
I Cheated the Divine Rules and Reincarnated in Infinite World!

Ian was a mediocre college student, a convinced atheist, from a middle-class background, without ambition, and with financial stability provided by parents. He led a peaceful life until a pandemic broke out and turned his whole routine upside down... As you can probably imagine, the MC has an unhappy death, reincarnates, gains advantages, becomes an overpowering existence, creates a harem, and after defeating all enemies, the story ends with a happy final. A long dynasty is founded by his descendants from the twenty beautiful wives... Wait a minute! It's not quite like that. With the popular saying "Ian writes whatever he wants, be it in crooked or straight lines," meaning with a terrible sense of humor and a lack of common sense, the journey of our MC is destined to be a great circus of coincidences and mishaps.

IanMC · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Martial Battle

The big stage was quickly transformed into an arena with the installation of matrices, around 20x20 meters, a bit small for martial artists' standards. The preparation was relatively fast, taking only two hours, as the level of the battle wasn't expected to be exceptional, and they were inside the stadium, which was initially a larger combat field.

Ian would be lying if he said he was not nervous. One single mistake could court death. In fact, he would die even if he received a casual punch from the weakest of the competitors. Even with the Blessing of Soul Constitution, he found it difficult to keep the reins of his mind. This time he overcame himself. Base Body Tendon Phase against Bronze Bodies of different stages. You need to know that to begin to receive any title, that is, to be recognized as a true expert.

The three combatants were chosen among the elites of the Shadow Castle, Silver Shield, and Great Rock clans. The Two Towers clan did not participate due to their questionable relationship with Ian.

Patriarch Treon had never taken the pseudo-God too seriously from the beginning, despite what his speeches seemed to convey. Even though it was an incomplete version of the God Hellgar, it was not the real one, and its main utility, racial genetic enhancement, couldn't be utilized due to the absence of the reproductive organ. The powerful act with an eye for advantages and the ones he glimpsed were the chances to suppress two other great clans. If he were to win the competition against all the other factions, the morale of the Two Towers Clan would rise as defenders of God, while the opponents would be seen as heretics, and hardly anyone would want to have a relationship with them. A severe blow to rival organizations. Of course, the reverse would also mean an equivalence of setbacks. Surely, the other two Patriarchs were thinking the same way and equally magnified the facts to make it appear that Ian was a great thief who stole the entire race. Ian gave up playing by the usual rules when he realized this. He hadn't studied in vain, and these arrangements were nothing compared to the humans of Earth, one of the most cunning races to have ever existed.

"Are you sure about that?" Etri asked in a gloomy tone, as if she were already looking at a dead man.

"I am. In any case, I would be destined to die. None of these clans really took me seriously; they all tried to manipulate my destiny. But this one, it answers only to me!" Ian spoke with conviction, raising his head. No one would dictate his path. In his previous life, he went against the flow, and in this one, he would do so several times more.

A static sound spread through the environment, and the Matrices Masters left the area and exchanged a few words with the Judge.

"The Martial Arena is ready to be used. The first contest will be between Ian from Earth, Base Body, first stage, against Henk from the Dark Castle, Bronze Body, initial stage. After that, the battle should continue with Kali from the Silver Shield, Bronze Body, intermediate stage, and, if the talent still has the strength, he should face Runy, Bronze Palm, Great Rock Clan, advanced stage." At this moment, Javi paused and pondered. The great clans were without a doubt shameless, choosing the best of them for each stage, including a Titled one. His thoughts reflected what was going on in the minds of almost everyone present.

"The rules are simple: the fight will end with the surrender or death of one of the participants. If Ian wins a stage, immediately after the defeated participant leaves, another one must take their place until three victories are achieved. No means external to the martial artist's fighting power is allowed, this includes contracted beasts."

"Now that everyone has been informed, I ask Henk and Ian to step up and let us enjoy a good fight!" The Marshal's voice resounded in the hearts of everyone present. After all, the Helis were a race of martial artists, and who among them didn't enjoy watching a good match?

"Good luck!" Etri shouted with teary eyes.

Ian positioned himself near the center of the arena, while his opponent stood at the opposite end, looking at him with disdain.

Henk Dark Castle was a young man who was small by racial standards, but he had a good physical stature and a keen gaze. He used an exotic combat technique that relatively transformed his body into something closer to that of a monkey. He sacrificed some physical strength in exchange for agility.

Ian calculated his position, evaluated his opponent's, took a few steps to the side, put a hand inside his clothing, and spoke:

"Henk from the Dark Castle, please enlighten me!" Not only was he composed, but also took the initiative to provoke his opponent.

Henk just gave a smile, circulated his energy and took a thrust forward. At the same time, Ian took out a ball with a small wick already lit and threw it in the direction of the shadow that was coming at high speed. The gloves he was wearing contained pieces of pyromaceous flint, which allowed him to create sparks and start fire with the snap of his fingers. The opponent sent his martial sense, but found no energy in the thrown object other than his mass, so he simply ignored it and stayed on course. In the time of one breath...


Ian jumped to the side to get out of Henk's way as he came like a lightning bolt, unaffected by the explosion. What followed shocked everyone. The undisputed favorite for victory exited the arena and fell to the ground with blood gushing from his throat and ugly burns on face. Two martial physicians quickly rushed to him and stabilized the situation. Luckily, they acted in time to save the junior's life.

A sigh from the arena was heard and Ian returned to the center, where he once again put an arm inside his robes and waited.

"He used some shameless means to win!" exclaimed the First Elder of the Dark Castle.

"Every warrior uses some kind of weapon, some their own bodies, others swords, bows, and even matrices. In any case, I didn't sense anything beyond a natural reaction from the object, so he is within the rules." Javi calmly explained to the spectators, who nodded in agreement. Weapons would indeed be allowed. However, they were apprehensive about the strangeness of Ian's methods.

"Humpf, Henk underestimated the opponent and didn't use his energy to protect the point of impact, getting caught off guard and nearly dying. Don't make the same mistakes as him, Kali!" Warned the Patriarch of the Silver Shield.

"I will make him pay with his life for disrespecting the four great clans!" Kali pounded her fists on chest and leaped onto the stage, landing with a thud. Kali was an elite intermediate-level martial artist of the Bronze Body, a muscular woman as strong as a barrel. She didn't carry weapons, but no one doubted her power.

"I'm ready, maiden Kali!" Ian confidently urged the woman to combat.

Once again, Ian's opponent circulated their energy and took a powerful leap. But Kali didn't make the same mistake as the previous challenger. She covered one of arms with a metallic energy film and used it to intercept the flaming ball coming toward her.


The impact was even greater than that of the first match and easily broke through the defense compromising Kali's limb, which roared in pain, halting the advance. Before those present could assimilate what had occurred...


The second "grenade" exploded in Kali's chest, sending her flying several meters.

Once again, the martial physicians had to act and rushed toward her. At this stage of the competition, no one dared to look down on Ian. Two geniuses had already been completely defeated in a matter of few minutes.

"The injuries are severe! Ian, what are these fragments that are damaging her life force?" One of the doctors shouted in alarm. He realized that these projectiles were different from the ones used in the initial round.

"Poisonous stone."

These two words made many scalps tingle. What they referred to as a poisonous stone was actually a chemical element from the periodic table of that world, with radioactive properties. This was one of the resources Ian found that he could employ in the creation of bombs. To replace saltpeter in the formula of black powder, he used "ojean nitrate" (an element unique to Sombreal, nonexistent on Earth), which boosted the final product's power. Not satisfied yet, he researched further and discovered the poisonous stone, used to guard certain tombs, but when mixed into grenades, it added a corrosive effect.

While the first aid was being administered and Kali was being carried away, Ian took out a box with several pipes, equipped with a fuse, placed it in front of him, held a bottle in the left hand, and a grenade in his right. The previous bulky cloak now clung tightly to his body.

A few minutes later, a metallic figure entered the arena. The individual was clad in a complete suit of armor. After two losses, they didn't dare to go easy and equipped Runy with formidable defense. The young man stood tall like a fortress, exuding a solid aura and a chilling sense of murderous intent. This opponent was different from those who came before. Runy was an advanced-level warrior from the Bronze Body who had earned a title for himself. A true expert.

"Runy, Bronze Palm, I'd like to exchange some blows with you!" Ian shouted as faced his opponent with apparent bravery.

"Runy, don't advance first. Let him attack, and that way your defense will be maximized!" The First Elder of the Great Rock advised with a concerned voice. In the end, the one who had to win the match, without even settling for a draw, was the other person.

"If you want to come, then come. I want to see if you can defeat me, haha!" An arrogant and muffled voice came from the metal-clad man.

Etri's heart tightened; she knew that the strength of the opponent Ian would face wasn't much different from her own. Due to the complete defensive set, even she would find it difficult to break through and achieve victory.

Ian made a helpless expression on the surface, but deep down, he was jumping with joy. This time, he would need to use all his hidden cards and military power. Since his cultivation was much lower than opponent's, if Runy advanced at high speed, the chances of victory would be reduced.

"Ian, if the battle doesn't end in thirty minutes, it will be considered a draw!" The Marshal warned.

Ian nodded and began to execute a series of rhythmic movements under the watchful eyes of over a million Helis.

First movement, he lit the fuse on the box.

Second movement, he moved a few feet closer to the target.

Third movement, the wicks of the objects in his hands were thrown into the fire.

Fourth move, he threw himself to the side and before landed on the ground, to everyone's amazement, a battery of rockets was activated and Runy began to be bombarded.

Fifth move, Ian threw a Molotov cocktail, turning his opponent into a burning dummy.

The sixth movement, when the rival moved out of the firing zone, still under the pressure of the fire, was caught off guard by...


Ian hit the grenade at a critical point on the already worn-out armor, in the abdomen. This explosive was the largest of the four and therefore the slowest, only succeeding in obliterating the enemy under specific conditions. These conditions included catching Runy off guard, being dangerously close, and hitting a flaw in the defense. All three were fulfilled, and in six moves, the final round of the Martial Battle ended.

Silence reigned; no one could believe what was happening. Stunned, the first responders almost forgot about the poor artist mutilated and scorched in the arena.

Ian struck the grenade in a critical point of the already worn out armor, in the abdomen. This explosive that was the largest of the four, and therefore the one with the lowest velocity and could only succeed in obliterating the enemy under some specific conditions. Like catching Runy distracted, being dangerously close, and hitting a defense failure. All three were met and in six moves the last round of the Battle Martial ended.

Silence reigned, no one could believe what was occurring. Stunned, the rescuers almost forgot about the poor artist mutilated and scorched in the arena.

Any grammar or consistency errors, pls, point them out in the comments or private message. I'm not a native English speaker, so I might make some mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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