

"I love you so much Erica. Thanks for not liking anyone else" Steve tightly hugged her as he was more than happy when she said no man was able to attract her.

In his happiness Steve didn't realize what he just said, and how his words made Erica skip a beat.

'Did he just say, he loves me? Fuck, he just said he loves me. I am definitely not mistaken, he actually said it. Oh fuck! He finally said it. He loves me. Steve loves me. Oh god.' The tiny person in Erica's mind started jumping in happiness as Steve just confessed to her while being sober.

"You love me?" Erica still asked him as she wished to talk more about it.

Erica's question confused Steve and the next moment he realized, what he just said in excitement.

He broke their hug and looked at Erica, who had tears collected near her eyes.

"Steve, what did you just say?" Erica again asked him in hope as she wished to hear him say it over and over again.

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