
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Games
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--- Divine Equipment, Items and Messing around in the Forums

Chris was currently walking leisurely using his other appearance, HighRoller, on the beautifully paved roads of the capital city. The city was huge, so it will take a long walk to reach the exit gates. There are teleporters in the city to bring you instantly to different places within the city, other cities under the empire, or even other empire capitals, but it's very costly.

Even though he's loaded, he decided against it as he's currently browsing the forums. It was because a world announcement about an upcoming event was announced a while ago.

[< World Holiday Giftbox Event!> by HM.

Effective at December 15-31.

•Monsters killed in the wilds(including monsters on each begginer's village.), will now have a small chance of dropping a holiday giftbox.

•Open a giftbox to obtain amazing prizes.

•Medallions obtained inside the giftbox can also be exchanged for more prizes to the NPC-Giftmaster which will appear on each Empire Capital's Commercial District.

•A global rankings of obtained medallions will also be implemented.

•Additional prizes will be rewarded to top 10,000 people.

•A God Class Giftbox monster will appear 1 kilometer on each Empire Capital, kill it for amazing drops.]

'God Class? No way! Even I will never touch that thing, as it's definitely a world boss; heck, even if you throw all the current players of Gaia at it, you'll never make a dent on that thing! Still, this is the first time in two years, huh? Don't tell me; they're waiting for me!!?'

[Master, Alice is worried for your mental health...]

'Just joking...hehe!'


'Whatever! Let us look at the forum posts, I saw that most of them were about me. I hope they're not slandering me or something. Or else...'

[Master is a showoff so it's possible.]

'Come on, Alice! I just want my 'heroic deeds' to be known.'


His shamelessness even made his system speechless. After checking out the specifics of the event, he scrolled through the forum's player posts, especially the top ten.

[< Players Discussions! >

1.) <The appearance of God item! Was it consumed already?> by Neon Soul

2.) <Despair, an expert analysis of his strength.> by Quadricator

3.) <New World Event and appearance of another World Boss?> by Dark Shaman

4.) <Radiant Wings, the mightiest women in Gaia!> by Sandra Arcana


6.) <The Birth of the Strongest!> by Windy Whisper


9.) <Despair, a cheater or does he have a connection with HG?> by NoinT

10.) <Ain't just the duo. But there are four more?> by Scanmonster]

His emotions kept on changing while reading each of the player's posts.

'Seems that they are eager to know what the God item is. Should I post a reply to show it's stats?' He thought playfully.

[Master is too bad!]

'Hehehe...And what's with this stupid analysis of me from a level 32 player? This idiot pretending to be expert now to scam people!? Heh! Experts are those people who are at the top of the food chain, not some fools like these!'

[Master now looks down on people...]

'No, it's not like that! Look at the misinformation he wrote! Even the top comments diss him for being weak and only staying on the field with monsters of the same level as him with the lowest rank. They even say he dies a lot. I feel like I'm being looked down upon by this guy, who doesn't even have the qualifications and even wrote that I won't last a day in the wilds. Who the hell does he think he is?'

[But this is advantageous for Master. The more they underestimate Master, the more it's worst for them.]

'Point taken. And technically, i'm really cheating. But for me, it's a gift from above, a part of me! So there's nothing wrong with it! Now, let me post the stats of Evo Stone. Hehehe...'

After his inner rants and dialogue with his system, he created his own forum account with his default IGN, which glowed brightly in deep green with black as an outer glow. It's all thanks to his equipped titles. Then he made his own discussion post titled "God Item!" showing the stats of the Evo Stone. He had an evil smirk on his face while typing.

[Master is really bad...]

'Hehehe! Good thing it's bound to me and will never drop no matter what. And who knows? They might think twice first before offending me?'

[Fair enough.]

Without him knowing, he had already arrived in front of the exit gate, west of the outer walls. Lots of high-level players can also be seen camping just outside. Probably looking for him. And they were. Passing the huge gate, exiting the city, his wilderness adventure will finally start.

He had no idea that his post would become the number one post in just a few hours. Or maybe he did? No one knows how his mind works. But he's definitely stirring up trouble and was ready it.

He's now paying back all the powerlessness and humiliation he felt when he was young. After the death of his parents, they were called foolish rulers not just by most people within their empire but by the outside powers, something that he will never forget.

'Hmmm...that's right! I completely forgot about the loots I got from the dungeon as well as my tickets...'

Remembering the things he forgot, he leaned on the side of the outer wall and started to check out his inventory. He was dumbfounded upon seeing what was inside. The people that were passing by looked at him weirdly.

'Wha-! A Divine item? How is this possible!?'

[It drops in that dungeon, Master. It's just that the drop rate is very low and only on first clearance, and it will never appear on the drop list again, whether it drops or not.]

'I see. So I'm just in the right place at the right time, huh?'

[Yes, Master.]

[Crystal Prime(SS)Max: +100% Ranged Damage. +15% Crit. Generates +3 Crystal Ammo/Min. Crystal Ammo stuns the target for 3 seconds. If stun immune or fails, knockbacks the target for 20/10 meters for small/medium and staggers large enemies. Becomes an ammunition holder once equipped, taking up the cloak slot. Reverts back to original form if main ranged weapon is unequipped and can't be reequipped for the next 1 week. Sacrifice 10,000 of the same ammo type of any rank to get +1 Crystal Arrow. Current ammo count: 10,000/10,000]

'Good Lord!!!'

His jaw dropped after seeing the stats of the triangular shaped rainbow prism. It was about half the size of his palm and was shining beautifully. He moved a bit farther from people to equip it in order to not attract attention.

"This is worth it! My cloak slot was occupied by an ordinary wooden quiver filled with stone arrows anyway. Man, I seriously forgot about upgrading those stone arrows, no wonder I deal too little damage. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"


The prism slowly moved towards his back hips, slowly turning into a quiver. It had black color with silver highlights and glow like a rainbow, a pearlescent. Signifying that it's a Divine-rank equipment.

"Beautiful...! This guy will definitely attract so much attention. Good thing the quiver was not personalized yet with my polymorph skill..."

After a few seconds of admiring his new quiver, he personalized it to look similar to his old quiver.

[You have equipped a weapon on the mainlands. Would you like to add your name to the equipment rankings?]

"Huh? Ah, that's right! This is my first time equipping on the mainland. Yes!"

[Equipment Rankings:

1.Crystal Prime/Cloak(Quiver)/Special/SS Rank/Despair

2.Firestarter/Mainhand Staff/Lvl.96/A Rank/Flaming Zaza

3.Head Splitter/2Hand Axe/Lvl.94/A Rank/White Bear


322.Glenda/2Hand Longbow/Lvl.25/A Rank/Despair

323.Skyfury/2Hand Polearm/Lvl.25/A Rank/Despair

324.Aegis/Mini Buckler/Lvl.25/A Rank/Despair

"Heeeh... It seems that named equipment is prioritized. Too bad, they are rarer than skillbook drops. And the equipment levels from top to bottom aren't quite far away; these guys must be loaded with cash. Equip stats can't be seen either, so it's a good thing."

Closing the ranking list, he continue to check out the rest of the items.

"Ultima seems to be a mace. It would be nice for Darryl, but he prefers axe types."

Stroking his chin while looking at the mace, he suddenly remembered a certain girl.

"Ah! If I remember correctly, little Eri was holding a mace! Guess I'll give it to her when I meet her at some point... Heh! I remember her from more than 10 years ago, when she was just a 4-year-old, naughty little girl. Just look at her now! Haaah...memories!"

[Do Master prefer lolis...?]

"You! She was a good friend in my childhood days, like a little sister, so there's no need to add malice to it okay!!? Anyway, I wonder if they gave me a friend request..."

[Pending Friend Request: 500B+]

"Ugh! What the heck! How am I supposed to find them?"

[Alice can filter it for Master.]

"You can do that? Then please! Choose only the people from the Radiant Wings Guild. As for the rest, just delete them."

[Understood, Master! Filtering... Done!]

[Pending Friend Request: 127,338]

"Ermmm...t-this many?"

[Yes, Master! All of the current members of Radiant Wings Guild added Master as a friend.]

"A-all? Seriously!? Uhh... it would be rude to decline the rest."

After thinking for a while, he decided to accept them all and created a sublist of inner and outer friends. He asked Alice to put the officers of the RWG on his inner friends list, along with his brothers, the sisters, the siblings, and the five other girls he had met in the game so far, and the rest of the members of the RWG on his outer friends list.

[This should be what they call Harem.]

"No, it's different! Haaah...alright, on to the next item! Use World Lottery Ticket(A)!"

[<World Lottery(A) Rewards List:

Random A Rank Equipment (33%)

Random A Rank Consumable(33%)

Random A Rank Skill/Spellbook(33%)

Random S Rank Item(1%).]

"Hoh? So this is the lottery huh? Time to use that talent for this..." [Fate Shifter]! 'Target S Rank Item!'

Random S Rank -> 100%, Rest 0%, 4/5

'Alright, Roll!'

[Congratulations, you obtained All Stats Potion(S).]

[All Stats Potion(S): Permanently adds 250 to all basic attributes.]

"Wow! I'm tempted to use it, but I'll put it as a reward in the future guild storage! I already have my Alice anyway!"


[Player 'Despair' obtained, All Stats Potion(S) from World Lottery(A)!]

"W-what the...World Announcement!!? Whatever...Next!"

Using his last two tickets combine with his talent, he obtained two SS ranked items. Both are auxiliary items that can help him for survival and monetary reasons. The latter made almost every player, especially those in power, burn with envy. Just the words "Everlasting" and "Spirit Coins" on the same item and it's obvious what the effect of the item will be.

[Everlasting Purse of Spirit Coins (SS)^: Produces 500 Spirit Coins every day. Unlimited Capacity.] Hidden: 3x Everlasting Purse of Spirit Coins(SS) + 25,000 Spirit Stones + 100 Spark of Divinity = Everlasting Purse of Spirit Coins(SSS).

[Immortals's Ankh(SS)Max: If inside your inventory, +100,000 HP, +10,000 Pdef/MDef. Upon death, instantly revives the owner without any consequences on a chosen coordinate. 3 coordinates can be recorded at a time. Cooldown: 1 Week.]

It made him jump for joy. His friends congratulated him, and he thanked them in return. He even asked his friends who were with him in the dungeon if they had already used their tickets, but they said they'd be saving them for now.

There are also people who congratulated him using World Chat, which cost them 100 platinum coins per use. Most of those just directly threatened him. He ignored the threats as it's just all bull, and thanked the friendly ones. He even told them that if they needed some dungeon help in the future, he might help for "free" if he had time. After all, it's not too bad to make some big friends from time to time; who knows, they might be useful in the future?

The hostile ones scoffed at it, while the friendly ones were delighted. They sent him a friend request, and he accepted it. He made another sublist for them, which he named "Business Friends," making Alice roll her nonexistent eyes the Nth time.