it's yours and you want me to take it down!

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Taking some days off!

Hey guys,

I will be taking two days off!

My mind has been feeling foggy for the past couple of weeks. I went to Thailand for a vacation to clear it up, but there's still this lingering haziness.

I want to take two days off from any screens—no laptops, no cameras, no phones—just myself, the gym, books, the beach, and some friends here in Bali.

Basically, I want to detox from blue light for two days and find some peace this weekend. I've been working hard and learning a lot, but I need a break.

So, there will be no chapter on Saturday and Sunday!

I hope you guys will allow me this time off or else I might be going suicidal... just kidding! But I'm sure you all understand.

Thanks in advance!