
I Can Tell You What Is Killing The Stars

Auren Da'at is a human from a universe with advanced technology. Upon discovering about a sentient void that that was bound to eat away his reality, he and his people started working on extremely advanced suits, with the purpose of allowing the user to hop to different dimensions. Despite numerous fail attempts and deaths caused by the suit experiments, Auren eventually manages to build a well-functioning suit, which he laters uses himself. From there, Auren starts exploring numerous realities, dimensions, and narratives on hopes of finding ways to stop The Void from erasing all of existence. ~~~~~ BY: Crimson Bayonet (r/nosleep) THIS IS ONLY A 7 PARTS STORY I thought it would be good to share thi amazing short story in this platform.

TheRustedPen · Sci-fi
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Part 3

What is god? Within our reality, I never believed such a being existed. I have seen beings that we would consider gods. Ones that hold unfathomable power. Who can wipe us out with a thought? But their reach and scope of our understanding are within the bounds of our reality.

So what would constitute what god is? A being that would transcend this reality and look upon us not as if we were atoms but as if we were thoughts or ideas. Totally and completely separate from our reality, we would be nothing but words to it. Much like superman could never physically interact with you or me. We would never be able to interact with it.

But what makes the laws of that being, The one who transcends us? Who Writes the rules of this being? Is there one that transcends the being that transcends us? Where does this hierarchy of stories originate then? I have often thought of this. Perhaps there is a being out there we would never be able to understand. The one who transcends us and in very nature who transcends itself.

With my studies, I have found there is an infinite set of infinite sets of realities. This is all contained within one singular dimensional plane. Upon further tests, I have found a transfinite amount universes in one singular multiverse. So where do we stand with this creature? How many universes have I gone up just to find this thing erasing it all again?

This fear of something not even I can reach begins to make me think all my effort is futile with this being said the most I can do is try. I may never be able to stop it or prevent its damage but I can save as many as possible. Why am I asking all of this? Last night I have done studies and tests. Each coming back with an answer. Each test adds more information to our cosmology. This universe is just a rung on a ladder to what seems to be another transfinite recursion of universes. Ever expanding going up and down in a stack. Each universe sees the one below as words on a page. Would I be akin to a god for the ones I transcended using the suit? But to you, I seem to be a normal human.

What will happen when I eventually move on from this universe upwards? This is all in the unknown even for someone like me. Is the Void n end all be all god? I fear this is the case. I cannot find a single universe below our own to be left intact. It's all be erased, an empty endless void is all there is. Maybe for the one reading this I am only words to you. Maybe the one who wrote my story is but a fictional character in the unending layers of narratives. A hierarchy of stories if you will. All of this seems rather unlikely as I have conversations with the people on this site.

Sorry I ramble on when I make a discovery. This series is all about possibilities of survival and I have found all of this with a possibility matrix designed by my people. It's.... unsettling to think what I thought was real and tangible is nothing but words now. The more I think of this the more I dread and think of what's to come. Will I ever be able to reach and stop The Void before all stories become erased? I can only try.

The reason I bring this up is that the more I study and the more time and effort I put into finding out how to stop The Void. The more I become stuck in a depressive state. The feeling of absolute hopelessness is washing over me. Even if I were to rise upwards this stack I would never be able to reach the top. Have you ever felt true hopelessness? It's scarier than any monster, human or alien. True Nihilism is depressing beyond belief.

I wake up and run tests until I eventually pass out. When I wake the next day the cycle continues. Day in and day out. I would ask for assistance but this is my burden. I feel that since I first moved up the stack I have started a never-ending chain of destruction in my wake. All possible possibilities and even impossible events could have happened due to my pure selfishness. Life is a dark and fleeting place when existence as a whole is entirely reliant on your efforts and interest.

Maybe you read, will not believe me or maybe you will see what I mean. To put it in perspective, even when a person is holding a gun at your head, even when you are being chased by a large creature who will kill you if they catch you. There's still a sliver of hope. Possible futures where you live. Possible realities where you can be the victor. In this situation, there is no hope, no possibilities only the void. Hope is the one fuel that keeps us going and I am running on fumes at this point. With all the knowledge my people had it wasn't enough. Even discovering how our universe system is run on probabilities and abstract mathematics much like a Tegmark type IV universal theory. I still am unable to see what I can do to solve this problem.

Last night I had a dream in which I was drifting in a sea of black ink. In every direction I look, it was empty and when I looked into the sea It felt like it was staring back through my reflection. In this dream, the sun was up and bright, painfully bright. I can feel my skin burning and bubble under the rays. It felt as if I was being punished by god. I could smell the scent of my flesh being cooked as the heat cranked up. I tried yelling in pain but no sound came out. The only noise I could hear was my skin being turned into what your people call "pork rinds".

As I wriggled in writhed in pain I could hear its voice. "Your story... Is strange. I can feel you trying to escape a predestined narrative. You are to bring others to me much like the feeble human reading this post." The void bellowed out to me. Suddenly I can see a large jet-black figure rise from the sea covered in this ink. The figure walked across the sea of ink and stopped in front of me making an "eye connection" Although its face was featureless. When we locked eyes the sun started to set and my wounds began to rapidly heal. A wave of calm washed over me as his appearance slowly revealed.

The creature was a large, pale no eyed monster with only a thin set of lips and n unnaturally giant maw that smiled at me with a sharp, toothy grin. It breathed deep and spoke again but this time in a calm more gentle tone. "Relax. I have no ill will toward you. Listen carefully as I will only say this one time. I need you to keep bringing in readers. I must feed on their stories" I looked at him confused "What do you mean by reader" He looked into the sky and I can feel him also peering into my soul "It's them I want... I want you (reader's name). I can feel your heart racing and your eyes following my words left to right. Soon I will be with you all...soon." I look puzzled "who are you talking to? Who is (reader's name)?

It cocked his head toward me. "You know nothing of this current situation. You are but a pawn but even pawns are useful in the player's command." I can't feel any malice coming from this entity but I still have a very uneasy feeling as if one wrong move and he will eat me. "You may leave my void now child. I have what I want and" He takes a deep breath with ecstasy. "It is delicious" The monster licked his lips shortly after he raised his hand and flicked it upward. All of a sudden I was being flung into the air as if something was pulling me at an alarming rate. Within seconds I couldn't even see the earth.

After flying for about one minute I heard a crash and all seemed to slow down. The universe I was in shattered like broken glass and when I reached the other side I woke up. I was shivering and covered in a cold sweat. Panicking I looked at my arm as I felt terrible pain. My whole right arm was bruised. I can feel a searing heat throughout my sun-scorched body. But it was all a dream. I don't know what is reality or fiction. I feel like I am going insane.

I need to rest. My head is spinning and my ears are ringing. My next chapter will be about the next universe I traveled to. Until next time, Be careful out there

-Auren Da'at-