
Are You Crying for Me?

Before becoming the main god of quick transmigration, Chu Jiuning was a member of the national artistic gymnastics team, specializing in playing balls.

Little Snowman: Yes, Master, you are also a professional in playing balls!

At this moment, Chu Jiuning really wanted to grab Little Snowman and beat it.

After watching, the two little Pixiu also wanted to join in the ball game, so Chu Jiuning had no choice but to engage in a water balloon fight with them.

As Yue An watched this human and two beasts, an indescribable sense of melancholy filled his heart.

Tomorrow, she would return to the First Immortal Sect. After that, the mountains would be high and the waters vast.

If she had a conscience, she would visit him once when she thought of him. If she had no conscience, they would never meet again in this lifetime.

On the way back, when Chu Jiuning heard him say that, she couldn’t help but frown and ask, “Then why can’t the teacher think of me and come to the First Immortal Sect to see me? Do you have to wait for me to come and see you? Are you too old to walk?”

Yue An suddenly stopped in his tracks, looked at her, and replied stubbornly, “Are you even worthy?” After saying that, he walked away quickly.

Chu Jiuning watched his departing figure and muttered, “Hmph, I don’t even care if he comes to see me. Just wait until I complete Chu Jiuning mission, then you won’t be able to see even if you want to.”

After Yue An left her alone, Chu Jiuning didn’t know where he went. Anyway, she didn’t see him when she returned to the Dragon Palace.

After waiting for a while, she thought, why not take this opportunity to visit Yue Chi? She still owed him an apology.

With her decision made, she avoided the shrimp soldiers and crab generals and arrived at the deepest part of the sea.

With a complex and heavy heart, she walked step by step towards the ice bed, gazing at that familiar and exquisite face, feeling overwhelmed with guilt and remorse.

Her eyes turned red, tears welling up as she finally uttered the words she had once been unable to say. “Chi, I’m sorry…”

Hot tears streamed down her face, and at that moment, she seemed to suddenly understand the meaning behind her return by fate.

Memories of the past flooded her mind, and she couldn’t help but cover her face and cry in pain.

She used to tell herself to never look back, never stop and think, just keep moving forward no matter what happened!

Only by reaching the end would she find the other shore, and only then could she look back at the path she had walked without being trapped in one place.

Just like this belief had always supported her in pushing forward, enabling her to successfully complete eight missions.

However, she forgot that life could never be smooth sailing forever, so when she learned that the nine worlds had suddenly merged, she truly panicked.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt less confused, understanding dawned upon her.

This was fate giving her a chance to repent and atone. “Are you crying for me?”

Suddenly, an ethereal voice gently asked. Chu Jiuning’s blood froze in her veins, that voice… She tremblingly removed her hands from her face, revealing tear-filled eyes, and was greatly shocked as she met a pair of gentle eyes.

At that moment, tears flowed even more, like a broken string of beads.

Yue Chi’s eyes held a hint of confusion, “Who are you? Why are you crying for me?”

Chu Jiuning bit her lip tightly, took two steps back slowly, and turned to run, but she encountered Xuanji rushing towards her. When Xuanji saw her, her eyes were also filled with astonishment.

The two of them didn’t say anything, silently passing by each other.

Chu Jiuning returned to her room to prepare to take the two little Pixiu and leave.

Yue Chi had awakened, so she had to leave quickly.

But after searching the room thoroughly, she couldn’t find the two little Pixiu anywhere. Helplessly, she had no choice but to go out and search.

As she searched and asked the patrolling shrimp soldiers and crab generals, she learned that the two little Pixiu seemed to be with Yue An.

She couldn’t help but rub her temples in frustration. Should she just abandon them? No, she had promised Xiu’er to take good care of the two little guys. It wouldn’t be right to do that.

There was no other way, even if she had to face it with a brave face. So, she cautiously observed from behind a large pillar.

Suddenly, someone tapped her from behind. She turned around and saw that it was Yue An, with the two little Pixiu sitting on his shoulders.

A radiant joy was evident on his handsome face. “Xiao Xue, where did you just go? I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

What a coincidence, she was also looking for him. She first hugged the two little Pixiu in her arms, “Teacher, I came to bid you farewell. I’m ready to return to the First Immortal Sect now.”

Upon hearing that she was going back to the First Immortal Sect immediately, the smile on his face froze.

But at this moment, she just wanted to leave as soon as possible, so she smiled at him with a guilty conscience, “Teacher, I’m leaving now. If we meet again in the future, it will be fate.”

“Hold on.” He placed one hand on the pillar, blocking her way, “Xiao Xue, I have some good news to tell you.”

This good news was bad news for her. Besides, she had known it for a long time.

Nevertheless, she smiled and cooperatively asked, “What is the good news?”

“My brother has awakened!” She could tell that Yue An was genuinely happy, his eyes filled with joy.

She nodded with a smile, playing along, “Wow! That’s great, God bless him!”

Yue An also nodded with a smile, “In that case, why don’t you stay for another month?”


Chu Jiuning looked at him with a bitter smile, “This… this… isn’t appropriate. I… I have already troubled you for a long time, and I have been out for so long, I should go back to the First Immortal Sect to report to the Sect Master and the Grand Elders…”

After speaking, she prepared to slip away to the other side.

Yue An once again reached out to stop her, and Chu Jiuning pressed her back tightly against the pillar, pursing her lips as she looked at Yue An, who held her captive in his embrace, unable to help but gulp nervously.

Damn it! Little Snowman, does he know that I am the real Chu Jiuning?

Little Snowman: Master, calm down, don’t scare yourself!

Calm down! Can’t you see that he’s acting strangely?

Little Snowman rolled its eyes. Master, did you just notice his abnormal behavior today? He has been acting strangely for quite some time. Master, if you don’t need your eyes, you can donate them!

Chu Jiuning was not in the mood to argue with the system right now. She was extremely anxious, but maintained a calm expression on her face as she asked:

“What does Teacher mean by this?”

Yue An lowered his gaze and looked at her, “Xiao Xue, you don’t need to rush back to the First Immortal Sect, because once the various clans learn that my brother has awakened, they will naturally come to congratulate him. At that time, the First Immortal Sect and the Wolf Clan will definitely come as well.”

Chu Jiuning forced a smile, “It’s different. If I go back on my own, it’s completely different from them coming to see me!”

He raised an eyebrow lightly, “How is it different? Are you worried that Lord Jun Xu will expel you from the First Immortal Sect? It’s okay, then you can join my Sea Clan. I will never let you suffer even the slightest grievance.”

Chu Jiuning felt that she and him were not on the same wavelength at all, so she could only pretend to agree, “Teacher makes a valid point, then I will trouble you for a while longer.”

Upon hearing her words, Yue An finally released his grip on her arms.

“Let’s go to see my brother together.”

Chu Jiuning’s mouth twitched. Could she say no?