
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Games
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72 Chs

--- Treasure Hunts , Upgrades and Gaia

After bidding goodbye to his brothers, Chris was checking up his system map hoping to see some unowned valuables. And luckily, he found something that shone yellow on his map, meaning it was something as valuable as C class rarity item. And he starts to go and collect 'his loot'.

'Man, this map feature is insane! I can just use this alone for treasure hunting and i'll probably become the richest man in the world in a few years of hunting! Too bad, i needed power more than riches...'

[Master, money can become power.]

'It has too little effect on this world...'


Arriving at his destination, he started looking around.

'It should be below this road. So a canal huh? Ugh! This is going to suck...'

Removing his new shoes and rolling up his pants, he entered the manhole and proceeded to collect 'his loot'.

*splash* *splash* *splash*

[Old Dufflebag (C): Contains Weapons and Cash]

'Hoh? Who's the idiot who left it here?'


[You obtained 6,500,000 Gils , Combat Knife(E) , 9MM Pistol(D) , Box of 9MM bullets(F+) x15 , Silencer(F)]

'Holy crap! The heck is this? A robber's cache or something? Gotta get out of here!'

After taking 'his loot', he found 2 more of places that has 'his loots' one blips 3 different color from green to yellow 3 kilometers from his first loot. And the other one, suprisingly, just 50 meters from the back of his tattered house with orange blip.

[You obtained ancient ceramic vase(D).]

[You discovered a diamond ore vein.]

"To think that my backyard hides this treasure trove... Haaah! That was fun! Once my map range increases in the future, i'll do this again~..."


"That activity took me 4 hours. Gotta go to the sisters resto to buy some food. I'll buy for my brother's share as well, i forgot those two don't have money anymore, they probably forgot too from the excitement... *tsk* *tsk*"



"Big sis, do you still have some fried chickens?"

"Hmmm...? Chris?"


"Hoooh! I guess with proper clothing and some haircut, you'll look more pleasing to the eye huh?"

"Ehehehe...thank you? Um so do you have some chickens to fry?"

"Yup! I stocked up alot in the fridge fully marinated!"

"Alright! Please give me 8 orders with 12 extra rice, 3 of stir fried veggies and 3 litters of cola! Thank you!"

"So much? Were you guys having party or something? Where's the two?"

"Well, i'm looking like a bag of bones right now so i'm starting to eat properly i guess? And you know the big guy...As for the two, they're probably playing Gaia now..."

"I see...WHAT!!!?"

"Sis what's going on? E-ehhhh!... is that you Chris~?"

After a long explanation, Chris left the sisters small resto and decided to go to supermarket to buy more raw foods for stockpiling as he plans on using up all the Exp Boost Time as fast as possible.

'This inventory system is really convenient, i don't even need a fridge at all and i can stock up as much raw foods as i want!'


After eating up the cooked meal, taking a bath, he enter Gaia once again.

[May you have an epic adventure...]

EXP Time : 159:32:00


**awooo~** **moo!**

Chris appeared on top of a tree branch where he last logged out. Looking at his remaining Exp...

"Alice, increase Str and Agi to 750 and make the rest including all the hidden attribute 100. Upgrade the Dex and Agi Ring as well..."


-16,730,500 , 946,755/1000

[Name : Chris Drake (SYS: Lvl.2)

Talent: Chaos God(SSS+) , Fate Changer (SS)

Class: Chaser(B) Fame: 1000

HP: 4750/4750 MP: 1500/1500

Atk:3750-3750 (4250 + 530 Ranged)

MAtk:500        MS: 125 + 164

Def:100+35    MDef:100+35

Crit:5+20       CritD:110%

EXP: 946,755/1,000

STR:750          VIT:100     LUK:100+1

AGI:750+50  DEX:100+50   CHM:100

INT:100          WIS:100      PERC:100

Skills: Command Aura(Passive)

Offensive: 0/5 Defensive: 0/5

Auxilliary: 0/5 Passive: 1/5

Proffesion: 0

Free Attributes: 0 Free SP: 0

Equips:Training Bow:+20 Ranged Atk/Crit

Training Helmet:+5 PDef/MDef

Training Shoulderguards:+5 PDef/MDef

Training Armor:+10 PDef/MDef

Training Pants:+10 PDef/MDef

Training Boots:+5 PDef/MDef +50MSpd

Stone Arrows:+10 Ranged Damage

Agi Ring(E):+50 Agi Dex Ring (E):+50 Dex]

'If i remember, the highest rank achived in combining equipment is only an epic rank, so i'll make sure to achieve that even though it will make me cough up lots of exp points. Better finish these quests first and restock.'

*swooosh* *pak!* -10040

[You killed horned alpha wolf Lvl.8]

[Obtained 2560 Exp , Fur , Fang...]

*whistles!* 'now that's what you call damage!'

*ding ding dong!*

[A request was sent by Mr.sOhandsOme.

A request was sent by Dawn's Strike.

A request was sent by Dark Rose.

A request was sent by Light Rose.

Dawn's Strike invites you to a GC.]

'Accep all!'

[Successfully joined Lazy Dragons!]


[Dawn's Srike has made you an Admin.]

[ <Lazy Dragons>

Mr.sOhandsOme: BRO!!! \('O'\)

Despair: you both are lvl3 already huh?

Mr.sOhandsOme: yep! me and pete are on the same map so we teamed up.

Despair: that's awesome!

Mr.sOhandsOme: you better catch up bro! too bad we can't help you right now.

Despair: im doing something important here so not leveling up yet.

Mr.sOhandsOme: oh

Dawn's Strike: huh?

Despair: it's a secret pete. I left food on your table by the way and some cash you better eat first while it's hot.

Mr.sOhandsOme: bro you're the best!!!

Dawn's Strike: alright! thanks bro! ]

Chatting with his friends and greeting the sisters while killing monsters here and there, he was also doing his quests.


Few hours later


'Haaah! Doing some of these quests are quite annoying. I hope i can get more today as going back and fort is quite a pain'


[Inventory: Smithing Mats x18,233 Herbs x27 Meat x11017 Darts x783 , Blowgun , Wis Ring x3, Vit Ring x3 , Str Ring x3 , Int Ring x2, Agi Ring x2, Dex Ring , Attr. Crystal x 1 each

Money: 10Gold,39Silver,67Bronze]

'Too few coins... but the real money maker here will be 2 of the 3 repeatable quest. Time to pass these things.'

Arriving at the smithy, Chris started his conversation with the smith.

"Mr. Helgi , i brought you materials!"

-18,230 , Smith Mats x3

"Oh! Very good young man, You are a true hero of the village! Here's your reward. If you find more, just come back to me!"

[Obtained 18,230 Exp, 36 Gold, 46 Silver]

Afterwards, he passed all the remaining quests and moved around the village to get a new round of quests.

-11010 Meat x7 +6395 Exp , +15G19S

Each villagers quests gave 100 Exp and 50 silvers. After taking all the available quests, Chris moved on the western gates towards a different area which is the swamps. The daily quests targets rotates around the 3 different biomes.

Repeat quests:3 Daily quest:12

Fully stocked with arrows, Chris directly go to the higest level area to continue his grind.

[You entered Forbidden Church grounds. Monsters: Skeleton Brute (F+) Skeleton Hunter (F+) Wight (E) Rotting Necromancer (E+) Fallen Hero (C)]

"Wew! The core area is pretty crowded despite being filled with ambush creatures and ghosts type monsters...so weird. Good thing i don't have any quest targets there as i don't even have any magic spells. magic...*sigh*"

"Time to grind! This forbidden area is much better and almost no players too."

Exp Time: 157:12:00