
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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Chapter 143: Breakthrough to the Small Yuan Dan Realm, Perfection

Chapter 143: Breakthrough to the Small Yuan Dan Realm, Perfection

Upon hearing Qing Tan's trusting words, Lin Yan couldn't help but smile slightly.

After all, being trusted by someone is always a pleasant feeling, especially when it's someone you like, so the feeling naturally becomes even stronger.

After spending some intimate time with Qing Tan, they separated. Since it was Qing Tan's first time, she felt a bit weak after being tossed around by Lin Yan. While Lin Yan was still energetic, he considered that Qing Tan might not be able to handle his antics, so he went home, took a cold shower, and then focused on cultivation.

In the following days, Lin Yan continued his cultivation as usual. However, with his relationship with Qing Tan now confirmed, his desires became more intense.

As a result, Lin Yan visited Qing Tan more frequently, enjoying her company. Especially with Qing Tan being such a stunning woman, willingly serving him affectionately in his arms, any normal man would find it hard to resist.

However, Qing Tan still lived with her family, so even though Lin Yan and she could isolate themselves mentally during their intimate moments, Qing Tan's radiant appearance lately couldn't escape the eyes of the experienced Liu Yan.

Therefore, after a few passionate encounters, Liu Yan saw through them. She privately went to remind Qing Tan.

"Qing Tan, I know you youngsters can be wild, but remember to stay safe."

Liu Yan reminded Qing Tan with a smile. She didn't reject their relationship, as she already treated Lin Yan as a son-in-law. So, she was thrilled that her daughter had confirmed their relationship and couldn't bear to see Qing Tan being misled by other suitors.

However, safety was still a concern, hence Liu Yan's reminder.


Upon hearing Liu Yan's words, Qing Tan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she didn't explain anything, just obediently agreed.

Seeing this, Liu Yan smiled and left. Qing Tan couldn't help but bite her lip, her eyes almost teary. "So embarrassing."

Lin Yan was unaware that their affair had been discovered by Liu Yan.

At that moment, he was in the midst of cultivation and had reached a bottleneck.

Strangely enough, since sleeping with Qing Tan, Lin Yan's cultivation speed seemed to have increased significantly. He wasn't sure if it was because of his improved mood or some other reason, but his cultivation speed had greatly improved during this time.

So, in less than a month, Lin Yan faintly sensed signs of a breakthrough.

Sitting on his bed, Lin Yan's eyes were closed, hands forming seals. As he continued to absorb external elemental energy, the elemental energy within his body became increasingly intense, like flames burning fiercely.

He sat still for a long time until the elemental energy flames on his body reached their peak and exploded like a volcano.

Lin Yan's aura instantly soared, reaching a new level. He compressed his aura, finally suppressing it completely. Then, he opened his eyes, filled with joy.

"Congratulations, young friend, for successfully breaking through to the Small Yuan Dan Realm, Perfection."

As soon as Lin Yan opened his eyes, the voice of Elder Yao came directly. Obviously, Lin Yan's breakthrough had also affected Elder Yao. Therefore, Elder Yao flew out of the bracelet at this moment and congratulated Lin Yan with a smile.

"Thank you, Elder Yao."

Lin Yan smiled and replied to Elder Yao.

With his strength constantly increasing and more cultivation techniques at his disposal, he didn't need to consult Elder Yao for every step anymore. However, Lin Yan was still very grateful to Elder Yao. After all, when he knew nothing, it was Elder Yao who guided him. So, Lin Yan always respected Elder Yao.

"Elder Yao, it seems you've been practicing spiritual arrays recently?"

Lin Yan changed the topic and asked Elder Yao. Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could sense the aura of spiritual arrays coming from the bracelet, clearly indicating Elder Yao's rhythm.

"Heh, just a way to pass the time during leisure moments. Besides, it's good to learn something new while idle. And this spiritual array is quite interesting."

Elder Yao smiled and replied to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan nodded in agreement. For Elder Yao, being able to find something to pass the time was important. However, he hadn't forgotten his promise to Elder Yao, so he said seriously, "Elder Yao, rest assured, I haven't forgotten what I promised you. Once I further improve my strength, I'll help you rebuild your physical body, and then you can come out and move around."

Elder Yao also nodded with a smile. "Of course, I trust you completely. How could I not trust you?"

He said with a smile.

For Lin Yan, Elder Yao had tested him many times, but the final result was that Elder Yao highly appreciated Lin Yan's character and talent. So, Elder Yao completely trusted Lin Yan and naturally didn't worry about the matter of resurrection.

"Well, I'll go and refine some pills."

"Since the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce helped the Lin family a lot when Lin Dong and I weren't there last time, and now I have some free time, I'll refine a batch of pills as thanks."

Lin Yan quickly said to Elder Yao.

As for Elder Yao, he smiled and nodded at Lin Yan. "Alright, I'll go back and continue to tinker."

"I feel like I'm about to master the second-order spiritual array."

Elder Yao smiled and said to Lin Yan.

For Lin Yan's actions, he was full of approval. Repaying kindness with kindness, this was what Elder Yao admired most about Lin Yan.

Lin Yan watched Elder Yao return to the bracelet and then quickly began to refine pills after Elder Yao left.

His refining speed was fast. He was already a fourth-grade alchemist, and not just a beginner, so he was adept at refining third and fourth-grade pills.

Lin Yan had prepared the medicinal materials in advance, so the process didn't take much time, and soon he successfully refined a batch of pills.

After that, he went straight to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

"Lin Yan, what brings you here today?"

Xuan Su and Xia Zhilan immediately came out to greet him. Although they were busy with official business, Lin Yan was of great significance to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and their personal relationship with Lin Yan was also very good. So, when they heard that Lin Yan had come to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, the two of them immediately rushed over. Xuan Su smiled slightly at Lin Yan and said.

"Can't I come to see my sisters when I have nothing to do? You're quite cold, sister."

Lin Yan smiled and said to Xuan Su.

Upon hearing this, Xuan Su rolled her eyes at Lin Yan. "I wonder who's being cold. Sister Zhilan and I have been thinking of inviting you to dinner every day, but unfortunately, we've only had the luck to do so once this month. It's not easy to invite a big shot like you."

The three of them chuckled at this.

Lin Yan took out a Qiankun bag and said, "By the way, Sister Su, Sister Zhilan, is President Xia here?"

"This is a thank-you gift from me. After all, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce did a lot last time, and it wouldn't be right not to thank you properly."

After speaking, Lin Yan opened the Qiankun bag. Xuan Su and Xia Zhilan, who were on the side, initially had smiles on their faces, but after seeing the pills inside the bag, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"The president went out today and isn't at the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce."

"Wow, Lin Yan, your generosity is as great as ever."

Xuan Su couldn't help but marvel.

(End of this chapter)