

The story is narrated by Amanda, an adolescent girl who discovers for the first time in the morning that the female body is unique and wonderful, her breasts have become bigger and her lower body has become more sensitive. ...... Her own tits will flow out milk for nothing, a few of her roommates have grown big dicks that only men can have, and one of them even ...... (Preview of the latter, move to the main text, adult stories, watch with caution)

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


Amanda originally just wanted to simply suck on the big bun-like tits for a few moments, but when she saw Madeline's reaction was so big, she got a bit bolder and reached out to touch Madeline's stomach, and as she touched it, she was about to burrow under the quilt to touch Madeline's lower body.

Seeing this, Madeline's petite body twisted violently, dodging Amanda's salty hand, and immediately afterward, grabbed the hand.

"Don't touch it oh, only eat it," Madeline said somewhat helplessly as she looked at Amanda's still-milking little mouth.

Amanda stopped groping this time and lay there sucking the tit properly, after a few sucks, let go and tried to move on to the other one.

Soon moved to the other tits, and was about to mouth, but the whole person is suddenly frozen, because, Amanda suddenly noticed the opposite bed, Zoey is reclining there, their hand supporting the head, calmly staring at this side.

She had just sucked Madeline's tits and stroked her delicate body, all of which should have been seen by Zoey, right?

Ah ah ah ah ah, all seen by Zoey, what to do? Although Zoey had also eaten her big tits, but the situation was different! She was being watched by Zoey eating Madeline's tits! It's shameful, isn't it?

"I'm not eating, go to bed ..." How can I eat this? I don't want to eat it, even if it's good, I don't want to eat it!

Amanda finished and did not care what Madeline's reaction was, with the fastest speed to put on the clothes and lie down, but also pulled the quilt over to cover the head, no face to see others!

I didn't expect Madeline to chat with Zoey, sitting there, while slowly and methodically buttoning up her shirt, she said: "So you're watching, no wonder Amanda is embarrassed to suck, I just sucked each other's tits with Amanda, and the child sucked very happily."

That "child", naturally refers to Amanda, Amanda hears Little face hot, Madeline you do not say ah, so embarrassing!

"Oh yeah? Breastfeeding is fine, I'm afraid to do something more excessive ... Not going to take a shower?" Zoey said later, faintly suggesting.

"I'm going to wash it right now, but it's so hard to get Amanda's slobber off," Madeline said as she climbed out of bed and headed for the restroom, leaving Amanda to crumble alone.

Not daring to venture out at all for fear that Zoey was still looking at her, she just slept with her head covered, a little tired from just tossing and turning with Madeline, and fell asleep within a few moments.

"Amanda, time to wake up."

Amanda was woken up by Zoey, first froze because of the tone in which the other called her, then sat up with a jolt, then suddenly thought of something and scrambled to lie down again, wrapping herself in the covers.

She was alone in the bed now, Madeline had showered and gone back to sleep in her bed, but now that all three of her roommates were up, she was the only one still in bed, Zoey watching her silently from the front of the bed.

Amanda bravely meets Zoey's eyes, her small hand feels the wetness on her chest under the covers, takes a deep breath, and says weakly, "I'll lie down for a little while longer."

Her chest was so wet, her milk had popped up at some point, and she had to go to the bathroom to express her milk, but, with her roommates up and out of the way, I was afraid she'd have to wait until they went to class and get out of bed herself.

"Twenty minutes to go." Zoey reminded faintly, before going to call Madeline and Beatrice, who were already cleaned up, "Let's go, to class."

"What about Amanda?" Beatrice asked.

"I'm ... I'm so sleepy, five more minutes ..." Amanda said pretending to close her eyes.

Madeline looked at Amanda there and thought for a moment, "Then call you in five minutes, don't oversleep."

After saying that, she headed out the door with Zoey and Beatrice, and before long, they were out with the door closed.

Hearing their footsteps getting farther away, Amanda was busy lifting the covers and sitting up, letting out a long sigh of relief.

She looked down at her chest, it was so wet, and her milk was still bubbling out, one by one, so she had to go to the restroom to express it!

I walked quickly into the restroom and returned to see if Zoey's blue thermos was still there.

Sure enough, it was there, but it was empty, so let's give Zoey another cup of milk. Zoey seemed to be angry, so let's use this cup of milk to coax her!

But what is Zoey angry about? Madeline and Zoey ate each other's milk, and Zoey ate her milk, and sucked on it, twice! That's more outrageous by comparison, isn't it?

Amanda couldn't figure it out but soon didn't care to think about it anymore, stripping down and going under the shower to rinse her body off, then going to the sink, looking at herself in the glass with a pair of big white tits, taking a deep breath and picking up a thermos to milk water into it.

Just a few times, the cell phone on the bed suddenly rang, and a call came, mostly from Madeline, Amanda frowned slightly and hesitated, then decided to ignore it for the time being.

Small hands grabbed the big tits, rubbed hard, and let a string of milk, continuously pour into the cup.

The phone soon went silent, Amanda was about to breathe a sigh of relief when it rang again, she froze, then broke down a little, why was Madeline so persistent? Why is Madeline so persistent? If you don't answer it once, don't call, can't you let people have a good milking?

Crash to crash, the phone still needed to answer, can not let Madeline worry for nothing, Amanda thought, quickly put down the thermos cup, holding the not-yet-finished milking, and stepped out of the restroom.

She got her cell phone and answered the call then hurried back in, the milk still had to be milked, time was running out and she had to race against the clock.

"Madeline, I'm ... I'm up ..." Amanda stood at the sink, talking to Madeline while milking that big tit, just didn't follow it up with a thermos anymore because there was no extra hand to reach for the cup.

"Are you up? You're not going to go back to sleep with your head covered later, are you? It's an important class later, you don't want to sleep through it." Madeline was a little worried.

"Well, I ... really got up ... ah ..." Amanda was answering and suddenly purred. Because, inexplicably so excited, even, below are running water!

Madeline on the other side of the phone was suddenly quiet, and it took several seconds before she whispered, "Amanda, you're not ... masturbating, are you?"