
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

Johanssen10 · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 176: Divine Quality! Thunder God's Body!

Chapter 176: Divine Quality! Thunder God's Body!

In the immense valley, lightning flashed brightly, accompanied by the rumbling thunder descending from the sky. Lin Yan's heavy fists continuously struck the Thunder Serpent in front of him. The serpent had been beaten into a mess of flesh and blood, but he didn't stop. He kept striking blow after blow.

Only when Lin Yan, using his perception ability, confirmed that the Thunder Serpent had completely lost its vitality did he gradually halt his attack. He looked vaguely at the lifeless Thunder Serpent before him and directly took out his Mysterious Profound Ruler to dismember it into five parts. He stored the important materials inside the Thunder Serpent, such as demon cores, venomous fangs, and demon bones, in his heritage ring. He then skinned the serpent completely, storing its flesh and blood in his universal bag. These were also valuable resources. The demon beasts of the Energy Formation level contained high nutritional value. Consuming them could equally strengthen Lin Yan's body. Therefore, he didn't waste anything.

Once he completed this step, the giant serpent that had been hovering over the Thunder Block had completely disappeared. What remained were only some bloodstains on the ground and an empty skin.

"Young man, your current strength truly surprises me," said Yao Lao, descending from the air. Seeing Lin Yan had finished his work, he spoke with a smile.

"Even I didn't think I would become this strong," Lin Yan replied, his eyes showing a hint of excitement. Before this, he had never encountered an opponent worthy enough to push him to his limits. Therefore, even though his strength kept increasing, he never knew his true limits. This time, facing the Thunder Serpent, he finally realized his current power. Though he still had an ace up his sleeve that he hadn't used, at least he now knew that he could easily kill a novice warrior in the Energy Formation stage.

"Lin Langtian, you'll be in trouble next time. Also, Qing Zhu, perhaps the next time we meet, I might qualify to stand by your side," he murmured to himself. Lin Yan then turned his gaze back to the Thunder Block in front of him. Killing the Thunder Serpent was just a step along the way. His main goal remained to use this Thunder Block to enhance his Jade Lightning Body.

Without wasting more time, he went forward, intending to start refining his body with the thunder. "After this, it's time to do the right thing." He directly climbed onto the gigantic Thunder Block, preparing to activate his internal energy and unleash his Jade Lightning Body.

But suddenly, a familiar voice echoed, surprising him slightly.


[Congratulations, Host, for signing in at the Heavenly Thunder Valley!]

[Reward obtained: Divine Quality Body Refinement Technique: Thunder God's Body (fragment)]

The system's emotionless voice sounded, and the information about this divine quality body refinement technique was transmitted directly into Lin Yan's mind. Lin Yan couldn't help but be a bit astonished, then a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Thunder God's Body?! Is it really this technique?" Lin Yan was very excited. He knew this body refinement technique well. He remembered that in The Great Master, Mu Chen obtained it from the North Desolate Sea Dragon. Though he wasn't sure what level of body refinement technique it corresponded to in the Martial Arts world, he knew it was extremely powerful. In The Great Master, later on, when Mu Chen refined this technique to the strongest state, the Nine Stripes Thunder Body, a single strike was enough to obliterate a powerful supreme being. According to Lin Yan's current conjecture, a supreme being should at least correspond to a Yuan realm warrior. Though this was also due to Mu Chen's formidable strength at that time, the fact that the Thunder God's Body could reach such a point already demonstrated its power.

"It's a pity that it's just a fragment. But it doesn't matter. The complete Thunder God's Body has nine stripes. Even if it's just a fragment, I can at least cultivate up to the Five Stripes Thunder Body. As for whether it will be impossible to improve later, we'll see. Anyway, with my current strength, I won't be able to cultivate to the Five Stripes Thunder Body level in a short period."

Lin Yan made a decision. He immediately began searching his mind for information on the Thunder God's Body. Instantly, some textual descriptions appeared:

Thunder God's Body: Divine Quality Body Refinement Technique! It can use the force of heavenly thunder to refine the body! With just the body, it can break space and possess the strength to move mountains. Once this technique is refined to its deepest level, its power can rival a superior quality body refinement technique. The Thunder God's Body is divided into nine levels, also known as Nine Thunder Stripes. When the nine thunder stripes reach their peak, the Thunder God's Body is perfected, capable of obliterating a supreme warrior directly!

After reviewing the information on the Thunder God's Body, Lin Yan was even more excited. He understood better the powerful nature of this technique. With the support of his Solar Thunder Body, his body was already quite terrifying. If he added the Thunder God's Body, Lin Yan didn't dare to imagine the outcome.

He soon discovered how to cultivate the Thunder God's Body. He found that the cultivation method for the Thunder God's Body was similar to that of the Solar Thunder Body. One could say that the Thunder God's Body was a more advanced version of the Solar Thunder Body.

"Then, cultivating the Thunder God's Body and the Solar Thunder Body is like hitting two birds with one stone." Thinking of this, Lin Yan's eyes burned even more fervently. Once again, he jumped onto the Thunder Block and activated his internal energy to detonate it, making the sky rumble.

Rumble! Rumble! The continuous roar of thunder echoed incessantly! Massive lightning bolts, like serpents, crazily descended from the sky. Lin Yan activated the mental commands of both the Solar Thunder Body and the Thunder God's Body, standing atop the Thunder Block, firmly enduring the lightning without dodging at all.

Crack, crack, crack! Powerful lightning struck his body, almost blowing him apart. But Lin Yan wasn't afraid at all, and even in his eyes, a fire of fanaticism burned. Though it hurt immensely, he could still feel both his Solar Thunder Body and Thunder God's Body improving.

"More!" "Ha!" Lin Yan grew increasingly frenzied as he detonated his energy. Under his provocative behavior, the lightning in the sky seemed to grow angry. Then, one after another, electric currents descended like waves, furiously striking Lin Yan. He was struck directly, his face twisted in pain, almost dying. But even so, he continued to endure forcefully, reciting in his mind the commands of both the Solar Thunder Body and the Thunder God's Body.

Under this almost self-destructive practice, Lin Yan's body began to transform little by little. In the air, Yao Lao continued to watch Lin Yan practice. However, even he, upon seeing Lin Yan's nearly mad practice, couldn't help but have his lips twitch slightly. Finally, he couldn't help but say with some emotion:

"This young man practices like this; it's truly terrifying. To be so cruel to himself, it's no wonder his strength has remained so terrifying."

(End of Chapter)