
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 58: Can't Keep It Hidden, What to Do?

Chapter 58: Can't Keep It Hidden, What to Do?

"Ah! Welcome, welcome, welcome all the geniuses from Wudao University..."

As everyone reached the gate of the assessment base, the leaders of the base greeted them with smiles and personally came out to welcome them.

Seeing Teacher Liu, the leading official stepped forward to shake hands, "I presume this is Teacher Liu?"

"It's me."

Teacher Liu didn't seem to enjoy dealing with these officials too much. After shaking hands, he directly asked, "Director He, I wonder if the testing equipment is ready?"

"Teacher Liu, rest assured." Director He patted his chest and said, "After you notified us yesterday, I had the equipment checked and cleaned overnight to ensure there are no issues."

"Thank you, Director He. These students still have classes in the afternoon, I wonder if we can conduct the test now?"

"Of course, please come this way."

Everyone entered the interior one after another.

Inside was a very spacious hall, comparable to a small football field, with various instruments placed inside, as well as tracks, and shooting ranges.

These were all used for strength testing.

Perhaps because it was still relatively early.

Apart from the staff, there were no other people in the testing grounds.

"Alright, let's not waste any time, who wants to go first?" Teacher Liu looked at the students and asked.

Many people were eager to try.

But no one stepped forward.

Everyone was visiting a place like this for the first time and wasn't familiar with it at all.

Seeing this, Teacher Liu decided to be straightforward.

"Tang Zichen, you go first!"

Tang Zichen didn't mind at all and stood up upon hearing this.

A female staff member, seemingly aware of Tang Zichen's internet fame, quickly said, "Tang Zichen, as your ability currently has only one example, Ms. Qin, we can only test your strength based on the method used to test Ms. Qin initially."

"Okay." Tang Zichen nodded.

"Please come over here."

Tang Zichen followed the staff member to an empty space nearby.

Other students were all watching attentively.

Chen Ye was also curious about how these people would test Tang Zichen's strength.

Shortly after, a staff member brought over a small trolley with three alloy darts placed on top of it. In front of it was a huge composite board, very thick, and it wasn't clear what material it was made of.

"First is the basic test: Destruction test."

The staff member said, "Tang Zichen, please use your ability to control these darts and shoot them towards the composite board in front."

Upon hearing this, Tang Zichen didn't hesitate. A green light emitted from her body.

Every time Chen Ye saw Tang Zichen using her ability, he couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable...


Tang Zichen slightly raised her hand, and the three alloy darts on the trolley next to her floated up one after another, forming a triangular shape, which was quite magical.

The next moment.

With a gentle flick of Tang Zichen's finger forward.

The three darts, as if receiving an order, instantly shot out like bullets towards the composite board in front.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three loud impacts sounded almost simultaneously.

Two of the darts deeply embedded into the composite board, revealing their pointed tips from the back of the board.

Moreover, one dart directly pierced through the composite board and flew further...

Fortunately, there were no people behind the composite board at this time.

Otherwise, someone would've been randomly selected as a lucky audience.

The power of this shocked everyone!

This composite board was very thick, at least ten centimeters thick, and the last layer was even made of steel!

Tang Zichen, controlling the darts, actually managed to shoot through it.

From this, one could see how powerful her explosive force was right now.

Even Teacher Liu beside her was somewhat surprised, "Tang Zichen, how many potential points did you get in the first secret realm?"

"150 points."

Tang Zichen replied truthfully.

Everyone was shocked to hear this, then they showed envy in their eyes.

"So, you've allocated all 150 potential points to your mental attribute?" Teacher Liu asked again.

"Yes." Tang Zichen nodded.

"No wonder..."

Teacher Liu stopped talking and just looked at Tang Zichen with even more seriousness.

Chapter 59: Can't Keep It Hidden, What to Do?

"Oh, that's a lot!" The staff member from before was also astonished. "Miss Tang, this composite board can withstand the maximum destruction force of a third-tier individual. The fact that you managed to pierce it means your destructive force has reached the level of a third-tier individual. Would you like to continue with the standard third-tier testing?"

Tang Zichen, upon hearing this, showed a puzzled expression on her pretty face.

Teacher Liu hurriedly explained, "You see, for the first and second-tier strength tests, only testing destructive force is enough. Destructive force is also called the basic test, so with your talents, reaching the first or second tier isn't difficult."

"However, starting from the third tier, comprehensive testing is required. Just having destructive force at the third tier standard isn't enough; other conditions must also meet the criteria for one to be considered a qualified third-tier individual."

"Or, if your destructive force far exceeds the third-tier standard, you can skip other tests and still obtain the medal of a third-tier esper."

At this point, Teacher Liu paused for a moment, then encouraged, "Tang Zichen, your talent is very powerful, with both offense and defense capabilities. You can continue to give it a try."

Tang Zichen nodded at the suggestion and looked at the staff member. "Let's continue!"

The staff member quickly made arrangements.

Next, Tang Zichen went to the shooting range for precision strike testing.

Then, she went to the pressure chamber for pressure resistance testing.

Finally, she arrived at a machine similar to a whack-a-mole game for reaction testing.

Whether it was the precision strike test or the pressure resistance test, Tang Zichen passed smoothly.

Especially in the pressure test.

Tang Zichen released her psychic power, forming a protective shield around herself, and persisted until it reached 100MPA (megapascals) of pressure resistance.

It's worth noting that the normal human body's pressure resistance is within 5MPA, and exceeding this value can crush a person.

With Tang Zichen's psychic power shield, even rifle bullets couldn't break her defense.

However, during the "whack-a-mole" game, there were quite a few mistakes, clearly showing insufficient reaction speed to keep up with the third-tier standard set by the machine.

As a result.

Tang Zichen's final score was still pegged at the second tier.

Although she didn't meet the standard for the third tier, Tang Zichen's pretty face remained calm, showing no hint of disappointment.

After all, she had only been through one secret realm adventure, and the road ahead was still long, so why rush?

Even the staff member secretly told Tang Zichen that the lady Qin, after coming out of the first secret realm, had initially scored only at the second tier in her first strength test.

Tang Zichen was already on the edge of reaching the third tier standard...


The various tests opened Chen Ye's eyes.

The other students were also impressed.

A student asked in confusion, "Teacher, for someone like the class monitor, how can they reach the third tier? Do they have to increase their agility attribute to improve their reaction speed?"

"Of course not necessary." Teacher Liu explained, "Starting from the third tier, it's based on comprehensive test scores. As long as Tang Zichen's destructive force is a bit stronger, it can add points to make up for the lack of reaction speed."

"I estimate that the next time she comes out of the secret realm, she'll become a third-tier esper."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"If that's the case, it's not easy to reach the third tier esper!"

"Of course! Otherwise, why would the third tier be called the watershed for espers?"

"Hehe, just think about it, the country certainly won't let you easily obtain a high-tier title. Take the fifth-tier esper, for example, there are only over a hundred of them nationwide, and each one of them is incredibly powerful."

The students whispered to each other.

Teacher Liu spoke up, "Who's next?"

This time.

Many confident individuals raised their hands, including S3-tier talents like Zhao Zheng.

However, Teacher Liu's gaze fell on Chen Ye...

"Chen Ye, why are you hiding at the back?"

Chen Ye: "..."

Damn it!

He deliberately hid, but he was still spotted by the sharp-eyed Teacher Liu.

"Come forward," Teacher Liu said.

Everyone looked at Chen Ye and made way for him.

Chen Ye, with a helpless expression, could only step forward.

At this moment.

Even the nearby staff members were sizing up Chen Ye.

After all, Chen Ye was now a well-known internet celebrity, a widely recognized pretty boy.

A few female staff members whispered to each other while eyeing Chen Ye:

"He's that pretty boy... Chen Ye, right? He does look quite handsome!"

"His looks are average, but his physique is really good, not too fat or too thin, just like a model."

"Why do I feel like his hairline is a bit thin? Could he be going bald at such a young age?"


Chen Ye: "..."

With his current strong spiritual power of 161 points, his senses were sharp, and he could clearly hear even the slightest sound.

So, although the voices of these female staff members were very soft, he could still hear them clearly.

The issue of hair volume.

Had always been a headache for Chen Ye...

Suddenly, Chen Ye's gaze turned towards Tang Zichen, only to see the corners of her mouth lifting up slightly, forming a beautiful smile.

Was she laughing at him for going bald soon, or was she laughing because she knew he was about to reveal his strength and couldn't keep it hidden anymore?

(End of Chapter)


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