

The story is narrated by Amanda, an adolescent girl who discovers for the first time in the morning that the female body is unique and wonderful, her breasts have become bigger and her lower body has become more sensitive. ...... Her own tits will flow out milk for nothing, a few of her roommates have grown big dicks that only men can have, and one of them even ...... (Preview of the latter, move to the main text, adult stories, watch with caution)

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


"Got it," Zoey answered softly, and immediately after that, the thick hard cock with the huge glans rushed against the tender flesh of her inner thighs, the wet pussy, and couldn't wait to thrust up.

Even though it was thrusting outside, it still rubbed Amanda's bottom thrusts so strangely that it was getting itchy, her pussy, thighs, ass, and even her whole body couldn't help but cooperate with Zoey's thrusts.

"Ah ... you slow down, you slow down ..." Amanda said nervously, but her pussy was rushing to contract hard against the cock that kept pumping there, one right after the other, making the friction between the two even more intense.

The lust was also growing, having long ago gotten Zoey's cock so wet that it made it slippery and pumped even more ferociously in her triangle.

"Sorry, don't want to slow down at all," Zoey said, gripping Amanda's big tits tightly in one small hand, while the other was wrapped around her thin waist, holding and pressing to make it easier for her lower body to ram its power into Amanda.

Along with the thick hard cock in Amanda's bottom hard thrusting, the small belly also kept on slamming into her upturned buttocks, the round soft white buttocks bumped straight shake, Amanda bumped, the delicate and weak body straight to want to flop.

"Ahhhhh ...Zoey is so bad, banging my ass, thick cock in my bottom ...I, I have no face ... "

Amanda mumbled in a fuzzy little voice as she was excited by the spanking but also shy.

"Well, I'm so bad, I'm going to be shameless with you ...." Zoey said something strange as well, and suddenly hugged Amanda's petite body and yanked her back, pulling her into her arms and holding her tight and steady.

"Zoey, what are you doing? You ... haaaa..." Amanda cried out again as, with one hand in each, Zoey grabbed her large tits and gripped them to either side.

And then, her ass was bumped more viciously and her triangle was thrust and rubbed more violently.

Although she didn't have to hold on to anything now, it wasn't easy at all, it was so tense, at least half of her body weight pressed down on Zoey, although she was only ninety pounds or so, but Zoey was even thinner, so afraid of crushing Zoey!

Zoey did not care at all, slightly erected his body to collide with her friction, hands to her two big tits to the sides again.

Amanda couldn't help but look down at the two big tits that were parted wide apart in such a lustful way!

Then she looked from the open cleavage of her tits down to the bottom of her belly, between her two thighs, and Zoey's peach-like glans came out one at a time, so fast and furious.

"Amanda, can we get it face to face?" Amanda was surprised by Zoey's ferocity when Zoey suddenly asked, but without waiting for her to answer he withdrew his cock in one go and grabbed her petite body to make her turn around.

Amanda obediently turned around, big white tits facing Zoey, she is very shy, do not dare to look at Zoey, and wants to put the line of sight elsewhere, Zoey is to come up, kissed her lips, and then, wet tender little tongue to her mouth.

Amanda was a little caught off guard, and with her lips and teeth open, she let that little tongue come in and tease her tongue, one by one.

Her tongue slowly began to respond, and the two tongues intertwined, gradually becoming more intense.

"Mmm..." was tongue kissing Zoey when Amanda suddenly let out a little sound as Zoey grabbed her ass and thrust his thick hard cock into her triangle again.

Unlike earlier, this time it was from the front.

Just inserted, Zoey's big cock began to hard thrusting, the tender flesh of the lower body suddenly was thrusting friction so good, but also more itchy inside the pussy, so want to, pussy can not help but to the back and forth thrusting cock biting and biting.

This is so hard ah ...Amanda's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, subconsciously with two small hands to Zoey hold tight, chest that pair of big tits shamelessly in Zoey's body mess sticking and rubbing, the two tongues intertwined with ah, secretion of a lot of saliva, are along the corners of the mouth to the outside flow.

Zoey was tongue kissing her while grabbing her ass and pumping it hard against her bottom, so fast that the big glans, even managed to graze from her pussy to her ass groove.

This big cock inserted Amanda's body can't help but wriggle and wiggle around, her pussy stimulated with pleasurable but extremely itchy, lewd juices, that have long been flooding there!

"Ahhhhh ...Zoey, you have to stop rubbing me, it's so weird, stop getting it ...Ah..." Amanda suddenly got a little overwhelmed and struggled to push Zoey's tongue out against her, then screamed.

"It's not even close, it's almost there." Zoey was the one to say back, followed by two small hands gripping both cheeks of her ass, and her lower body rushing to thrust harder underneath Amanda.

The two of them kept slamming their bellies together, the huge glans, thick hard meat stick constantly rubbing and stimulating her lower body, one after another, violent and incomparable.

"Ahhhh ... don't, stop it, Zoey you don't rub it, I ... ahhhhhhhhh ..." Amanda was stopping it, but suddenly screamed repeatedly, her pussy squirted under the thrusting and rubbing of Zoey's big cock!

And while spraying, while rushing to Zoey's big cock crazy swallowing bite, so want, so want it to insert ah, hard to fuck her little slut hole!

Amanda was now completely out of her mind, and it would have been easy for Zoey to stick it in her little hole. Still, Zoey didn't do that, and instead grabbed Amanda's ass, and continued to pump her thick, hard cock even harder and harder in Amanda's lust-filled triangle.

After half a minute of this pumping, when Amanda's lewd water was about to squirt out, this big cock suddenly quivered hard underneath her, shooting something out as it did so.

This is the ... ejaculation? Amanda tried to feel the movement underneath, her lower body and two thighs unconsciously clamped the cock more tightly.

She clenched Zoey with an "uh-huh", and then Zoey held her even tighter, and his cock rammed into her with another hard jerk, churning and cumming as he did so.