
I Can See Probability

Chen Jing’s house was forcefully torn down when his father was slandered and wrongly accused by others. While he was desperately looking for a way out of this situation, he suddenly awakened a miraculous power. He could accurately see the winning numbers on a lottery ticket! Besides that, his supernatural vision enabled him to see the relationship status of ladies. He could even tell if he stood a chance of stealing a girl from her boyfriend. He could even see the strengths and shortcomings of all the martial arts techniques! Chen Jing’s goal changed from becoming the richest man on Earth to becoming the manliest man in the modern cultivation world.

Flower Hasn't Slept · Urban
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40 Chs

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


The next morning, on the way to Mingyang Market.

Chen Yiyuan's minivan was leaving to buy fresh ingredients when it suddenly ran into a tricycle that lost control at a fork in the road.

Although Chen Yiyuan pressed on the emergency brake, the two inevitably collided.

The tricycle's body flipped over on the spot, and the driver flew four to five meters away.

Chen Yiyuan panicked, quickly getting out of the car. When he saw the driver covered in blood and rolling on the side of the road, he immediately took out his phone, trembling, and called 120.


Half an hour later.

At the entrance of the First People's Hospital of Mingyang City's emergency building.

A group of people surrounded Chen Yiyuan.

"How could you drive like that? Are you blind?"

"Old Zhang is such a good person! Why did you hit him?!"

"If anything happens to him, who will be responsible for the orphans and widow in his family?"

They pushed and scolded him.

In the bustling crowd, a young man and his mother rushed over.

When he saw his father being ridiculed by the crowd, the young man rushed over with red eyes.

The young man, Chen Jing, asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

Chen Yiyuan was shocked by the other party's actions. 

He was stunned for a moment before replying, "I didn't hit him. He was the one who bumped into me."

It would have been fine if he hadn't said this, but the moment those words came out, it was as if the other side had blown up.

It made those burly men burst into flames.

"You f*cking bumped into someone, yet you still have the audacity to say such words?! Are you even speaking human language?"

"I think you're an animal. You dare to say such words, even after knocking Old Zhang into such a state?"

A few burly men rolled up their sleeves, about to make a move.

"My dad never lies! Don't blame everything on my dad!"

Chen Yiyuan had a soft personality and was honest. As his son, Chen Jing knew his father like the back of his hand.

"Never lies? Who would believe such nonsense?" The burly man snorted. "In any case, your family can forget about escaping from this responsibility."

"I don't want to escape responsibility. If I wanted to escape responsibility, I wouldn't have driven the injured person to the hospital after calling 120," Chen Yiyuan said.

After the accident on the road, he thought of calling the police first so that they could examine the scene. At the same time, he also called 120.

However, there seemed to be a problem with his phone, as 120 couldn't get through.

The kind-hearted Chen Yiyuan couldn't bear to see the injured person in such a serious condition, so he brought him to the hospital in his own car.

After all, a human life was more important than anything else.

However, this was a good deed done out of kindness. 

Who knew that less than 20 minutes after he sent the man over, this group of burly men would run over after hearing the news?

The people who insisted he had crashed into the man blocked his path. They pushed and scolded him.

"You must be feeling guilty. If you didn't crash into him, did you do it out of kindness?"

A few burly men surrounded him with fierce expressions.

"Go and pay the money. The hospital is urging you to pay the money. Why aren't you going?"

Chen Yiyuan sighed. He took out his wallet and prepared to pay the money.

Seeing this, Chen Jing stopped him. 

"Dad, they treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs. This person has nothing to do with us. We don't need to spend this money for nothing."

"You little b*stard! Are you courting death?"

A man raised his fist, wanting to throw it at him.

Chen Yiyuan quickly pulled Chen Jing behind him. Raising his voice, he said, "Since we've already called the police, I believe that the police will give a fair result. Since human lives are at stake, I'm willing to pay the money. Just don't touch my family."


"Saving lives is more important."

Chen Yiyuan patted Chen Jing on the shoulder and walked to the payment window in the end.

A moment later, the police arrived.

"Mr. Chen, due to the special location of the crime scene, it wasn't captured by the surveillance cameras. There's also no traffic recorder installed in your car. However, Zhang Junnian was indeed injured by you. Now, please come with us to the police station."

Chen Yiyuan was taken away by the police.

Zhang Junnian woke up after three days of recuperation.

In fact, he was not seriously injured in this accident. It was simply that the external injuries looked very serious.

In addition, there were many problems with his body. This injury had triggered other changes in his body, which was why he had to be rescued.

After he woke up, the police questioned him at the first opportunity.

There were no surveillance cameras at the scene of the crime, and there was no traffic recorder in the car. Therefore, if they wanted to know what the situation was like. They had to compare it with the testimony of the two parties involved.

"It was him… who hit me. I bought some vegetables and went home safely. He rammed into me. I didn't even have time to dodge before I was hit by him..." Zhang Junnian said weakly as he lay in the special ward.

"What you said, is it true? Maybe you can think it through before telling us."

The police officer took the notebook and recorded his words.

"Officer, of course what I said is true. I'm already in this state. I still have a wife and child to support at home. I can't possibly joke about my own life, right?" the injured person said indignantly.

"Okay, okay. Don't be agitated. Just lie down. We will make our own decision on this matter."