
I can see the stars

It was the last year of high school and lacked very little Light begin your beautiful and expected academic life and leave all this teen crap behind. But deep down, he knew that the university would be almost as boring as his school. Anyway, there was only one year, 365 days left, and his life would surely change. The truth is that Yagami was already quite angry with her monotonous life, especially people so futile that surrounded him. He wanted some challenge that would get him to sleep and finally awaken his great competitiveness. This challenge had a name A newbie named L Lawliet.

_Hllo · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Maybe a small part of me & Tie

─ Very well, children. ─ The firm, soft voice entered the room, drawing the students' attention. The novice teacher, Matsuda Tota, deposited a large pile of papers and folders on the table, quickly turning to face the class. ─ The works are corrected. And I can say that some really surprised me. - he said, glancing at Light and then at L. The brown man smiled, understanding the message, but Lawliet never got to see the sign, as he was busy drawing a picture of some sweets in the corner of his table.

─ Today's class will be about justice. He announced. Matsuda put the word that would be the subject of discussion on the board behind him. ─ Would anyone like to tell me what justice is?

A silence of seconds was his answer. I mean, before Light, as a good student he was, stood up to argue.

─ Justice is for me ... Never let anyone who has committed a crime go unpunished, they should at least receive the necessary sentence. He said calmly.

─ It was a good definition. ─ Tota smiled. ─ It makes me think that you believe in the effectiveness of the death penalty in creating a more just world, Light-san.

─ That's right, I think that some people have no use for our country, and on the contrary, they spread terror and violence. The prison is not so competent because it generates a lot of expenses for the government. So I think the death penalty is certainly the most practical way. ─ He argued, fixing his gaze on the professor.

Yagami had an enormous sense of justice, and he always liked to discuss this issue. However, their former teacher had already opened some debates on this issue, except that no one ever opposed Light. To be honest, the only one who spoke something in this type of class was Japanese.

Matsuda was somewhat impressed. The young adult had heard of Light Yagami before, through the comments of some teachers and students. Virtually only good things were said when it came to brown. However, this was the first discussion class he organized, and now he could see that people were not lying. Having so much opinion is a rare thing at sixteen, the age when they usually just want to make money to leave home.

─ S-sure, thank you for participating, Light Yagami, there is certainly logic in your point of view.

Light smiled and sat down again. The Japanese was too used to receiving praise from teachers. It was so common that it got monotonous. But it was automatic, the brown man couldn't help a discreet and malicious smile coming out of his lips when he thought Lawliet was in the room. Yagami knew that even distracted. L listened carefully to everything that was said, and in that way, Light was strangely happy to be praised in front of him. His great pride was shining again.

─ Does anyone else want to say something? ─ the teacher resumed the word.

This time, no one said anything.

─ Therefore, we can discuss Light-san's point of view. ─ proposed. Matusda wrote "death penalty" on the board. ─ I would like to see what you think. Raise your hand if you agree partially or entirely with your colleague's thinking, please.

The room was quickly filled with arms raised in the air.

It was to be expected. He laughed.

Matsuda looked at each student. No one person even seemed to be really interested in the opinion expressed. Much of it didn't even seem to understand what was said.

The educator approached the last chair, where a panda boy was scribbling something in the notebook, apparently scattered. As the teacher looked at him and approached, the students followed in his footsteps.

─ Excuse me. ─ it caught his attention. The entire class turned to face the boy.

Light hadn't noticed it before, but Lawliet was the only one who hadn't raised his hand.

Slowly, L lifted his head to face the older man in front of him. The Englishman's expression showed only boredom.

─ Your drawings seem much more interesting than my class, apparently. He quipped, looking at the irregular lines and shapes that L had made on the paper.

The entire room was silent. Everyone likes bullshit.

The wheelchair sighed.

─ It does not make sense. He murmured, so that only Matsuda could hear.

─ What doesn't make sense? He asked, his voice slightly guided by indignation.

─ Everyone's opinion here. ─ returned to take the pencil in hand. ─ Killing to make a world without killing does not make sense. ─ concluded the thought, now without looking at the man who spoke to him.

Light watched everything, but unlike the rest, he didn't want to see fights, but failures. Light deduced that L had a chance to oppose him, after all, even if implied, it was a competition for childish people who hate to lose.

It was a mixture of anxiety and anger that the brown man felt. He wanted to debate L as soon as possible, because inexplicably, he had a growing need to show that he was superior, and to do that with him

with someone at your level. And in a way, it was exciting and exciting.

And Light, even though he knew nothing about the other, was sure he had an intelligence similar to his own. Yagami had also noticed that Lawliet was not trying to demonstrate this, totally ignoring people's opinions.

Maybe, just maybe, he was a little envious of the Englishman's confidence.

But Yagami knew it was the best.

─ So, Mr Lawliet, tell us why you think that. He ordered, returning to his chair and sitting there.

L didn't get up, but he raised his spine a little.

─ It is true that there are countries that rely essentially on the death penalty and are successful, such as Singapore. However, there are several factors that accompany this fact, such as: Good quality of life and good education. In this case, the population would already have a low crime rate anyway, and death would be just one factor. Now image if a poor country started killing criminals wildly, just by investing in it. The country could be peaceful, but it would never develop, because people do not commit crimes, but they are also not educated. The country would always be underdeveloped. He argued.

Light snorted.

Open mouthed, Matsuda looked at Yagami, as if to say: "what are you going to say now?" The Japanese boiled inside, but outside, he just stood up and started to calmly reply.

─ Nice view, Lawliet-san. However, I think it is somewhat illusory. Even if it invested in education and quality of life, deaths would continue to happen for many years. That means that you would have to sacrifice the lives of several innocents, wouldn't it? ─ smiled defiantly.

─ Not really. ─ took a long pause. ─ We just need to put prisoners to work hard, generating profit for the country and invalidating their thesis that chains are not efficient. ─ Lawliet smiled back.

It had turned into a real battle.

"But what if the prisoners ..." Light was cut off by the same damn signal. Matsuda stood up.

─ Ok children, we will continue with this later. Good work, Lawliet and Light-san. He winked at the two boys, who were packing up to leave.

--- two weeks later. ---

Light couldn't take it anymore. Everything he called life has changed in an absurd way since he met Lawliet. Now, in addition to having to maintain the appearance of a good Samaritan, he has to find out more about the brunette he most hates in this world. All for pure pride.

His whole routine was overturned. The boy had even started to have dark circles never seen before.

He tried in every possible way, but he couldn't get close to L. The Englishman seemed to be surrounded by an impermeable wall where only the fact of getting close makes you be pushed away.

And all Light could say is that the brunette didn't like to visit his colleagues' house.

He cannot give up now. It would be like admitting defeat.

--- ooo ----

The perfect opportunity has come. One more pair job had to be done. Light convinced L to meet at the library on Saturday to discuss.

─ Wiliam Shakespeare. - suggested the wheelchair user. ─ It is a classic.

Light looked with some disapproval.

─ Everyone will do it, let's think about something else. - decreed, removing the book "Romeo and Juliet" that was in the hands of the albino.

Lawliet sulked a little, putting one of his thumbs in his mouth. He watched as Light scanned the shelves, looking for some classic literature.

─ "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose what, often, we could win, for simple fear of taking risks" - he said after a few minutes.

Light wanted to laugh at the other's childishness. But strangely, it wasn't mockery or sarcasm. Brown liked how L looked like you when it comes to fighting for what you want.

─ Oh, so ... "My strength is in solitude. I am not afraid of stormy rains or big wind gusts, because I am also the dark of night. " ─ Light said, pretending to be playing a play, as dramatically as possible.

─ Using Clarice Lispector is cheating. ─ the brunette said, laughing.


L Lawliet was laughing?

Brown, for a moment, had forgotten to try to find out about the other. They just started making an almost endless quarrel for quotes. However, unfortunately they were expelled from the library because of the noise.

─ The work could be about the most famous quotes in the history of great personalities. ─ Light proposed, as they walked.

"It would be perfect ..." Lawliet was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing. Light didn't even know that the other had a cell phone. L picked up the phone and answered it, not caring about Light's presence.

Yagami clearly saw the change in his colleague's look. He saw how the eyes of others widened, his mouth opened slightly, he became trembling. Of course, all this in small proportions.

─ Yes,

I understood. ─ It was everything the other said before hanging up.

The look that L expressed next made Light feel a hint of pity. He was crestfallen, with his hair covering much of his eyes. It was not long before he cried.

There is something wrong.

─ I have to go, Light-kun. He hissed, almost in a whisper.

Something very wrong.

--- following day ---

Lawliet had missed class. And now, Light realized something important and disturbing.

He was worried about L.

Yagami wanted to know the reason for such a reaction because of a phone call. He really wanted to know why the wheelchair user won't let anyone visit his home.

Does yesterday's call have something to do with today's lack?

Theory after theory, the Japanese found himself thinking about it all day. It was only to be quiet for an instant that his thoughts turned to L.

Light knew that deep down, she didn't hate him.

How was it possible to think about someone so much without knowing anything about it?

It's like that saying: "you can't miss what you never had".

Before meeting Lawliet, Light didn't know what it was like to have a rival. He has never been challenged or confronted before. I had no idea how competitive it felt. And somehow, he was sure that L was perhaps the only one able to be my friend even though it sounds strange.

90% was pride

But he was not sure what the other 10% was.


─ Always remember that. ─ the girl with the dark hair. ─ You must take care of each other.

─ Hey, mom, is it true that the twins have some kind of special connection? One of the British inquired, using his usual childish voice.

─ Oh, yes, dear, it is true. - confirmed, running his hand through the hair of the boy with bright red eyes.

─ Did you hear that Lawli? ─ the little one turned towards his brother, who was solving a magic cube without paying attention to the conversation.

"Hm ..." he murmured.

Fragments like this still hang in my mind from time to time. I hardly remember anything about the orphanage or Ellen. However, sometimes, some loose scenes suddenly come to mind, and I find myself thinking about it all day.

It would certainly be easier if Beyond just told me everything. But I haven't been able to talk to him for a long time, because even though I've been together almost all the time, I don't think there is a living human being who can talk to my "brother".


This year I finally returned to school. I was absolutely looking forward to seeing myself away from B for five hours a day. I don't even know how I convinced him to let me go, but luckily I did. In fact Beyond has evolved a lot with all that overprotection since I woke up, two years ago. Of course, eventually he has his outbreaks, however, nothing compares to the old days. Nothing at all.

I also met a boy.

His name is Light Yagami.

Let's say that the first time we spoke I had accidentally knocked him out of a wheelchair. He was so angry, I almost felt like I could smile at any moment of all that scandal that he was attracting to himself.

Stopping to think, besides Beyond, Yagami was the first person who spoke to me in the past eight years.

As my memory only goes from bad to worse, I don't remember how all the events unfolded after that. I think it involves some fights, jobs and the like. I can only remember that it was fun to annoy Light, he took everything very seriously. I even thought that he really hated me. But it looks like he was also bored with his life.

Only somehow, now we're spending the whole time together. In the beginning we only talked when we needed to do some work. Then he would wait for me at the entrance and when he is not surrounded by people, he would sit with me during the break.

Speaking of which, this is another interesting point. Light is extremely popular with everyone. I can almost define it as "bipolar" for so many personalities that I have seen when I watched it. Totally different from when you are with me, that I am just called a "strange kid" throughout the school. I thought Yagami hated me, but if I really did, I wouldn't have to tarnish his reputation by sitting beside excluded people like me. However, there are a lot of girls out there who look at me in the deadliest way I've ever seen. It must be because they like Light. Or something.

I must admit, I also like to talk to him. Reminds me of how B and I used to be. We fought all the time, competed all the time, and all for fun. We both knew how we were better than the others, and deep down, we enjoyed being together.

Just like now.

Light is like a non-blood version of B.

An improved version.


─ Why are you staring at me? ─ Light nudged me, making me go out of my thoughts.

─ Does that bother you, Light-kun? I inquired, getting a little closer than I already was.

─ You answered my question with another question. He gasped, looking away from mine. ─ If you don't answer, I will start to think that you like to face me. He sneered, already installing that wicked smile. I knew very well that it was a challenge. Light loved to do that kind of thing to force me to say what he wanted.

I thought for a few seconds.

─ Maybe I like it. I joked.

We can say that it is not entirely a lie. Light is someone with very different behaviors. As I said, he is quite bipolar. If you watch him for days, your mind will surely kill itself to try to decipher Yagami's personality, which I still don't know how to define.

─ Oh, I know I am ...

─ Light! ─ A female voice echoed down the entrance hall. It was Misa, Light's girlfriend. She grabbed him from behind, interrupting his speech.

─ Misa, can you please let me go? ─ the brown asked, leaving the girl's arms. The blonde pouted and sat between us, completely ignoring my presence.

I know well that I have no authority to talk about the relationships that students have with others, but from what I remember seeing or hearing, when dating, people like to be together. They hold hands and talk in a strange way. In short, dating makes the individual more retarded.

It just didn't happen between the two of them. At least not by

part of Light. He was always dry when the girl was with him. Sometimes he smiled forcedly, but he never really seemed to be enjoying her presence. It is strange, because if you do not like a certain company, you should not just date that person.

There are many things about school that I still don't understand.

These are the side effects of staying in bed for eight years.

─ Misa is so homesick for Light! You haven't been with us in a long time. People are missing you. He whimpered, clinging to Yagami's arm.

I am fully aware that she would talk about me if I were not there.

─ Sit with us at recess today. ─ he asked, before Light could say anything. She sealed her lips with his briefly and then skipped off where she had come from.

So, that means I'm going to sit alone today.

It's weird, because I don't really mind being isolated. Or I didn't really care. However, now the feeling I have is ridiculously bad. It is something I cannot deal with. As if something didn't want Light to be with those people.

─ Hey, are you alive? ─ The Japanese touched my shoulder, and I immediately blinked to get back to reality. I was not so calm.

I nodded, answering.

He laughed.

─ There is no need to answer a rhetorical question.

"Light-kun," I said, drawing his attention. ─ Do you really like Misa? ─ without even thinking, I asked.

Yagami took some time to contest.

─ Why, of course I like her, Lawliet. She is my girlfriend. He replied, using an aggressive tone.

He usually uses that voice when I can deduce something about him.

So, that means he doesn't like Misa.

And I prefer not to think about why I have a slight sense of relief about it.

─ You don't seem to like her. - I retaliated. ─ Actually, what I see is that you are always trying to keep it away.

The words just came out without my permission.

─ And what does this have to do with you? I choose whether I like people or not. He almost barked.

─ I just thought you liked smarter people. ─ I said, trying not to appear altered, although I am not sure if I was succeeding.

I looked at him sideways, his expression was indignant, even offended I would say.

─ What do you have today? - he said a little loudly. ─ Are you in a bad mood or something?

Was he right. What the hell do I have today?

I did not answer. I heard him snort.

- That's enough. Call me when PMS passes. ─ Light walked into the school. His steps were stiff, almost as if he were marching. He was undeniably irritated.

Heavens, I had promised myself that I would not provoke him that way, after all I know that I am quite annoying at times. However, an incessant rage grew inside me when Misa emerged from the afterlife to torment Light-kun. I knew he would probably go with her and leave me here alone. And he ended up doing it anyway, anyway.

I have no idea what happened here.

--- Light POV ---

It's been two damn months since the idiot named Lawliet showed up at that school. 60 days having to live with a strange and irritating figure.

At the exact moment when I demanded that the Englishman apologize, I was surprised by an extremely arrogant and rude wheelchair user, who did not even have a small regard for the person he just knocked over with his wheelchair.

Damn, it was so long ago that no one treated me like that. If anyone ever treated me like that. I remember that if I didn't get out of there on that shelf, I probably would have lost my mind and cursed that unfortunate one of the worst expletives I could remember. The sun, even though it was late afternoon, was scorching and I still needed to find my miserable partner who was almost two weeks away.

And then, I realized that that panda hybrid was my partner.

So, my life has become a hurricane.

I was obsessed with finding out more about L. I was trying to ask him, but his answers were vague and time-consuming. I even tried to tell him to tell me, and as you can imagine, I didn't get any information that really helped me with anything.

Competition after competition, I realized that Lawliet was not just another ordinary teenager. I hate to confess, but he's smart. And it was this intelligence that provided me with the most productive conversations in my entire high school so far. Deep down, I knew I liked our fights.

Without even realizing it, I was approaching him. Before, our dialects were reduced to meetings in the library to do some work, but gradually, that changed. When I found out, we were together almost the whole time; at the entrance, at the exit and in the classes.

And the confusion within me increased. I realized I wasn't there just trying to find out about the mystery called L.'s life. I was there because I liked being with him.

I knew it

his quirks, and to some extent, had even memorized his reactions. Lawliet didn't express much, but I was already getting the hang of making him show other sides of his face (literally). I noticed that he had dimples when he laughed. His skin was ridiculously white, contrasting with his hair, which was always disheveled and also stupidly black. From time to time, he just stared at me, and on those occasions, I could see that his eyes were much larger than average, and also had dark circles under his perimeter. If I think about it, I could describe that his nose is somewhat pointed and pointed, but it was still small, almost like a doll's. Honestly, he was all small for a boy his age, who must be about 16 years old. To make matters worse, his clothes were baggy and repeated: a long-sleeved white shirt and dark jeans.

There were so many details that I could list them using a whole notebook. I just say that everything was strange, weird and out of the ordinary.

And shit, for some reason, those features fit him perfectly.

Except that sometimes, you just plug in.

He's just a strange boy.

And today, for example, he freaked out about making me angry. I even understand that Misa is beyond annoying, but she didn't even speak to him.

And now here I am, with my old group.

─ In short, that was it. That's why I need to get revenge on that bitch as soon as possible. ─ One of the girls in the group spoke. I didn't hear a word, but as everyone laughed, so did I. A small wave of silence hung over us before anyone could speak again.

─ Poor Light-kun, you don't even have time to stay with us anymore. ─ Misa sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder.

─ It's true, man, it must suck to be with that weird kid all the time. Do you have so many jobs like that? Another asked.

I felt a twinge when I heard "weird kid" coming from that guy's mouth. Peter, the captain of the football team who repeated the 9th grade three times. Just the guy who doesn't even know the capital of Japan. Was this guy calling Lawliet a weirdo? Quite frankly.

I clenched my own fist in order not to show my indignation.

─ It's true Light-san, you can't talk to that boy. He is very boring. ─ a redhead interrupted my thoughts before I could say anything.

Stop calling him that, damn it.

─ That's right, take a break and stay with us. It is better than hanging out with this guy ... ─ someone I don't even know the name started talking about

─ Lawliet. L Lawliet. ─ I completed. I was completely disgusted with these stupid people. My eyes were half closed because of my failed attempt to hide the hate.

─ Light-kun, are you okay? ─ Misa inquired.

─ I'm fine. ─ I scolded, standing up abruptly. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at me confused. ─ I will drink water.

I was annoyed with Lawliet. However, it was much more irritating to see those stupid people doing their classic cursing session, and this time he was the subject. I bet no one there ever exchanged a few sentences with L. Absolutely no person there knows him to say anything about him.

Yes, he is a strange boy. Yes, he is annoying and annoying. Yes, he is the thing that will take your patience the most in your life.

But you bastards have no right to speak of him like that.

And that's how I popped a plastic cup in my hand and shit the whole hall.

Light POV off

The brown was looking for something to dry. He hurried down the corridors, not really looking where he was going.

And then, he had hit the ground.

─ Crap. He groaned in pain, putting one hand on his head. ─ Fuck, look where you are! He said, soon regretting it. He used to be very polite, especially at school. But today it hadn't been one of his best days anyway. Slowly, the boy looked up.

─ Well, Light-kun, technically I don't walk. ─ the usual voice filled the ears of the greatest, who had now risen. In part, Light was grateful that it was Lawliet who brought him down.

─ Do you have any tare for taking me down? He protested, still with his hand massaging the place of the blow.

─ As I said the first time, it is not my fault if you don't look where you are. - he refuted.

Just as I imagined.

─ But I'm sorry. ─ completed.

Yagami's eyes widened.

─ Do you mean that you are apologizing !? He smiled.

─ This is because of my behavior before. Excuse me. He repeated.

��� You are so problematic. ─ Light joked.

─ The teacher asked us to choose the pairs for academic and this year's competitions. ─ L decreed

─ Uh? But this is already next week.

─ That's right. So we need to do everything today.

─ Today? She can only be kidding. There are over a thousand students in our shift alone

. He complained.

─ Then there will be five hundred for each. ─ Lawliet smiled slightly.

It's good when things get back to normal.

--- O ---

─ How many so far? ─ Light asked amid the mountain of papers that was the room where they were. The two boys were excused from the rest of the classes to take care of the pairs. There was no escape, as Light was president of the student council and would have to do it anyway. At least L would be there to help.

"127," he replied. ─ And you?

─ 117.

Lawliet gave a small laugh.

─ May I know what happened? ─ Light spoke again.

L spent his usual seconds before answering.

─ I'm winning, I have 10 more than you. He said.

Are we in a competition? Hm ...

─ That is what we will see.

And as if by magic, the two began to write and read at an incredible speed, and in perfect sync. Several mountains of documents accumulated on the floor, filling the room completely.

─ I'm done! ─ L proclaimed, tossing the pen on the table and raising his arms in victory.

The difference was only a few seconds.

Yagami had never seen the other so excited. Once in his life, it really looked like L was happy. The Japanese smiled internally.

But this is still Light. He hates to lose.

─ It seems. ─ The brown one kicked the pile L had just organized without much force. ─ Look, it seems that you still need to put this in alphabetical order, what a pity, I finished first. He quipped.

L glared at Light.

─ Light-kun, this is cheating ─

The brunette coughed before finishing the sentence. Then he coughed again and again.

Light approached, startled.

─ Hey L, are you okay? - said kneeling in front of the boy's chair, who was not using his wheelchair at the moment.

The Englishman smiled wickedly, denouncing his joke.

─ I'm fine, Light-kun. He laughed. ─ Wow, were you that worried? He sneered, still with his laughing face.

The bigger boy fell for the fun.

─ Perhaps, but it certainly was not greater than your jealousy this morning. He retorted, making L stop laughing.

─ You cheater. ─ L pushed Light's shoulder, who was sitting on the floor in front of him. The brown man was agile and took the other man's pale hand, making him fall with him.

The two destroyed the brown pile in the fall, which was quite light by the way.

─ Draw? ─ L suggested, still lying on the youngest's chest.

"No," Light announced.

─ So how do you intend to undo it ─

Yagami, quickly as he was, got rid of the body above him. He overlapped L, who didn't have time to react either. Light bent low enough to kiss him.

It wasn't like the brown man knew what he was doing. Or why I was doing it. Light didn't want to lose, that was all.

Okay, almost everything.

L's lips were dry and pale.

It was a quick kiss.

─ I won. ─ Light whispered after they parted.

The Japanese really wanted to die after seeing the scene he saw. L was flushed. And damn, that was strangely cute.

─ No, you did not win. The smaller boy replied in another whisper. L pulled the other's head, which was just inches from hers, building another kiss.

They parted.

─ Yes, I won.

Other Kiss.

─ No, you did not win.

Other Kiss.

─ I won, damn it.

Other Kiss.

─ Not really.

Other Kiss.

it's all for today. Thanks for reading this far, if you want you can add this story to your library or use your Power Stones here. Thank you...

_Hllocreators' thoughts