
I can talk to everything

Frank can suddenly hear the voice of everything talking, whether it is a wine glass, a mobile phone, or the clothes on his body, he has his own thoughts. So he could hear a lot of inexplicable sounds. Goblet: "Yeah, this wine is really fragrant, I hope this wine will be filled next." Beer: "My stomach is so swollen, why don't these rookies continue to drink, I still have a lot of wine in my stomach." Audio: "There are so few songs every night, I already want to vomit." Gold-plated necklace: "Hey, I'm obviously a fake gold necklace. I'm always wearing this fat man to fool people. I also lied to a female college student the day before yesterday.

winds_cloud · Urban
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59 Chs

Believe It or Not, I'll Find Your Dad


Sam slumped to his seat, looking lost.

It's over, it's over.

The million-dollar bet from my parents just now was gone in less than ten minutes.

This money, he just lied to his parents and said that he only needed it for starting a business.

But the nature of the matter is different. If Sam loses millions of dollars in business failure, his father will not punish him.

But if it was known that he used all the money to gamble and lost , his legs would have to be broken.

"The points are five, five, and six, and the result is big!"

The dealer also wiped the sweat from his face, and then announced the result.

Sam saw that Frank was neat, and took away the small million-dollar bet with nothing left.

After Sam losing all the small bets, Frank beckoned the waiter to get the chips.

After a while, a waiter held a tray in his hand.

On the tray, all are chips of one hundred thousand dollars.

A full three hundred and seventy-five chips worth $37 million!

Full of chips, the size of a small mountain bag, all placed in front of Frank.

Guests with more than $37 million worth of chips are also rare at this casino.

moment , this scene shocked everyone!

Especially Joanna, who was sitting next to Frank and was stunned when she saw the pile of chips in front of her.

"Hey, this young man, I'm afraid he is really capable!"

"Is it possible that you really came to provoke the casino?"

"There's a good show to watch!"

The other guests around looked at this side with interest.

came together , and even the guests at the next gambling tables were empty, just to see the good show here.


The dealer at the dice table pressed the headset in his ear again, and reported, "Boss, something happened!"

"What happened?" In the office, the casino owner picked up the intercom, frowned and added: "If it's tens or millions of dollars, don't talk nonsense with me, just let him win."

"No." The dealer hurriedly interrupted: "He played dice and won three points in a row, and he has won more than 37 million US dollars! Moreover, he is all-in every time ! If he goes all-in again, The next bet is as high as... $500 million!"

"Five hundred million dollars!" Hearing this, the casino owner suddenly jumped up from his position, and his whole face became extremely vigilant.

Casinos make hundreds of millions of dollars a day, but they don't give away hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing. There is an essential difference.

A few hundred million yuan of funds is lost in a day, which is considered bleeding for the casino.

But the most important thing is whether this person is a bad person!

In case, they use their casino as a cash machine, no matter how rich their casino is, they can't stand it!

Go all-in to win the number of dice, accurate, can be said to be a coincidence.

Going all-in to win two hands can be considered extremely lucky.

But go all-in to win three...there's only one possibility!

This person will definitely listen to the dice and hear the number of points that are rolled!

" Don't continue working, I'll let "Dice Demon" take over for you!" The boss snorted, his eyes emitting a different kind of light.

"Sic Devil " is a master of gambling in his own casino. Because of his superb gambling skills, he is called "Sic Devil" by gamblers.

Today, someone dares to provoke the casino, do they really think that their casino is empty!

Absolutely make this guy with short eyes spit back all the money he won!

On the other hand, Sam saw that he had lost everything, and Frank had won a lot of money. Sam suddenly slammed the table with anger.


He glared at Frank fiercely: "Frank!!"

"Heh, you're ridiculous, do you want to make trouble here?" when Sam glared at him fiercely, but Frank didn't have a strange expression, but instead joked.

"I..." Sam paused, and looked at the tall and strong security guards who were responsible for maintaining order in the casinos everywhere, and suddenly put out the thought of looking for trouble with Frank here.

Making trouble in the casino, ten of him are not enough to die.

But just letting Frank go, he really couldn't bear it .

I saw him grit his teeth: "I won't let you go!"

After leaving the arrogant words, Sam was about to leave. Anyway, he had no money and couldn't play any more.

"Just like that? Should I tell your dad that you lost over a million dollars here?" Sam just turned around when Frank clapped the table and smiled.

Sam stopped, then turned around : " Stop bragging, do you think my dad will meet no matter what kind of trash?"

"Besides, a bastard like you can't get my dad's phone at all!"

" Really? What's his dad's phone number?" Frank asked loudly.

The entire audience looked at each other in dismay.

"Frank, how can people in this casino know how much Sam's dad's phone number is." Joanna reminded.

"Haha, you are such an idiot!" Sam smiled smugly.

As long as he can hide it, after a period of time, he will lie to his parents and say that the business failed and lost money.

It's just that no one on the field responded.

But another voice came twittering.

Sam's clothes : " I don't know - he just bought it yesterday, and he didn't even call in front of me."

Sam's belt : " He did call in front of me, but my angle was too low to see."

Sam's leather shoes : " Ask me if he has athlete's foot, but I know. Ask the phone, I really don't know."

Sam's Underpants : " I shouldn't be involved in this topic..."

Sam's cell phone : " What kind of presence do you have? Of course I'll answer this topic! Let me tell you, his dad has two phone calls, one for the company and one for personal. Only his dad will answer the phone. That number was 13..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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