
I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

All I ever wanted was for famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Arsène Lupin to appear in my dreams and share their wisdom. But instead, why am I hearing the voices of notorious serial killers in my head, guiding me to solve a string of mysterious cases?

TK_Selwyn · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Fourth Case (4)

As I stand across the street, my gaze is drawn to the warm glow of the cafe windows.

Yuri is now on the phone, her face lit up with a radiant smile that reaches her eyes, transforming her delicate features. Her laughter carries through the glass, a melodic sound filled with genuine joy and warmth. It's a stark contrast to the shadows that seemed to cling to her when we first spoke.

Intrigued, I watch as she converses animatedly, her free hand gesturing expressively as she chats. Minutes tick by as I observe, transfixed, trying to reconcile this vibrant, carefree Yuri with the troubled soul who created those unsettling paintings. Who could she be talking to? What could have sparked such a profound change in her demeanor?