
I can summon anime op characters

what happened when you can go into another fantastic World and you can summon anime op characters to be with you and can also have powers of anime character

lazygsj · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I am invincible

system give me all diablo power

[ding! does host want to accept diablo template]

yes ofcource

suddenly a black and purple air surrounded me like a cacoon diablo who was perceiving his surrounding with intrest suddenly looked at my direction in confusion but feeling that familiar energy his smile widen and his eyes has strong intrest

kuh ku ku it just like he copied myself to himself I can feel that my ultimate and unique skill he copied it but how can it be it's just feel like it's original and how can someone copy an ultimate skill it's just too surprising even my skill great wisemen can't answer it it looks I won't be bored with this person what was his name again blaze hah blaze maximus right kuh kuh kuh ku it will we really fun diablo laughed to himself with shivers

after some seconds the purple black black cacoon finally broke and blaze who looks slightly different then before walked out of it

he changed in temperment he now feel different it feels restrained and noble

blaze who can feel this imaginable power was surprised and too happy he think he can feel everything around me he can perceive magical particals around himself if we want to he can even destroy this whole town if he want to and to his surprise he can control this magic and body like it's just natural for him but seeing diablo standing front of him I think I am as powerfull as him now right no I think I can't defeat him yesterday I have every skill he has but I don't think I can just beat him just because this skills like diablo has experience of thousands of years of fighting with demons

and I think it's just stupid to thinks like I can even think diablo can defeat himself and get stronger from what he was moments ago so yeah he can defeat me within minutes

kuh kuh ku a birth of a demon lord without consuming any soul or from nothing to demon lord in some second it's truly fascinating marvolus you have quite some abilitys to even surprise someone of my level diablo said with a small smile and a glint in his eyes

it's nothing you will be getting surprised like this if you are with me you will not be getting bored with me said blaze with his chest out in proud

well I can't wait kuh ku kuh ku ku I'll be looking forward to it then diablo said with smile and excitement

so no I will tell you about power level or about this world this world is many time bigger then our previous worlds it's is divided into five continents and strongest forces are four great kingdoms ,acedamy and adventure guilds east,west,south,north conenant has four great kingdom there is not much difference in four kingdoms but centeral contenant is strongest and prosperous but it is neutral power because with five contenants made a strongest academy in central continent for teaching nobels or strong fighters only important or talented people can join it and teacher who are teaching at it are strong people it has said that a rank SS mage is principle of it and other staff is mostly famous people

there are quite many professions you can take if you are talented in that field like mage,knight,swordsmen,beast master,adventurer,healer, blacksmith,bodygard or some unique one like prothet

and power level are divided into f,e,d,c,b,a,s,ss,ss low to high

F LEVEL are not too different from normal humans

E LEVEL can fight ten normal people with ease

D LEVEL can beat 20 armored people

C LEVEL can like beat 50 armored people

B LEVEL is different normal weapons can't even hurt them they can destroy small villages with themself

A LEVEL can destroy whole town by themself without a sweat

S LEVEL can destroy a city of 100,000 people's

SS LEVEL can shake a whole kingdom by them self not might be powerfull to destroy it but can kill hundred of millions of people

SSS LEVEL is catastrophic level at sss level it doesn't really matter much it can destroy continents to kill it all kingdoms combine power is needed to destroy it

well that's quite interesting I really want to see some strong people to see how much strong are they well do you know any strong person let's go and see him diablo said

no I don't know much about this blaze said

what this body knew about not much in details but some superficial and common knowledge blaze thought to himself

so what shall be do next then diablo said

[ding host has gotten a new quest please check it as soon as possible]

[quest: join adventure guilds for first time reward five thousand sp]

adventurer guild huh there are many guilds all over the continents and every thown would have a adventures guild and there should be atleast a B rank to take care of this guild

but system why is reward this much this is this difficult right blaze asked in confusion

[ding! yes host but there are some things you can only do one time so in this type of quest difficulty doesn't matter]

ok then so I can many free system points like this well that's good for me let's go to a adventurer guild said to diablo who was still waiting for my answer said blaze

we started to walk in direction of adventurer guild I knew it's direction after living in this town for some time

we were waking when suddenly diablo asked me something

so mr maximus do you know who I was before you summon me by looking at your reaction that time I think you know about me don't you diablo asked in curiousity

hey diablo don't be like that you can just call me blaze I don't want you to act like my subordinate I am from civilize society it's little uncomfortable like this you can be friend of mine of you don't have any problem

diablo didn't show much reaction I don't know what he thinking or feeling he just always has this smile on his face which make him looks like someone superior

ok then blaze I don't think I had any normal friend like relation ship with anyone someone close to this relationship might red chrimson guy might be counted as right diablo said

oh yeah you did look like friend when I watched you two interacting blaze said

you watched what do you mean did you spy on us but how and why diablo said stoping in his tracks

he don't be like that blaze walk to his put his arm around his soulders and stater walking again and saying you can understand it as I had a power that I can see something intresting things to pass my time right so it's like I can see world by watching a person that person I am watching i would call it protegonist and in you world I was watching a slime which was really intresting and while watching it saw you and others so you can say I knew about but also not blaze said becoming mysterious

that's quite a magic you had were you always this powerfull to this long do things without some beings as powerfull as usual even noticing and why were you this weak when I came out and it's like you didn't have any powers and you just copied it

ohh fuck he is quite smart he just found so many loop holes within seconds blaze thought in amazement

ohh well I was not that powerfull it's just somepowerfull beings they create world make a protagonist and let it grow and they think it as there art work and they like to show it off to other powerfull beings like them so it's like this I was just normal person who admire them and there arts let me tell you some great beings like this and there work let me tell you my favorite one it's masashi kishimoto he created a art name Naruto with a topical stupid main character but it was pretty roughed up for the people in it or oda who made one piece same stupid mc just one want hokage and other pirate king blaze said with mysterious smile holding back his laughter looking at diablo serious face

I can see you are telling truth but I can't understand why you are laughing but we're they really this strong diablo said with some strong curiousity looking at him want to finding out if he is telling the truth

of course they were what I described even I admire them I want to meet theme was wasn't able to you can just see how unique we're they by looking at this I said with serious face but in inside I was rolling while laughing if I had phone I would had clicked his face photos blaze thought laughing inside

so are they strong as rimaru sama diablo asked with seriousness

well they can create someone much stronger then him if they want blaze said

diablo who heard this was horrified and his face became ugly for second but recover instantly

well it's quite a feat I will remembered there names diablo said with some seriousness

blaze who heard this laughed out loud crouching down holding his stomach because of laughter onlookers were scared for a second to what happened to this person but ignored shorthly after

diablo didn't understand what happened but still decided to ignore blaze

after some time blaze return to diablo still wiping his tears of laughter so we're were we diablo blaze asked with smiling face

nothing so did you like rimaru sama I mean you will only watch thing you like right was he your favourite character in that art

well that art is known as manga but you can also call it anime i did enjoy watching rimaru and his journey to become demon lord he might be one strongest protagonist I had watched I mean he is just loaded with cheat even from start let me tell you just after he opened his eyes and perceive the world first thing he saw was veldora just think about it weakest creature meating one of celing levels in your world what do you think he did blaze asked while laughing and remembering that scene

I know that lord rimaru sama is sworn friend of veldora but I didn't know how they mean but all iknow is veldora was sealed in place and rimaru sama get him out of it and veldora name rimaru sama rimaru and veldora also take name tespest by rimaru sama someone as intelligent as rimaru sama might has breaked that seal for veldora right diablo asked with admiration on his face for rimaru

yeah yeah rimaru did get veldora out of it but not in that admiring way you think you know when veldora told him about his problem of being his soluting was unamginenable even veldora was dumbfounded blaze said with mysterious smile

ohh what intelligent way did rimaru sama did it that even true dragon was dumbfounded diablo said with curiousity all written on his face

yeah let me tell you rimaru opened his mouth to veldora that he can eat veldora and spit out after going outside blaze said laughing

diablo has a dumbfounded face which recovered instantly and said with his small smile worthy of rimaru sama

blaze laughed even harder looking at diablo face it's not quite right what he said but it's same isn't it ha ha ha

well I know his many other secrets do you want to know I can tell you blaze said with misfis smile

no need I would never diablo said with serious face

yeah yeah let me tell you I like this anime and protagonist but its not my favorite blaze said seriously

ohh if it's your favorite it must be quite a strong protagonist right diablo asked with curiousity

no they might not be strong as you but yeah they are special to me like admiration or like there character I mostly I don't really like main protagonist I more list side characters like you they does more scence them main character expect some good mc who never changed like Goku

ohh why don't main character where not you said they are main point where all anime is concentrated on why side characters

well main character just don't quite suit me they just defing common scence even in magic world where common scence didn't even exist blaze said with straight face

ohh how so diablo asked not understanding

well I said to you that my favorite anime is Naruto right just imagine a world with wars killing people everywhere and that main character from childhood to adulthood even became strongest person of that cruel world and in his all life he only killed one person can you believe it blaze said with I am exhausted face

ku fu fu kuh well that's quite a unique diablo don't know what to say

yeah like that it doesn't really make scence but that anime was quite a enjoyable and my favorite character is also from there blaze said

ohh is he strong diablo said curious

well he is strong for that world but not strongest like only in top 20 I guess and it's too much different in that ranks if it is to say it's like on top 30 you can destroy a hill and top three are just controlling whole population with a eye trick blaze said not quite understanding himself what he is saying

I can understand a little bit also not quite diablo said

hey we are here blaze said to diablo appearing in front of adventurer guild

lets go and get ourself register and become adventurers