
I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

All I ever wanted was for famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Arsène Lupin to appear in my dreams and share their wisdom. But instead, why am I hearing the voices of notorious serial killers in my head, guiding me to solve a string of mysterious cases?

TK_Selwyn · Fantasy
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54 Chs

The Fifth Case (8)

I make my way to the Yongin Local Police Station, my mind still reeling from the revelation at the hospital.

As I enter the Yongin Local Police Station, the familiar scent of coffee and paper fills my nostrils. I approach the front desk, where a middle-aged officer is typing away at his computer.

"Officer Park, Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit," I say, flashing my badge. "I need some assistance with a case I'm working on."

The desk officer barely glances up, his expression dismissive. "Officer, huh? Look, we're pretty busy here. Maybe you should talk to your superiors about—"

I cut him off, my patience wearing thin. "I said, Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit. Perhaps you didn't hear me correctly."

The officer looks up now, his eyes narrowing. "Seoul Metropolitan... wait, that can't be right. They don't send officers on—" He pauses, reaching for my credentials. "Let me see that badge again."