
I come from crossing over

Centered around Eliza's adjustment, development, and her romantic relationship with Alexander, subsidiary plotlines include Peter's commercial conflict, Sarah's tale of time travel, and various standalone stories of other inhabitants within Newport City.

zhenjun_lv · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows of Dual Worlds

Elixa and Sarah sat in a quaint, book-filled café in the city of New Haven, facing a seemingly conservative middle-aged man who was none other than Professor Jones, a mysterious scholar specializing in parallel world theories. Holding a stack of documents in his hand, Professor Jones's gaze was stern yet expectant.

"What I possess," began Professor Jones, clearing his throat, "is evidence indicating that forces within parallel worlds are attempting to connect and possibly control other worlds. These powers are advanced and perilous; they might be searching for individuals like yourselves who have crossed the threshold."

Exchanging a concerned glance, Elixa and Sarah pondered deeply over this information, their unease intensifying. The professor's words reminded them that their journey across worlds was far more intricate than they had initially imagined.

Meanwhile, Alexander and a hacker known as 'Zero' were huddled in a secretive room, eyes fixed on screens, rapidly scouring for information about parallel worlds. They deftly evaded Peter's surveillance network, seeking to uncover connections between Peter and these parallel realms.

Unbeknownst to them, Peter had caught wind of Elixa's plan to find a new base and began orchestrating moves to exploit her connection with the parallel worlds to advance his own interests. His ambitions gradually surfaced, escalating the situation to a new climax.

In preparation to counter the impending threats, Elixa's team planned to relocate to a secure location. This process tested and even strengthened the bonds among team members. Elixa's leadership skills and decisiveness significantly improved, while the team's unity grew stronger.

During this time, they encountered an enthusiastic historian named Mark Wilson. His profound interest in temporal portals facilitated his seamless integration into Elixa's team. Mark contributed unique historical insights, revealing secrets hidden within the ancient architecture of New Haven.

Suddenly, an agent from a parallel world appeared. Calling himself 'Evan', the man demonstrated technology surpassing that of their current world. His arrival confirmed that the conflict between the two worlds was imminent, placing unprecedented pressure upon Elixa's team.

As the situation grew increasingly complex, Elixa convened an emergency meeting with her team. She openly shared her concerns but also emphasized the strength and solidarity of their group. "We're facing unprecedented challenges, but I firmly believe that there is nothing we cannot overcome if we stand united."

Just as Elixa led her team towards newfound hope, a series of clues led them to an ancient building in New Haven. Deep within its forgotten walls, they discovered a novel portal device, seemingly key to connecting the parallel worlds.

Standing before the newfound portal device, Elixa felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Taking a deep breath, she turned to her team, her eyes shining with determination. "This is a new beginning. We are about to embark on another journey. Are you ready?"

Alexander clasped Elixa's hand tightly, while Sarah, Mark, and the rest of the team displayed resolute expressions. They understood that a grand adventure spanning worlds was about to unfold.