

The story is narrated by Amanda, an adolescent girl who discovers for the first time in the morning that the female body is unique and wonderful, her breasts have become bigger and her lower body has become more sensitive. ...... Her own tits will flow out milk for nothing, a few of her roommates have grown big dicks that only men can have, and one of them even ...... (Preview of the latter, move to the main text, adult stories, watch with caution)

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Sprayed two people all over the milk, Amanda looked at Madeline and looked at themselves, not knowing what to do.

"So like to be close to Amanda like this ..." Madeline's beautiful eyes looked at her and said tenderly, and then, her little mouth came over and stretched out her little pink tongue to lick the milk from Amanda's face and shoulders.

And still squeezing and rubbing her big tits with her tits and kneading her big tits with her little hands, the milk kept squirting out and around, making the scene look more and more lascivious.

"Madeline, we're so dirty ... hahaha ... let's take a shower ..." Amanda suggested pathetically.

Madeline licked two more mouthfuls of milk from Amanda's body, looked up to meet Amanda's eyes, and solemnly said, "Amanda's milk isn't dirty, I love it, I love licking you so much ..."

Ah ... didn't you say licking milk? Why did it suddenly turn into licking me? Although licking milk is also licking me, but the meaning is different, right?

Amanda broke down a bit and was about to say something, but her petite body was shivering fiercely, because, Madeline grabbed her two papaya tits and squeezed them together, the two nipples were very close to each other and one was slowly bubbling milk out, one was being squeezed and squirting milk out!

If it was just that barely acceptable, well at least it was milking, but Madeline quickly lowered her tongue and licked it up, rushing both her nipples together, licking them quite vigorously, eating her milk as she did so!

"Haha... don't ... don't lick it like that ..." Amanda held her big tits up for Madeline to lick it, her petite body trembling, and her pussy down there was opening and closing hard, bubbling lewd water out one by one.

Madeline completely ignored her breathless attempts to stop her, grabbing and kneading her tits and licking them even harder, letting the milk squirt freely into her mouth and onto her face.

It was only when it sprayed all over her face that she withdrew her tongue, and then Madeline buried her face in these big tits of hers and arched them one by one, rubbing them and shaking them.

"How long are you going to play with them ...," Amanda asked pitifully, grabbing Madeline's shoulders.

"Rubbing until it's so good, I can't stop ..." Madeline returned as she arched and rubbed her tits, but was quick to raise her head and move away from her tits, which had been rubbed until they were soft and tingling.

Then the little mouth came up to Amanda's mouth and said softly, "I'll milk you the rest of the way, and let me lick you down there, okay?"

"Huh? You lick me what?" Amanda was confused, did she hear it right? Madeline wanted to lick her ... bottom.

"Or you lick me down there?" Madeline gave her another option.

Lick ... your big dick? Amanda shook her head vigorously, backing away as she did so, "No, no, I, I'm not licking you there or for you, I'm going to take a shower ... "

Said Spirit, turning the shower on, the somewhat cool water came pouring down on both of them at once.

The cool water gave Amanda a jolt, but she quickly adapted to it, compared to this cool water, she was more afraid of letting Madeline lick ah, no matter who licked who down there it was horrible!

"Sure enough, you won't let me lick it ..." Madeline was a little sad, but quickly came up with an even more perverted idea, "Well, how about letting me jerk off on you Amanda I'd love to do it to you and get a big cock ..."

"No way, Madeline you're normal!" Amanda felt that Madeline was very wrong now, so scared that she hurriedly covered those two big tits on her chest, fearing that Madeline would look at her tits to see her animalistic behavior.

As for Amanda herself, by the cool water, but is much more normal, even the pussy of the itchy feeling has faded a lot, and the desire is fast fading.

Madeline also let the cool water pour, but still, a look of lust: "Below the suffocation is so hard, not to do something to Amanda, it will burst ... I do not touch you, I will watch, you let me jerk off to you, can it? "

That tone of voice, practically begging ...

Amanda stood under the shower, already bathing, and also milked several times, feeling about to squeeze clean, listening to Madeline say so, the line of sight could not help but fall on the other side of the small skirt.

That cock, put this soaked white small skirt out of a tent, seems to be suffocated, but let Madeline to his sleeve this cock ... some can not accept!

But Madeline's look is pathetic, like a puppy that's starving to death ...

"You can only look at it, you can't jack it up ..." Amanda struggled for a while, but she still had a soft heart, and didn't deliberately cover them when she milked them so that Madeline could watch and jerk off... ...

"Well, just watch you get it." Madeline came to her senses, bending over and lifting her feet to remove her little panties quickly, but her little skirt was left untouched, and with a casual lift, she pulled out that cock, gripping it tightly in her small, slender, white hand.

Amanda of course saw all this, Madeline's cock, so big and long ah, so scary! She was busy averting her eyes and only turned her body to Madeline.

Madeline to her plump big tits, and slender petite body, really set up the cock too, the glans aimed at Amanda, small hand on the top of the set one by one.

As she did so, she said, "I love doing this to Amanda, it would be so cool to get inside you, or stick it in your titty cleavage! Mmmm ... so good ..."

Amanda's body shuddered at her words and she was busy saying back, "No, no, no, nothing for you to stick in, Madeline don't you dare talk nonsense, you ... concentrate on jerking off ..."