

Synopsis: A young man along with everyone between 18-28 is reincarnated into a fantasy world with kingdoms and a system, however they are told that they are entertainment for higher beings who might reward them for conquering the other player’s territory. But our protagonist is given a territory, however he is given a unique skill that more than makes up for it.

multiverse_theory · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Yumi Pov

I swallowed hard, trying to calm myself, how? How did he find out? Did he notice something? No it doesn't matter, I am his subordinate now so I have no reason to hide anything I don't feel the need to, so I deactivated my mimicry skill that allowed me to take the appearance of anyone I have met throughout my life, my appearance shimmers slightly as my long light brown hair flows down to my lower back as my ample chest revealed its self to the world,

than my face lost its sharp angel as a my soft features along with my purple eyes shone through, complimented by by red lipstick, than my hips gained a more hourglass shaped figure as my toned muscular legs flexd prold with my rather large bottom. On top of it all wa a lightly sexualized armor with plating om my shoulders,my neck,my hips,and my knees down to my shins.

I exhaled feeling using it as an excuse to quickly obseve what I can only presume is my new 'boss', and I was actually impressed, as the only indication of a reaction from him was his crimson eyes narrowing slightly.after I finished my small analysis of I answered him

" Yes, that is my name, I have a uniqe skill called total mimicry that allows me to copy the appearance and abilities of anyone and anything I have interacted with throughout my life, however the only limit to my skill is that I cant mimic anything that is 10 levels higher than me"

I paued gauging his reaction, and the slight twitch in his lip was the hint I needed to know that he knew something that I didn't, but I diecied to get to the point" I don't care too much about losing my territory if you promise to do better,but I wont serve someone who has selfish objectives " I frimly said,

Laying my trap infront of him, and his answer might get him my loyalty and a bit of my respect or I will plunge my own sword through my chest.

3rd pov

Tokui was slightly surprised by how powerful her uniqe skill is, but he was not surpised by the cap placed on it, since its such a powerful especially in the right hands' well it is already in the right hands it just needs to learn just how powerful it accutally is,he also saw the trap she put infront of him but he had no plans that go against her conditons,"don't worry Yumi, outside of surviving and figuring why we are really here, there isn't much else to focus on. So will you be my first general Yumi?" I said as I walked close to her and stretched out my hand her to her.

Yumi who had her head down raised it up and looked him deep in the eyes and proclaim" I Yumi Yamikura accept, and as long as my heart beats, your enemy is my enemy, your ally is my ally.my uniqe skill is mimicry and my passive skills are counter clockwise,and monster summon from B+-rank to L-rank" than she metrialized a silver sword and shield in both arms as she presented the sword to Tokui to what he assumed is to knight her,as she than got onto one knee with her head down as Tokui knighted her as she rose up and accepted her weapon back with a slight smilr on her face.

Tokui than noticed that the residents of his new territory were all women who atleast had the appearce and skill of the average man in the same role,so he asked Yumi about it and she simply answered " well the summoning conditions for my passive is that they must all be women, which probably applies the same type of condition to other players. Though my skill gives me one free summon perday, but I traded it in with the system to summon the villagers instead "

Tokui simply nodded processing the information, than he simply spoke up " we'll talk more about it later, but foe now lets upgrade the territory first", Yumi nods in agrrement.

[ would you liker to restore the terrioty for free? ]

"yes"Tokui simply answered

[ congradulations you haver stored the territory! Would you like to upgrade the terrtitory?would you like to upgrade your terrirtory?]

"yes upgrade to level 10"Tokui answered again

[congradulations!player you have upgraded your territiory to level10!

ALERT!player is the first to upagrade territory to level 10!

Assigned Bonus:resource gathering increased by 50%,animal respon time reduced by 50%,civilian gifted increased defense buff,+ 500 reasurces.

ALERT!players territory has been ascended to tier1 medival territory!]

Just than the entire territory started to ripple and change,than when the ripple stop the entire territory looked completely different,the castle had grown into small castle that would house a archduke,the village has become a vibrant town with the buildings that were made out of wood are now made out of elegantly craved stone,and the roads,paved that stretch out towards a rising wall that is atleast 8meters tall, and beyond them rolling grass lands all the way to the barely visible edge of the territory barrier.

Tokui and Yumi looked aat the changed landscape in awe and wonder before Touki said"lets go around the parameter of the territory to see whats changed and how much bigger the territory is now."to which Yumi nodded in agreement and were about to start exploring befor Tokui spoke up" oh, I almost forgot my name is Tokui-ten,no last name ,I also go by the alias outsider when I commission books " before walking on and leaving an shocked Yumi who just realized that her favourite author is now her general,only to just than notice Tokui now far ahead of her as she scrambles to catch up to him while making a grocery lists length of questions.


While Tokui was putting distance between him and Yumi he decided to lookat the notifications he missed.

[ player can now continue evolution, it will resume while player falls asleep ( length:2 hour due to speed bonus)

Yumi is promoted from slave to genral! Now player can view all stats


Name: Yumi Yamikura

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Unique Skill: Total Mimicry

Passive: Counter Clockwise (allows Yumi to rewind an attack to before it was launched), Monster Summon (B+-rank to L-rank) *Both can be upgraded*

Level: 25/100(100 is low tier superhuman, 1000 is pinnacle of superhuman)

Strength: 200

Speed: 200

Durability: 150

Dexterity: 200

Magic: 300

Mastery: 25%

Status points: 1000

Skills: None]

Tokui was surprised by just how big the gap is between him and the other players, and he wondered just how powerful he will become when he will become when he will fully evolves, he then put away the panel as Yumi finally caught up to him with a slight huff in her breath, Tokui shot her a smile which got him an eye roll in return which made him laugh lightly as they continued to explore the territory.

After a while they returned to the castle as the Victorian interior welcomed with a warm yet enthrall feeling, they entered the living area and sat next to a magically during fire that warms the entire room, no matter the weather,they sat down as they decided to discuss how they will manage the territory.

Tokui first spoke up" alright we have more than 50square kilometers on land in the territoryans the capital only utilizes 20-25% of it, before I give my two cents what do you tink we should do?" Tokui looked at Yumi waiting for her answer to ubderstand how she thinks about thingsand how he can better utilize her talents in the territory and in battle.

Yumi curtly answered" I think we should isolate the grazing animals into a specific area so we can manage their numbers while using the meat,skin, and bones of the animals,secondly I also think we should isolate their natural predators to guard the lake and thick forest so they can defend it, and lastly we set multi layered traps to slowdown any potential invaders.",Tokui nodded at her intelligent decesions that would be perfect for any territory big and small,but he has some more solid solutions that can help in the long term as he spoke up again,

"I agree with your idea, however I want to make some modifications to it,first I approve with managing the grazing beasts the way you pruposed,secondly I am okay with usung the pradetors that way,but I want to use my elemental golems to also defend the lake and forest along with the grazing beasts and the parameter of the wall surrounding the capital,so? What do you think?"

" well I didn't know you had such a skill, but yes I agree it will be very useful in the long run since we can rplace unlike our limited force, and might give us he edge aginst other players"Yumi replied understanding that his skill that almost took away her feet would be useful when used on this large scale.

Tokui clped his hands with a light sigh " alright now that its been concluded,lets get some restfor tonight than I will use my free summoning ticket while you summon monsters before we put the plan into action, oh and I might look different in the moring as I will finish my evolution okay? Night Yumi."as he left swiftly to the master bedroom leaving a confused yumi who went to one of the other bedrooms in the castle.

Tokui collapsed onto the king sized bed that was more comfortable than anything he has ever slept on in his entire life, he than rolled over laying his back against the bed as the commanded the system"system complete evolution" as he fell asleep,the last thing he hears is

[completing the evolution of the Gold killer dragon bloodline]

Time Skip

In the courtyard behind the castle Yumi was gawking at the sudden chage of appearance that had occurred with Tokui, his hair is a fine golden clolor, and his horns have become a shade of gold that would make one think it was made out of gold before being placed on his head like a crown, and his eyes are now a bright grey that emit wisdom" I knew that you would look different, but this makes you look like a completely different person!" Yumi exclaimed as she tried to wrap her head around the drastic change that she had just witnessed.

"don't worry Yumi this is what I was suppssed to look like,so lets get to summoning, I will go first"Tokui said as golden dust gathered into is hand that took the shape of a gold card, than suddenly a large magic circle appeared in front of Tokui as it switched through a variety of colors.

Than Tokui than dropped the card into the circle as it suddenly realesed a pillar of bright light that died down as suddenly as it appeared revealing a beautiful woman who coundnt be described as human,her sakura leaf pink hair that is tied into a neat bun with some curls reaching her neck,her eyes shine a dreamy color, having a mixed amount of pink,green,and grey that can only be truly appreciated by lucid dramers,her eyes are complemented by her light pink lips,

Her one piece body fully shows off her body, from her ample cleavage and wide hips that expose two wings that rather than the normal type, her wings are cosmic wings that has stars spread beautifully, she than looked at Tokui in the eye, than she suddenly kneeled down with her head bowed down low and spoke in alluring but fanatical voice "My lord! My name is Scarlet and I am a dream Succubus".