
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 80: Boss Takes the Lead, Get on Board Quickly!

Chapter 80: Boss Takes the Lead, Get on Board Quickly!

After introducing the more formidable monsters, Old Liu proceeded to introduce some weaker ones, advising everyone that if they happened to encounter them, they should just pick one with their eyes closed.

"Regarding the monsters in Secret Realm No. 3, I can only introduce this much to you. Whether you encounter them or not depends on your luck."

Upon hearing this, the students nodded silently, taking note of what Old Liu had just said.

As Old Liu mentioned earlier, the five types of monsters encountered in Secret Realm No. 3 would vary among individuals, with very little chance of repetition.

In other words, the monsters Old Liu just introduced were very likely ones they wouldn't encounter.

"After talking about the monsters, I have good news to share with you all!"

Old Liu suddenly smiled and said, "Perhaps due to the high uncertainty, Secret Realm No. 3 allows team cooperation, with a maximum limit of six people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's spirits lifted, and they all turned their gaze towards Tang Zichen!

Every gaze was filled with intense anticipation.

Even a fool could understand what a maximum of six people meant.

It meant that this time they also had a chance to catch Tang Zichen's fast ride, led by the boss.

Including Old Liu, everyone looked eagerly at Tang Zichen.

The implication was quite clear.

They hoped Tang Zichen would step up and take some classmates along.

Perhaps feeling uncomfortable being stared at by everyone, Tang Zichen straightforwardly said, "There's no need to look at me. As long as Chen Ye agrees to take people, I have no objections."

She spoke the truth.

After all, she knew very well that it was Chen Ye who was leading her.

Between the two of them, Chen Ye had always been in charge.

Otherwise, she might not have achieved what she had now.


In the eyes of everyone else, it wasn't seen that way.

Hearing Tang Zichen's words, everyone was a bit surprised.

And then...

They worshipped Chen Ye even more!

Even for such matters, Tang Zichen had to seek Chen Ye's opinion. What did this indicate? It meant Chen Ye was truly awesome, with a skillful way of handling his wife!

Before long, the fervent gazes of everyone turned to Chen Ye.

Regardless of the situation, since Tang Zichen had spoken like that, they had to ask Chen Ye.

Some people were even thinking about what to give Chen Ye after class...


Being stared at by so many expectant eyes made Chen Ye a bit headache.

He didn't expect Tang Zichen to be so decisive in shifting the responsibility to him.

Taking classmates along was, of course, no problem for him.

Especially in a Secret Realm like this where they could choose monsters themselves, with Chen Ye's understanding of monsters, he could easily find the weakest one among the five.

By then, he could conveniently let his classmates act as cannon fodder, helping him kill monsters and gain extra rewards!

Most importantly, since the Secret Realm was promoting teamwork, there must be a reason for it.

If Chen Ye refused at this moment, it would seem like he was too petty.

After all, they were all classmates.

There was no need for that.

"Rarely do we have such a good opportunity. I warmly welcome classmates to join our team. We're all classmates, and I hope everyone can help each other out... As for specific selections, let the teacher handle it!"

He said it beautifully!


He shifted the responsibility back to Old Liu.

Whoever wanted to get on board could go find Old Liu!

Old Liu, who was forced to take the blame, wasn't unhappy at all; instead, he was very happy.

"Well said!"

Old Liu clapped happily, very satisfied with Chen Ye.

The other students were also happy. Even though many of them knew they couldn't get on board, their looks towards Chen Ye became much kinder.

Then, the students turned their gaze back to the teacher, waiting for Old Liu's decision.

Seeing so many expectant gazes, Old Liu fell into thought.

According to his thoughts, the remaining four spots should naturally go to the talented students.

Though doing so seemed biased...


As a teacher, wasn't his main duty to nurture useful talents for the country?

After a moment of consideration, Old Liu politely asked, "Chen Ye, Tang Zichen, besides you two, there are four spots left... Do you have any recommended candidates?"

Tang Zichen remained silent.

That meant no.

As the class monitor, she had always been treated specially by the school, living in a dormitory alone. Besides Chen Ye, her relationship with all her classmates was the same.

Asking her to recommend candidates, for a moment, she really didn't know who to recommend.

Chen Ye thought for a moment and said, "Teacher, I'd like to recommend two spots for Lu Yong and Zhao Zheng."

These two were his roommates.

They often helped him with breakfast and supper without any complaints.

Especially Zhao Zheng.

Chen Ye quite admired his character. He was hardworking, talented, and Chen Ye even thought about introducing him to the president as an apprentice.

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Zhao Zheng and Lu Yong immediately showed happy smiles.

Lu Yong was even so excited that his face turned red, as if he wanted to kowtow to Chen Ye right then and there!

On the platform, Old Liu paused slightly upon hearing Chen Ye's words.

He agreed with Chen Ye's recommendation for Zhao Zheng; after all, Zhao Zheng was the best talent in the class after Tang Zichen.

But as for Lu Yong...

After some thought, Old Liu still didn't refuse, "Alright, then it's Zhao Zheng and Lu Yong. There are still two spots left. If Tang Zichen, you don't have any recommended candidates... then I'll suggest a few names for everyone to vote on! Yan Kai, Fang Zhihua, Cao Yu, Ren Qianqian..."

These candidates are all S-rank talents, and among the top S-rank talents in the class.

After saying this, Old Liu sighed again, "I know what I'm doing is unfair to the remaining students. If anyone wants to blame, blame me!"

The students fell silent.

They could actually understand Old Liu's choice.

There's nothing to say when it comes to inferior talent.


After a moment.

Following a public vote, Cao Yu and Ren Qianqian emerged as the winners.

One male and one female.

Cao Yu's talent is S8, with strong self-healing abilities.

Ren Qianqian is a petite and delicate girl, with a round face. It seems she likes things in the shape of dogs. Not only is her backpack shaped like a dog's head, but she also likes to wear dog-ear headbands to class, making her look like a cute husky.

The nickname that fits her well is S12.

S12, in fact, refers to the Police Dog Hero.

In the original work, the Police Dog Hero is like a police dog, silently guarding the city and possessing considerable strength.

What puzzled Chen Ye was whether this girl's strong affinity for things related to dogs was a coincidence or influenced by her hero talent to a large extent?

He hadn't heard of instances where matching a hero talent caused changes in behavior or personality...

Regarding the results of the public vote.

Everyone accepted it!

After all, it was their choice.

There was only one person who was very unhappy.

That person was Yan Kai!

Yan Kai not only had an S4 talent but was also one of the top students in the class.

In theory, he should have been chosen.


This guy is usually very arrogant, a bit arrogant, and even flirts with female classmates, making everyone dislike him.

So, in this public vote, almost no one chose him. Even his roommates chose someone else.

Yan Kai looked at the record on the blackboard, with only one vote behind his name (which he himself cast), his face turned black with anger.

He really wanted to say aloud: Even if you get on Tang Zichen's car, you may not necessarily achieve good results. Tang Zichen might crash this time.

After some thought, he decided not to say it.

This guy wasn't stupid. The results were already out, and saying such things would only make him look bitter and embarrass himself...


In the blink of an eye.

A week passed.

There were only two or three days left until the agreed moving date.

Many people had started packing their things.

Even the school was busy, as there were too many things to prepare before sending a batch to the Magic Capital campus.

That day.

Just after class, Old Liu was suddenly called to the conference room by Vice Principal Zhang.

Seeing Vice Principal Zhang and several important leaders, Old Liu's eyelids jumped.

Every time there was such a big scene, it was never good news!

"Teacher Liu, everything has been smooth sailing in your class lately?"


"And you? Have you encountered any difficulties in your work? You can talk to me about it."

"...Principal, just say what you want to say!"

"Alright! This is a document from above, take a look first."

Vice Principal Zhang said and handed a document to Old Liu.

Old Liu took it with a puzzled expression. After reading the contents of the document, his face changed instantly.

This document was directly issued by the Central Ministry of Education, hoping that Wu University could cooperate with Jin University to jointly organize a freshman exchange event and achieve good results in Secret Realm No. 3.

It sounded grand.

In reality.

The meaning was very simple: they wanted Tang Zichen's team this time to give up three spots to Jin University students.

It seemed that Tang Zichen's reputation had spread far and wide after getting additional rewards from the Secret Realm twice in a row. They believed that following Tang Zichen would lead to benefits. Even Jin University, a prestigious school, came to intervene.

"Why?" Old Liu instantly got angry. "Tang Zichen is from our Wu University. If anyone is to be taken, it should be our Wu University students!"

"Teacher Liu, don't be angry so quickly."

Vice Principal Zhang sighed and said, "I know the reason. Jin University recruited a good seedling with an S5 talent this year, intending to cultivate them well and produce another research talent for the country. However, this S5 talent student did not perform well in the first two Secret Realms. Even in the last No. 2 Secret Realm, the S4 talent student they paired with had an accident and died... If it weren't for the wit of the S5 talent, they would have lost a pillar of the country."

"Although increasing spiritual attributes does not directly increase intelligence, those with high spiritual power have much better memory, which is very helpful for research."

"The reason this document was issued is due to these considerations."

Old Liu's face was grim upon hearing this.

"But, Principal, Tang Zichen's team has already assembled. In order to compete for spots in Tang Zichen's team, there have been some unpleasant incidents among the students... How can I open my mouth now?"

"Teacher Liu, I know it's difficult for you..."

Vice Principal Zhang looked very helpless. "I have no choice either! Do you know how many schools have tried to send their students to join Tang Zichen's team during this period? At least dozens! I've managed to stop most of them."

"As for Jin University, I really couldn't stop them... Last night, Minister Li called me for two hours to persuade me. What can I do? What else can I do?"

Old Liu asked, "What does President Lu mean?"

"The President's phone has been off for several days, and I can't reach him..."

As he mentioned the President, Vice Principal Zhang's face was full of resentment.

He now strongly suspected that President Lu didn't remove him back then but left him a chance, probably anticipating today's situation and making him a scapegoat!

Old Liu frowned and thought for a while before saying, "Principal, I still can't open my mouth. I'll call the students over, and you talk to them!"

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