
I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

All I ever wanted was for famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Arsène Lupin to appear in my dreams and share their wisdom. But instead, why am I hearing the voices of notorious serial killers in my head, guiding me to solve a string of mysterious cases?

TK_Selwyn · Fantasy
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149 Chs

The Flasher (5)

I return to my desk, the adrenaline from the intense interrogation slowly ebbing away. The bullpen is a hive of activity, with officers bustling about, phones ringing, and the constant hum of conversation filling the air. For the next few hours, I immerse myself in mundane tasks - filing reports, organizing notes, and reviewing case details. It's a welcome distraction from the intensity of the morning's events.

As I work, my mind keeps drifting back to Jin's face during the interrogation - the flicker of pride, the moment of panic when he thought we'd cracked his codes. I jot down some observations, determined to use every scrap of information to our advantage.