
I come from crossing over

Centered around Eliza's adjustment, development, and her romantic relationship with Alexander, subsidiary plotlines include Peter's commercial conflict, Sarah's tale of time travel, and various standalone stories of other inhabitants within Newport City.

zhenjun_lv · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Undercurrents

The night was as dark as ink, yet the streets of New Harbor City were illuminated like scattered stars. Eliza stood on the top floor balcony of a towering building, gazing at the city's nocturnal vista, forming a stark contrast against the indoor lights behind her.

An atmosphere pregnant with tension and anticipation hung in the air—she knew that she and her team were teetering on the brink of a pivotal moment.

"Eliza, the equipment is ready," Alexander whispered from behind, his voice tinged with an almost imperceptible excitement. Despite the gravity of the situation, he remained composed, offering Eliza his unwavering support.

Eliza turned around, her gaze resolute, "Let's begin."

At her signal, the team members swiftly assembled, each executing their respective duties. Hackers and newfound allies huddled around a large table brimming with electronic devices, eyes locked onto screens displaying flickering data while fingers danced deftly across keyboards.

"We need to ensure every step is precise," Eliza said, standing before the apparatus, observing quietly. She knew this could be their best chance to turn the tide.

Alexander meticulously checked every interface of the device beside her, his gaze intent and determined. As the core member of the team, he understood the weight of his responsibility. "Everything has been checked; everything proceeds according to plan," he finally reported to Eliza.

Sarah, meanwhile, was conferring with a new ally about final adjustments. This ally was a tech genius who, after days of tireless work, had finally rendered the device capable of jamming the communication of the parallel world agents.

Sarah's face bore a tense but expectant expression, aware of what success meant for the entire team.

Suddenly, a cold voice shattered the quiet concentration, "Do you really think you can escape from my men?" Peter's voice emanated from the darkness, laced with a menacing threat.

Eliza turned to face the enemy they had been striving to avoid direct confrontation with. Peter stood there with several burly men behind him. "We're not escaping; we're preparing," Eliza responded calmly and firmly.

Peter snorted derisively, "Preparing? I'll see how you bunch of orphans and widows stand up against me."

Just then, Alexander pressed the activation button on the device. The warehouse suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a powerful electromagnetic wave enveloped the space within seconds. Peter and his men found themselves trapped in an invisible force field, unable to move in terror.

"This is the consequence of underestimating us," Alexander stated coolly, leaving no room for mockery from Peter.

During this time, Sarah and the new ally seized the opportunity to quickly operate, using it to transmit critical information to their contact, successfully executing their plan—destroying a vital supply base for the parallel world agents.

Peter faced the scene, filled with anger and frustration. He never expected Eliza and her team to achieve such a feat. "This won't be our last showdown," he growled through gritted teeth.

Eliza approached Peter, her gaze unflinching and fearless. "Indeed, but whatever means you take, we will face them bravely."

Peter retreated, leaving Eliza and her team in the warehouse, yet their eyes glowed with the triumph of victory and hope for the future.

The night remained. Over New Harbor City, countless stars twinkled, seemingly paying homage to them.

Eliza and her team, much like the stars in the night sky, continued to shine and radiate heat even amidst the darkest nights. Amidst the surging undercurrents, they stood united, fighting for peace in both worlds.

On this very night, they planned to use their newly developed device to disrupt the communication system of the parallel world agents, laying the groundwork for their next major operation.

This device was the collaborative achievement of Eliza's team and their new allies, capable of creating a small-scale communications blackout zone within a short period, thereby hindering the agents' information exchange.

Sarah returned with crucial news during this process. Her impressive performance at social gatherings not only caught Peter's attention but also successfully revealed his next move.

"They've caught on," Sarah sat down next to Eliza, her expression grave, "Peter is intensifying his background check on you; they are starting to doubt our capabilities."

"Don't worry," Eliza replied calmly, her eyes sparkling with wisdom, "We have our strategies in place."

At the dinner party, Eliza engaged Peter in a psychological chess match. Through clever conversation, she skillfully steered topics, revealing just enough information to make Peter feel he held the upper hand, all the while leading him into the trap she had set.

As the dinner concluded, Peter left the scene confidently, unaware that Eliza and her team exchanged a knowing smile behind his back.

They understood that tonight's battle, although largely mental, had gained them precious time and space. In the midst of the tumultuous undercurrents, they were now prepared to face the approaching storm.

Back in the safehouse, Eliza stood by the window, staring at the twinkling stars in the night sky. She knew that the contest spanning two worlds had only just begun. Each star seemed to remind her that though the path ahead was filled with unknowns, nothing was insurmountable if they held steadfast to their convictions.

"No matter how uncertain the path ahead may be, we will face it together," was her silent vow and the promise she bestowed upon every team member.