
I Challenged My Ex-Billionaire Husband to a Duel

Married for two years, Willow was treated like dirt by Benjamin, who cherished his mistress like treasure. He was cruel and uncaring toward her; their marriage was only a prison. Willow put up with everything because she loved him deeply. Until that rainy night, when she lost her baby and crawled out in agony, calling for an ambulance, he left her pregnant to travel abroad with his mistress. She finally understood: she would never win his love. She penned a divorce agreement and left quietly. Two years later, Willow returned, surrounded by a sea of admirers. Her ex-husband cornered her, insisting, “My dear wife, I haven’t signed the divorce decree yet! You can’t escape from me!” She smiled coldly, “Sir, we are done.” His voice trembled as he recited their wedding vows. “Didn’t you promise to love me in good times and bad, in sickness and health? Don’t you remember?” Meeting his desperate gaze, she replied, “I no longer care. My life is for me to live, not yours to ruin.” He laughed darkly, stepping closer. “You changed your name and dyed your hair pink, fooling everyone but me.” Pulling her into a suffocating embrace, he hissed, “You either come back to me or I reveal to the world who you are: a divorced widow with a dead child.” Willow had built her career in France and gained stardom in the United States, but now the devil from her past threatened to destroy everything. She pushed him away, her heart racing. “The Nebula fashion contest. I compete with you. If I win, you leave me alone. If you win, I return to you.” A sinister smile spread across his lips, “It’s a deal.”

AkiraMei_ · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 5

Before I left the clinic, I was given some pills by the doctor to take that night. 

Coming out of the clinic, I immediately headed to our dorm. The dorm room I share with Maya is small but well-organized. Our beds are placed against the walls, leaving a small space in the center of the room.

The two nightstands are placed next to the beds against the opposite wall. We have an ottoman placed between the two beds in the center of the room. 

The room is well-decorated. The walls are painted a light blue color, and the floor is covered in a dark wood-grain vinyl plank. There is a small window on the wall opposite the beds. The window is covered in white curtains, and the curtains are drawn open, letting in natural moonlight.

Maya had already started sleeping when I got to our room. I changed my clothing and went to the bathroom to take a shower again. 

The bath I had taken before I went to the restaurant had been ruined when Justin and I crashed-landed on the concrete walkway. 

My body was filled with dust from there, and I also wanted to wash away the blood stains on my body, both Justin's blood and the blood from the minor bruises on my body. 

That night, I went to bed immediately after I got out of the shower. I didn't even do my routine of applying a face mask before I sleep.

I set an alarm that woke me up early in the morning around 7: 30 am, I wanted to buy the toiletries and phone charger Justin asked me for so that I could deliver them to him on time. 

While I was subconsciously brushing my teeth in the bathroom, with no one around that has woken up yet—the thought of the dream I had last night began to resurface in my head.

I started remembering the dream I had vividly, I was floating in outer space, with nothing surrounding me except the sea of stars, I started to turn from my left to right but I could not catch a glimpse of anything except the starry view in front of me.

The stars I saw were so beautiful that I did not mind the loneliness I found myself in, trapped in the abyss of the Galaxy. At that moment, a sweet voice whispered in my ear, it said to me, " The first thread that would lead you to a never-ending happy life has appeared, what are you going to do, take it, or let the opportunity slip from you?"

I was lost in the nostalgia of remembering my dream when I heard the door to the toilet being opened. 

To my surprise, it was Maya. I asked her why she was awake so early in the morning, and she said that she was woken up by the noises I made when I woke up. 

She immediately took notice of the bruises on my shoulder and asked me the story behind them. I narrated to her how I almost got hit by a truck last night, and that if not for Justin, I would have been dead.

I also told Maya that after I finish my morning routine before I eat breakfast, I am going to the campus shop to get Justin what he needs, and then immediately head to the clinic to deliver the items I purchase to him. 

Maya offered to come along with me and I accepted it, she told me she want to see the face of the person that saved her best friend. Maya is not a people person, I am surprised she is offering to go see a stranger with me.

After both me and Maya finished dressing up for the day, she followed me to the campus store. At the store, I bought Justin stuff he would need to get his day going like toothpaste, a new toothbrush, and the Charger he asked me for. 

I even decided to buy him a pack of canned Orange juice as a little gift that could help him get better sooner.

As we walked into the clinic, the unique scent of hospital surroundings greeted us, I was holding one bag of the stuff we bought and Maya was helping me hold the other bag, we went straight to the receptionist counter in front of us, we checked in our names as visitors while stating the purpose of our visit. 

After that, we were allowed to go to Justin's location, inside a quiet room that he is staying in alone.

I knocked on the door and opened it immediately after Justin gave us permission. As soon as we entered the room, I saw Justin sitting on the bed, his long legs spread out and his back resting against the wall.

The room is small and sterile, with a white bed in the center. A small bedside table sits next to it, its surface bare except for a single wilting flower in a vase. There's a television on the wall, but it's turned off. The only window located on the wall opposite the door is covered by white curtains that billow gently in the air conditioning. 

Sunlight filters through the fabric, casting a soft, hazy glow on the linoleum floor. 

Justin looked at us and smiled kindly, the rays of the early morning sun were gradually beginning to shine over him through the window to his left. 

"You must be Janna, thank you for honoring my selfish request," he said immediately after he saw us.

At that time, after hearing Justin's voice, I figured out that he must have just woken up, he was straightening up his vision to adjust to the light rays inside the clinic room. 

As his eyes struggled to fix their vision on us, I said to Justin, "I am sorry, we have woken you up from your sleep—". 

"It is okay," Justin interrupted, Without even letting me finish my apology, that he isn't bothered by our presence, instead, he is happy to see me.