
I can work with this


Ok thankfully those were not my first words in this... difficult situation I have found myself in currently.

Well unfortunately for those who haven't seen the description or synopsis whatever. I didn't get Truck-kun nor Plane-kun or Meteor-kun actually believe it or not I don't think I died well at least I don't think I did.

Well I know I didn't at least die to those things.

But anyway let's not get sidetracked. I woke up to a in a blazing fire I could smell the ashes and rotting bodies of hundreds of people. The screams were no are down right horrendous. I knew somethings one this body is not mine it's someone else's. Two I was brought here by someone no, Something.

Oh and lets not forget the arguably most important part right now. Number 3 is that, I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE! Thankful this body was working with me in this strange circumstance also the adults and children that where pushing me forward as they were getting turn to ash bless their souls.

So as I'm barely making it out of that misery infected place I see that it start's to rain. And not before long I see a man in a black trench coat. The man was bailing his eyes out, but not after long he saw me. As he rushes to me with a smile on his face. He picks me up to his face it was one of pure joy. Once I felt his hand hold mine I knew I could trust him with my life.

As I was falling asleep I saw the most beautiful scabbard no even the word beautiful would be a disgrace to something so sumptuous. It is a luxurious piece of equipment made of gold and decorated with blue enamel that seems more like a treasure to show dignity and nobility like a crown or staff than a weapon.

The words on the scabbard were written with care and were certainly not made with human hands. I could tell what it meant albeit even with my sleepy eyes it had to sentences. The first couple said this.

「The Scabbard of Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory 」

「Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia」

「The Embodiment of the Utopia」






「Owner: Artoria Pendragon/King Arthur」

And their were thousand's of them if not millions of those runes and languages just on a single line of the celestial scabbard. I could feel it slowly being implanted into my being. My body was trimming with an endless fountain of untold energy. But even with it I could still not resist disappearing into the land of Hypnos. I finally went to sleep.


As my eyes shot up I knew I and awaken from my slumber. As my tiny feet skedaddled off the bed. My eyes looked around me I could see that I was in a white room with a bed and the standard hospital stuff. As I keep looking I saw a mirror that showed me in it.

I was about 7 years old with red hair and golden-brown colored eyes with my clothing being a hospital gown going to my kneecaps I could feel that I had shorts under it switch I assumed were also hospital shorts. As I put my had on my genital I felt that I had my albeit smaller penis

Anyway as I keep looking at my surroundings my eyes drifted to the desked near my hospital bed. As I walked towards I saw your everyday envelope sitting on the desk on it read.

For the transmigrate.

As I opened the letter it read like this.

Hello &%$&^#$%

Right now your confused you were in your home fell asleep on your bed and woke up in a burning city.

You don't have to know who I am matter of fact you can just call me ROB I don't really care what you call me. You see I brought you into the body Shirou Emiya the protagonist of Fate/ Stay Night.

Now your a person with fast comprehension and understanding once of the reasons why I picked you.

Now that you know your situation that you are in a death world with horrendous magi, Gods, flesh eating bloodsucking vampires and historicity beings called heroic spirits fighting for an all wishing cup that is corroded and corrupted by 'All the World's Evil' let me lighted the spot your in right now

I gave you some gifts, no not a system but some really good ones that will help you survive in this world and be every helpful to you.

First, I gave you the ability to understand all languages and how to write and speak them instantly. Only when you see, hear, taste, touch, feel, need and want them. It was how you could even start understanding the Fae language and runes.

Second, I'm not a monster so I'm giving you a 10 year grace period that no matter what you can't die a stupid death. You can still get hurt but not die you won't get noticed my the Gilgamesh and stuff but if you go seeking them and attack them early on you will most likely end up blood spat on a random wall, street whatever or your join the orphans in the depths of the church careful.

Third, I took a liberty to boost your body I'm sure you wont mind of course gave you better circuits, quality, better eyesight. You get the memo I just optimized your body to make it better.

Forth, Your mind I pretty much gave you Gamer's mind although you can still get provoked and still feel emotions most of the time you will keep calm and remember things more easily. You won't get mind controlled and Geas's that work on the mind will not work on you unless you allow it. You can tell dream from Reality keep that in mind.

Fifth, Shirou Emiya's powers and ability's you have them you will stick with the 「SWORD 」Incarnation and stuff you will be fantastic with anything housework related too. You still stuck with casting stuff with Gandr, But if you can make it into a 「SWORD 」like object and then you will be good at it as well keep it in your mind as well.

After that your reality marble is there but it's empty and don't even try to get try and get stuff off of the TV shows. And no you can't copy EA even though you can understand the words on it you can't understand it's metal that it is made out of. Though other Divine Noble Phantasm are up for the taking

You can make your own reality marble but 「Unlimited Blade Works」 will always be there.

I may have left some other gifts with you but you can figure that out yourself anyway

Alright Sayonara Ni**a



You know what.

I can work with this.


MC: Is not a bad person so if your looking for an edgy MC I don't think I can write that sorry. Anyway the MC is a person who will do the right thing but not like Shiro will, if he has the power he will go and save the person getting beat out by some random gang members. If not he will look the other way. Like Gilgamesh and the Church he can not even come close to beating Gilgamesh so he will look the other way, but if he could without taking to much damage he would you see where I'm getting at?

1129 Words

Time's Avatar Signing out

By the way I have this on Wattpad too so don't go there and spam my account please

Alright that was the protologue it's my second time I'm not good enough one yet so I want to practice with this one. 

Anyway writing a story is hard and time consuming so I want you guys to point out any mistakes I've made and be nice about it please.

And wow I have realized how much effort it takes to even write +1000 words you guys who have wrote more than 100,000 in just one story is crazy you have my respect for it.

Alright that's it

Times_Avatarcreators' thoughts