
I control the Apocalypse with an Undead System

"What have we done?" ------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover is not mine. If it is yours and you want it removed, you can contact me and I would be happy to remove it. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------- The first signs of the Conversion started exactly a month after The Augmentation Experiment failed... Fabian Diya witnessed the first ever Conversion. That was because he was the first ever Conversion. Taken out of his university by force to be a test subject in The Augmentation Experimental, Fabian was supposed to be the 'First Step in the right direction' for humans... But all that did was cause destruction and chaos all around, spreading a disease that transforms civilians into evil, blood-sucking figures that have no other intention other than to kill... During the process, Fabian Diya died, and with the pandemonium and the survival of the human race at stake, he was quickly forgotten about. But a few weeks later, Fabian Diya found himself in his dormitory, exactly twenty three hours before he was taken away to the lab, and twenty four hours before the start of the apocalypse. But this time, he had powers. The powers to seize power over the Apocalypse that threatened to destroy the human race...

PheltrixMC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Captured (2)

(Monday 3rd June 2050}

(Time: 14:27)

Fabian Diya unenthusiastically moved towards the door. In his half-asleep state, he pulled the handle down. Before he could pull the door back, a forceful push made him stagger back. The door smashed into the wall, revealing two smartly dressed individuals.

"Hello Fabian Diya..." they both muttered in unison, a small smile hid the look of insanity on their faces.

Both the male and the female figures wore suits. The man was 6f 2 inches tall compared to Fabian's 5f 11 inches. He had a blank expression on his face contradicting his companion's unpleasant sneer. He had pale skin and blonde hair. A pair of expensive shades covered his eyes. The woman was a similar height to Fabian, with black hair and dark skin.

"You're coming with us, kid" said the man.

"Huh, why should I listen to you?" replied Fabian.

"Come with us before we have to use force!" muttered the woman standing next to him.

Fabian's face changed when flashbacks consumed his thought. The System had distracted him from the real mystery. He started to walk backward, his eyes closed. His hands covered his head.

"No, no, no! This can't be real!" he screamed, breaking down into tears. His eyes were red and puffy, his breath loud and uneven. "This is not real..." he whispered. "I refuse to believe it..."

The two mysterious figures stood at his doorstep, confused expressions on their faces. They marched forward at a slow pace, their arms widened and a sinister grin on their faces. "Let's go, James, we don't have time for this!" the woman said, turning to look at her companion and then at Fabian.

Fabian scampered back. Without looking, his arms moved on instinct. Both his hands reached out towards the table, getting a firm grip on the object.

Without hesitating, he thrust forward, launching the table with all his willpower. He managed to lift the table off the floor with ease. It flew towards his assailants. The table made an impact, sending his foes flying back towards the back of the room.

They groaned as they sat against the adjourning wall, clutching their stomachs in pain. The table was pushing against the two individuals. But the table barely moved as neither individual had the strength to move the table.

Fabian stared in awe as he looked down at his hands. "Such power..." he murmured, wide-eyed. His gaze slowly shifted towards his captors. Both were on the verge of consciousness, their hands red and bloody.

"Is this what is feels like to have power from a System?!" he wondered, a small grin appearing on his face.

His enemies murmured something, but Fabian didn't understand the articulate sounds. His face was full of bitter sadness and disappointment. He clenched his jaws as he slowly walked towards a drawer. He angrily pulled it open, taking out a long rope.

"This should do it..." he whispered, returning to the front. But one question remained at the back of Fabian's mind. "Why didn't I have the System last time?" he asked himself, frowning when he saw both his opposition were no longer there.

"Huh, where did they-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt the back of his head explode with searing pain. His vision blurred as he slowly staggered backward. He gradually turned back and saw the man and the woman standing behind him, each holding a metal pipe. They both had an evil smile plastered across their faces. There was a bit of blood smeared across one of the pipes.

Fabian screamed in agony as he clutched his head, crimson blood dripping from his hands. Pain exploded in his head with blinding whiteness. The next thing he knew, he was lying on his carpet, blood pooling from his head.

"We need him alive, James!"

The last thing he remembered was a hand grasping hold of his stomach. He felt himself being picked up and carried outside his apartment. As soon as the two figures stepped outside, Fabian was blinded by the harsh sunlight.

He moaned and gurgled in his stunned state. Pain shot up his whole body like fire. It made him dizzy and reel. The agony had faded to a dull throb. Fabian fought to stay awake, but the endless suffering hushed him to unconsciousness...

"But why me?" he thought to himself...


Fabian Diya regained consciousness and heard a hushed conversation. He was lying down on a cold, metal surface. His arms and legs were bruised and locked in place by chains. He felt a large presence surrounding and staring at him. There was at least eight people in the room he was being held captive. He contemplated about what he should do next. But he ultimately decided to stay still and listen quietly to what his kidnappers were saying.

"Is everyone ready?" The voice of an old man had a strong presence. The hushed talking immediately stopped when the old man spoke. The room went silence for the next couple of seconds. Fabian only heard the sound of his racing heartbeats.

"Yes..." Everyone replied in unison, a few shuffling into a different position. Fabian heard the nervousness in everyone's voice He couldn't control the rage building up inside of him. He felt foolish for falling for the same thing twice.

'I got a second chance to live... and I wasted it' he thought, bitterly.

"What did that innocent child do to deserve his upcoming torture?!" The voice of a strong presence rivalling that of the old man echoed throughout the room, silencing everyone once more.

"Calm down, David! We are carrying the Augmentation Experiment for the benefit of humanity. Everyone else agrees that one life should be sacrificed for the sake of billions of people..." came the voice of the old man. His statement got the others cheering and clapping.

Fabian heard a fist slamming into a wall...

"He's awake!" Fabian heard the voice of a woman scream. He opened his eyes and saw the nervous glances being exchanged. His blood boiled when he saw the guilty faces. As he predicted, there were nine men and women wearing lab coats and goggles encircling him. The old man held a syringe in one hand and a strange cloth in the other.

"He isn't supposed to be awake yet!" The old man shouted, towering over Fabian. "Aman, how many doses did you give him?" he asked.

"Five doses as you instructed, sir!" replied Aman.

The old man had a confused expression on his face, but it quickly transformed into a serious one as two scientists held Fabian's head down on both sides while the old man covered the boy's face with the cloth. Fabian the cloth had been drugged but he realized too late.

"Prepare to insert the final product!" the leading scientist shouted. It was the last thing Fabian heard before he fell into darkness...

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]


"Goodbye, David..."


Fabian Diya woke up and saw the string of notifications on the bottom right-hand corner of his screen.

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]

[Resistance to unknown substance +1]

He pushed himself up into a sitting position with great difficult. His arms were weak and his head was throbbing. "What is going on?" he whispered, looking at the unfamiliar surrounding. Terror struck when he noticed the dead bodies lying on the floor. "But more importantly... Why am I awake?!"

"What the F*CK?!"


He froze when he heard the strange noise. His eyes darted to the area where he heard the disturbing sound. To his horror, a row of strange humanoids came out of the darkness. They were slowly staggering towards him. Fabian saw their blank, soulless, green eyes, no longer possessing the ability to see the difference between the living and the dead. They only wanted to consume...


They had dark green skin and their hair was an unnatural shade of lustrous black. Their mouths were bloody and distorted. Fabian could see their skeleton through the thin layer of skin as the creatures got closer and closer.

Upon seeing the creatures, Fabian felt as if his heart and mind stopped working. He struggled and tried, but he couldn't get his weakened muscles to move. "I refuse to die like this..." he whispered after closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe.

"Did you hear me?! I refuse to die like this!"

[Hidden Power initiated]