
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

Johanssen10 · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 168: Departing for Da Huang County!

Thank you for the support, friends. If you want to read more chapters in advance, go to my Patreon.

Chapter 168: Departing for Da Huang County!

Seeing Lin Yan in front of him, speaking so casually about such incredible progress, Lin Dong's face involuntarily exaggerated in surprise. Although he had a premonition that Lin Yan would undoubtedly cultivate faster than him, he never imagined it would be this much faster! He had been cultivating for several days and had only opened more than twenty meridians. But Lin Yan did the reverse—reaching several days' worth of progress in just a few hours!

Thinking of this, Lin Dong couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Seriously, what Brother Lin Yan said is correct: sometimes, it's better not to know certain things too clearly. Knowing too much only hurts oneself.

"I told you not to keep asking. You had to ask," Lin Yan said helplessly. "Besides, it's not like I do it on purpose. I'd like to go slower, but unfortunately, my strength doesn't allow it."

Lin Yan simply shrugged. His slightly arrogant words nearly made Lin Dong grit his teeth in fury. But absurdly enough, what he said was true. In the end, Lin Dong could only tilt his head back and let out a long howl of despair, blaming himself for talking too much.

Lin Yan, on the other hand, was more interested in the map matter. Seeing Lin Dong like this, he quickly changed the subject.

"Let's not talk about that. Tell me about the map. Didn't you say you had news?" Lin Dong's expression became more serious upon hearing this. He soon opened the map and shared all the information he had gathered.

"Indeed," Lin Dong said. "Brother Lin Yan, the place where the 'Ancestral Symbol' is located must be in Da Huang County, on the western border of the Great Fire Kingdom."

Lin Dong pointed to the marker on the map and explained to Lin Yan, "Da Huang County is a large city in the west of the Great Fire Kingdom. Its area is considerably larger than that of Tian City. However, being a border area, it is especially chaotic. There are many factions, and it's a hotbed of activity. The level of danger there is not something Yan City can compare to."

Lin Dong elaborated on the specific situation of Da Huang County that he had investigated. Under Lin Dong's detailed explanation, Lin Yan understood that this place was an even more chaotic region. Often, in these areas, there are countless powerful individuals. In Yan City, the most powerful are those at the Creation Stage, but in Da Huang County, while not everyone is at the Creation Stage, they are definitely not as rare as in Yan City.

"Interesting," Lin Yan thought with a smile. While being the king and dominating Yan City was nice, staying there for too long inevitably became boring. Da Huang County, for the current Lin Yan, also represented a new challenge. The thought of it excited him. The curiosity for the unknown, the desire for exploration, made him restless.

Moreover, there's another point: the more dangerous places offer higher rewards. This is also a conclusion Lin Yan reached through practice. So, this time going to Da Huang County, perhaps Lin Yan could also obtain some more advanced rewards.

"In that case, we'll set off tomorrow," Lin Yan decided, suppressing his internal excitement.

Lin Dong nodded and responded, "Then I'll go inform Grandpa and the others now."

With that, he quickly left. Lin Yan, meanwhile, left the Lin household and headed directly toward Yan City. After all, he would be departing tomorrow and didn't know when he would return next. After so much time apart, it was naturally necessary to bid farewell to his friends in Yan City. So, one by one, he visited them and expressed his intention to leave.

Naturally, everyone felt a bit sad about it but also understood. Lin Yan, at such a young age, had reached this level. He wouldn't want to stay in a small place like Yan City forever. In this situation, going out to adventure was indeed a good idea. So, everyone understood and agreed to accompany Lin Yan and Lin Dong out of the city the next day.

The next day, when Lin Yan and Lin Dong were preparing to leave, they were followed by a crowd of people. Among this crowd were many familiar faces: Xuan Su from the Gold Association, Xia Zhi Lan and Xia Wan Jin, the Symbol Master Yan from the Symbol Association, and even City Lord Shi and Zi Yue were present. With this crowd, the scene became quite impressive.

Along the way, many passersby who didn't understand the situation were astonished to see such a display. They couldn't help but gasp in wonder, questioning who deserved such a grand send-off. But when they learned it was Lin Yan, they felt relieved. Even after learning that Lin Yan was leaving today, one by one, they joined the procession. Clearly, for the strong like Lin Yan, they still held respect and awe.

Under their escort, Lin Yan reached the gates of Yan City. But here, he asked them to stop. Many still felt reluctant to let him go. After all, many had a deep friendship with Lin Yan. It's hard to find such close friends. Now that their friend was leaving, they naturally felt a bit sad.

"Please stop here," Lin Yan smiled and bowed to them. Then he continued, "When I return after my journey, I will surely host a grand banquet. All of you must attend!"

This made everyone laugh and promise to attend the banquet. By then, they would undoubtedly use the finest delicacies to welcome and honor Lin Yan.

Lin Yan then turned his gaze toward Lin Zhen Tian and the others. Seeing Lin Yan's gaze, the old man's eyes were also filled with reluctance. He knew very well that whether it was Lin Dong or Lin Yan, part of the reason they made this decision was to fulfill the desire to return to their clan. The feelings in his heart became even more bittersweet.

"Son, son, be careful when you're out there!" The old man continued to instruct both of them. Although he knew they were already adults and handled many things better than he did, at this moment of farewell, he just couldn't stop giving advice.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. We'll take care of ourselves," Lin Yan responded with a smile, his tone full of confidence. "Within two years, at the clan gathering, we'll crush that person. Then, the Lin Clan will beg you to come back."

Hearing these brave words from Lin Yan, Lin Zhen Tian was obviously stunned for a moment but soon regained his composure and nodded confidently, "Yes, I trust you."

Lin Yan then smiled and turned his gaze to where Qing Tan was. At this moment, Qing Tan's expression, full of reluctance, was already fully revealed. With tears in her eyes, she was almost crying openly. Lin Yan directly embraced her and then kissed her on the lips. This time, Qing Tan offered no resistance at all. Although there were many people here, thinking about the upcoming separation, she had completely emptied her mind, using this last moment to respond to the young man in front of her.

For a while, their lips parted. Lin Yan stroked the young girl's head with one hand and smiled, saying, "Take care of yourself."

The girl nodded vigorously, her voice soft but firm, "Yes, I will. I'll wait for you."

(End of the chapter)