
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 82 Finally Goes Bald!

Chapter 82 Finally Goes Bald!

Vice Principal Zhang.

Finally, he did something that everyone would be pleased to hear! If Lu Yong could graduate smoothly from Wu University without having to participate in future secret realm adventures, it would undoubtedly be a great thing.

The value of a Wu University diploma is still very high.

With this diploma, Lu Yong will have great help no matter what he does in the future!

So, upon hearing Vice Principal Zhang's words, Lu Yong was suddenly overjoyed and excitedly said, "Thank you, Principal!"

This matter.

Was settled like this.

A moment later.

Zhao Huanhuan returned to the crowd.

This girl's personality, and her appearance, are completely different directions.

Upon meeting, she bowed to everyone, politely saying, "Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused you."

At least this attitude made everyone very satisfied.


She individually bowed to Lu Yong again, "Brother Lu Yong, thank you very much for your modesty. I owe you a big favor. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, feel free to come to me anytime. I will definitely not refuse to help if I can."


Zhao Huanhuan already knew the ins and outs of the matter.

Lu Yong didn't expect such an unexpected gain, and happily joked, "Student Zhao Huanhuan, I suggest you transfer to our Wu University!"

Vice Principal Zhang, who was in the midst of handing over with Principal Jin, heard this and his eyes suddenly lit up...

While Principal Jin's face changed drastically, he quickly said, "This student Lu Yong! Please don't make such jokes!"

He suddenly regretted forcibly sending Zhao Huanhuan to Tang Zichen's team.

If Zhao Huanhuan really had the idea of transferring, he couldn't stop her.

Talents like her are sought after by every school!


Zhao Huanhuan stayed at Wu University.

She will return to Jin University after finishing the third secret realm.

The next day.

The six members of the team gathered together for the first time.

From today onwards, they will train together.

This was requested by Old Liu.

The purpose is to allow them to get used to each other in advance so that they can cooperate better when they enter the third secret realm.

For this reason, the school specially vacated a training room for them.

When they move to the Magic City in two days, there will be an even larger training room waiting for them.

First gathering.

Everyone's gaze turned to Tang Zichen.

Because in their minds, Tang Zichen is the strongest and has achieved the most, so naturally they would follow Tang Zichen's lead.


Tang Zichen pointed at Chen Ye as soon as he came up, "Don't look at me, I've always followed his orders to get the extra rewards."

Everyone was stunned, looking surprised at Chen Ye.

That Zhao Huanhuan, very curiously scrutinized Chen Ye.

Chen Ye didn't pretend to be humble.

Because, when they enter the secret realm, they really have to rely on him to judge the situation.

"I don't have any special requirements. Let's just do as we did before and gather together more often in normal times."

Two days later.

The move officially began.

To cooperate with Wu University's return to the Magic City, the authorities directly sent a transport plane and even dispatched a guard team to ensure the safe return of Wu University's pride back to the Magic City.

After arriving in the Magic City.

Everyone was assigned to well-decorated independent dormitories, fully furnished and very convenient.

Chen Ye looked at the spotless new dormitory and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the correct way to open a prestigious school! It's just that, the promised visit from President Lu did not happen. It was said that President Lu had urgent matters and went to the capital.

This President Lu is indeed busy, appearing and disappearing like a dragon, usually unseen.

That night, the school also held a party specially for the students, as compensation for the freshmen's welcome ceremony.

Many seniors came.

Chen Ye noticed that the older the seniors, the fewer in number.

There were only seven seniors in their fourth year...

Of course, not all other students died in the secret realm.

Those who feel they can't persist, don't want to venture into the secret realm again, or have reached a bottleneck in their strength and are not sure about challenging the next level of the secret realm, can choose to drop out halfway and enter society early.

Wu University's requirement is to go to the secret realm at least three times a year.

Those who fail to meet the requirements and don't want to go to the secret realm can choose to drop out.

So, every year, there are actually very few graduates from Wu University.

Those like Lu Yong who are given privileges are very lucky.

The last time he showed modesty, Lu Yong definitely gained a lot.

And those who can become fourth-year seniors are all strong! Judging from their comprehensive strength, they are at least starting from the fourth rank.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

Another month has passed.

The opening time of Secret Realm No. 3 is getting closer...

This morning.

Chen Ye, who had just finished sleeping in, lay on the big bed in the dormitory and opened his attribute panel:

Name: Chen Ye.

Constitution: 867.

Spirit: 321.

Strength: 869.

Agility: 869.

Talent: Saitama Constitution.

Assignable Potential: 0.

This is Chen Ye's current attributes.

Absolutely explosive!

Mainly because it's hot now, Chen Ye doesn't turn on the air conditioner after exercising every day, so each attribute can increase by 7 points. After a month, each attribute has increased by 210 points, totaling 630 points when combined!

Such attribute points are already unattainable for many with poor talents.

Chen Ye can easily obtain them as long as he exercises lightly for a month.

Really... blissful!

He clenched his fists.

Feeling the explosive power in his body.

Chen Ye was very satisfied.

He felt that if he were to test his strength now, he would definitely reach the fifth rank.

The only dissatisfaction was his hair, which was getting thinner and thinner.

Upon careful observation, his scalp could be seen.


Today, Chen Ye finally made up his mind to shave his head.

He had the razor ready.

After getting up, Chen Ye went straight to it.

Shaving his head was relatively simple, no need to go to a barber shop, he could do it himself.

Ten minutes later.

A shiny bald head made its grand debut!!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Ye suddenly realized that after shaving his head, he actually looked somewhat like the Baldheaded Strong from One Punch Man.

It's the serious kind of resemblance!

At lunchtime.

Chen Ye walked into the cafeteria and immediately attracted the attention of many students.

Zhao Zheng and others were all surprised when they saw Chen Ye's bald head.

"Chen Ye, where's your hair?"

"I've been losing hair quite a bit recently, so I just shaved it off." Chen Ye said helplessly.

Cao Yu laughed, "Not bad, quite handsome! You have the air of a monk with a shaved head!"

Chen Ye was speechless, "You're quite the describer."

"A monk with a shaved head?" Ren Qianqian asked curiously, "Why haven't I heard of a monk with that name? Is he powerful?"

"Haha, of course he's powerful!" Cao Yu laughed loudly, "His spear skills are extraordinary, and no seductive vixen can match him!"

Ren Qianqian wanted to ask more but was stopped by Zhao Huanhuan, "Qianqian, stay away from these bad guys."

Over the course of a month.

They often trained together, and they had become very familiar with each other.

In terms of age calculated by months, Ren Qianqian was the youngest among them, followed by Zhao Huanhuan.

As they chatted and ate.


At the table next to them, a boy stared at his phone and exclaimed, "Holy crap!! Look at the hot search list... The presence of Elemental Demons has been discovered within our country's borders? This is the first time I've heard of it. Can there really be such monsters?"

Hearing this.

Chen Ye's face sank!

(End of this chapter)

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