
I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance): Book 1 & 2

(Please note that this book is currently unedited) Vol 1~ I Choose You. (Completed) 'No matter what, No matter the time, No matter the place, No matter the century, No matter what's to come, I. will always. CHOOSE. YOU'. Everyone saw her as crazy..... But he saw her as nothing less than perfection. ................... Blurb: "Why?" was the only thing he said. Confused I asked "Why what?" "Why do you always do this to yourself?" the tone in which he spoke almost seemed like he was heartbroken about something. "Do what?" I dared to ask, although I knew already within me I wouldn't like his response. "Conceal your worth" ....................... *Btw book 1 is completely free to read* ....................... Vol 2~ No Matter What. (Completed) Blurb: As I gazed up to him because of how tall he was, he stared right back at me. I could feel the heat not only on my cheeks but on every single part of my body. "Say those words Rica. Say those two little words and I will make that little fantasy in your pretty head into reality" I gulped. Gone was the playful smirk that was once residing on his face. The intense look in his eyes now replaced that. With the little courage I could muster I whispered "Kiss me" A broad smile immediately streched out on his face. He didn't even wait a second before he swiftly complied to my request. ................ After two long years, the heir to the Zora enterprise is finally back. Why is he back after so long? But most importantly, why did he leave in the first place? Join Dili and Rica once again in their ever blissful rollercoaster of emotions. Will Rica be able to forgive Dili for leaving? After all he was the same person that promised he would never leave her all alone. Drama, love, pain, secrets, new characters and also maybe the jiggling of wedding bells? Book 2 most definitely has it all. ................ If you like this small insight of the story then please read on. The only thing I can guarantee you in this story is that it will definitely have a happy ending although for the two characters Rica and Dili to achieve that, they would have too pass through many difficult obstacles on their way to happiness. And trust me this isn't your normal Teenage story that is filled with rainbows and sunshine,(probably seems way too cliché writing this but ehn) there are a lot of gloomy days. If you don't mind that then please by all means do read on. .................. DISCLAIMER!: Note, this is a pure work of fiction. An original story by me. Names, events and places are plainly fictional. But any place, name or event that actually exist in the real world that is mentioned in this story, is solely used in a form of fiction. Any resemblance to a real life event, is purely coincidental. Cover art belongs to the respective owner. Discord: Zanyyy #5284 Instagram: _zan_yyy_ Buy me coffee? https://ko-fi.com/Zanyyy

Zanyyy · Teen
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110 Chs

Where you here the whole time?


"Rica" Mrs Adenike called my name once more. A disappointed look on her face. God this was not looking good.

Everyone in the class was staring at me. Judging looks all spotted on their faces. Whispers everywhere in the air. This was definitely not looking good. I know I didn't do it, but they all didn't know that. And I'm very sure they won't be too kin on caring if I was actually the one or not.

I could see Runke who was unfortunately had the seat by my side, laughing lightly. Of course, who else would have been able to slip the phone in my bag if not her. Adaeze was still standing by the class entrance door smirking widely at me. I knew I was in deep trouble by this point in time.

"I didn't do it" I muttered out. My throat began to feel scratchy. No, tears not now please.

I knew my words only wasn't enough prove that I didn't infact do it. I had to think fast.

"But the phone was indeed found in your bag pack, and no one else's. I really don't know what you want me to do Rica" Mrs Adenike said in a sad tone. I swallowed a little.

At this point my mind started wandering to one person and one person alone, Dili. for the past months, when I was always in trouble or when any obstacle ever presented themselves to me, he was always there. But now he wasn't, I'm sure he was still in the hospital aiding to his mom. So what exactly was I going to do?

No, I can do this. I can. I'm not the old Rica anymore, I'm not.

I could still feel every gaze solely on me. It was nerve wrecking but I still had to prove my innocence.

"I didn't do it" I repeated. But this time much firmly.

"Can you prove it dear?" See why I loved this woman. She was just always kind.

"Yes" At my words I saw Adaeze look a me strangely. I'm pretty sure that what was on her mind was, 'what is this girl up to now'. It made me glad that I kept her on edge.

"First of all, I haven't left my seat since I came to school today, talkless of have I been to the staff room today sef. And if you really think about it clearly, why on Earth will I steal a teacher's phone? Their are a lot of wealthy people in this school so no student will have any reason to steal a staffs phone" I finished in one breath. I honestly didn't want to bring up my wealth or anything of that sort, but desperate times calls for desperate measures right? Well I guess so.

"So your conclusion is?" As Mrs Adenike asked I spotted a proud look on her face. Although she did try to hide it well.

Before I answered her, I turned my gaze to Adaeze who was still standing at the same spot. Then I did something that she least expected. I gave her my widest smirk "I was obviously framed for a reason I don't know. You can check the schools video camera to confirm what I had just said. Afterall the school placed video cameras everywhere for a reason" It seemed like Adaeze didn't think that far as her eyes automatically widened when my words finally dawned on her.

"That's Okay. You can go Rica. Enjoy your break" I threw a smile to my loving biology teacher and stood up with my bag after I had arranged it.

As I walked I could see all my classmates looking at me with slacked jaws. On reaching the entrance to the class I whispered very low to Adaeze.

"I guess I was the one that got the last laugh after all, Ada" As the familiar nickname I used to call her in the past slipped out, I swear to God I saw sweat drip down the side of her head. Normally the old me would have felt a little bad, but thank God that was the old me. The new Rica didn't one bit.

After that I walked past her. Surprisingly, the next thing I saw was a grinning Dili. He was standing not too far from the class entrance. I thought he was in the hospital?

"Where you here the whole time?" I asked as soon as I got to him.

"Yup, from the very beginning" he admitted. "And trust me, I wanted to come in ehn, but I wanted to see how you would take care of the situation. And let me just tell you Rica, you did absolutely beautifully" I was not expecting what he did next. He came, much closer to me and pecked me quickly on the forehead.

I felt shy after that, but I still managed to mumble out.

"Thank you Dili"

"For what?" he asked in confusion.

Grinning brightly I responded "For believing in me"

So the next chapter will be the last chapter for book 1. I will post it latest tomorrow ❤️

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