
I Can Extract Game Items Into Reality

August Clementine was once Reacher, a wealthy and thrill-seeking businessman who had everything but satisfaction in life. After a fatal adventure, Reacher awakens on a parallel Earth, in the body of the destitute and troubled 19-year-old August Clementine. With his new identity, August finds himself burdened with debt and responsible for his beloved younger sister, Sophia. Desperate to change their fate, August immerses himself in Enders Light, a cutting-edge VRMMORPG that blurs the line between virtual and reality. In this fantastical game world, players can bring specific items that meet certain requirements into the real world and even gain a fraction of their in-game abilities and strength. But August’s journey is far from easy. Stuck at level 12 and unable to progress past his starting village due to a rare armor shortage, August must rely on his wits and determination. As he embarks on perilous quests, faces formidable magical creatures, and uncovers hidden secrets, he discovers his potential as a true adventurer. A breakthrough comes when he retrieves a mystical purification stone from a river teeming with magical aqua beasts and uses it to cleanse an ancient, corrupted altar. His reward includes the legendary Fruit of Corruption, a priceless item with the potential to grant supernatural abilities in the real world. Caught between the allure of selling the fruit for financial security and the temptation of gaining extraordinary powers, August must make a choice that will define his and Sophia’s future... "What? I gained the ability to extract any item from the game into the real world without restrictions?"

Decrepit_bastard · Games
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13 Chs

Unable To Reach Tree Of Life

Taking one step forward, August appeared ten paces away with his dagger raised.

He stabbed the eye of one of the creatures and proceeded to use slash to dispatch them one by one.

Each kill brought a new wave of notifications as the thrill of the fight coursed through him.

'This is amazing! Hahaha!'

[Level 2 Skrawling Defeated: +8 EXP]

[Level 3 Thornback Defeated: +13 EXP]

[Level 3 Skrawling Defeated: +12 EXP]

After a few minutes, the corpses of the beasts lay before him, slowly dematerializing.

Despite the satisfaction of defeating the beasts, August noticed that the experience points were meager. It would take countless kills to make any significant progress.

Thinking about it now he understood that this was due to the fact that he had outgrown this village and the level of beasts here.

He proceeded to loot the area, finding some basic supplies and a small chest containing a piece of armor.

[ Quest Complete: Beast Control ]

[ Reward: Unique Armor Piece (Shadow Cloak)]

He equipped the Shadow Cloak, feeling its protective magic envelop him.

He hoped this would give him the edge he needed to finally reach the Tree of Life.

As he made his way back to the village, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape. The villagers greeted him with cheers and gratitude as their faces beamed with hope.

August felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Maybe dying isn't such a bad thing after all," He chuckled.

With the new armor, he was one step closer to overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

He opened his menu and checked his progress:


Level: 12

EXP: 7990/25000

Gold: 175


"Time to head for the tree of life," he murmured with a tone of determination.

August made his way forward down a long winding path that led towards the outskirts of unhidden mist.

Since it was really a small village with short commercial pathways, it didn't take him long to reach a particular exalted landscaped area.

Just right ahead, was the tree of life... The key to unlocking other regions beyond this village.

From August memories, once a player was ten paces from the tree, the system would carry out an analysis check.

< Conducting Player Analysis... >

< Calculating Strength Of Player's Resistance... >

< Player's Resistance Is 0% >

< Calculating Strength Of Player's Basic Armor Resistance... >

'This is it...' From what August could recall, this is what would determine whether or not he could get close and finally touch the tree.

< Player's Resistance Has Been Increased To 2% >

"Shit!" August cursed.

< Calculating Strength Of Player's Unique D Tier Shadow Cloak Armor Resistance... >

August's eyes lit up with hope again.

< Player's Resistance Has Been Increased To 15% >

< It Has Been Determined That Player Will Be Unable To Reach The Tree Of Life >

"Fuck!" August spat before letting out a sigh.

He had thought that this would be enough.

A couple of memories suddenly flashed in his mind at this moment.

"Oh?" He touched the cloak draped around his frame.

"Ohhh," he immediately understood why the quest felt familiar earlier.

He had been repeating the same type of quests endlessly and had gotten this unique cloak multiple times.

August always sold it in frustration, trying to scrap up enough coins to buy an armor that could actually be of use in this situation.

Unfortunately, such armors cost an arm and a leg. They were incredibly expensive and August was incapable of incurring another debt.

Being confined in this village meant he couldn't visit other regions: Cities, Kingdoms, Magical Caves, and the like, where he could grind to make progress.

Players had left this place a long time ago while he was still stuck there.

This was a huge problem.

"There must be a way to leave..." August recalled his past as Reacher.

He was never one to back down. Finding solutions to a problem was a major specialty of his.

But could he truly find a solution to a problem that the real August had battled with for months?


August stood at the edge of the village as his eyes scanned the horizon for any hint of the path he needed to take.

Despite his best efforts over the past two days, he hadn't been able to find a way out of the Village of Unhidden Mist.

The Tree of Life quest continued to elude him, and the magical barrier around the tree remained impassable.

He sighed, feeling both frustrated and exhausted. His not-so-new armor, the Shadow Cloak, had given him hope, but it hadn't been enough to solve his problem.

A system notification suddenly appeared:

[Reminder: You have been logged in for an extended period. It is recommended to take breaks for your health and well-being.]

August knew he couldn't ignore the real world any longer. It had been a full day in the outside world since he had logged into Enders Light, and responsibilities awaited him outside the game.

With a heavy heart, he opened the system menu and selected the log-off option.

"See you soon, Enders Light," he muttered, watching as the vibrant world around him dissolved into darkness.

He felt a gentle jolt as he was pulled back into reality. The pod's hatch opened with a soft hiss, and he removed the helmet, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of his apartment.

The familiar sounds of the real world—traffic outside, the buzz of the refrigerator—were proof that he had returned to reality.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was early morning, and he had just enough time to get ready for work. He stood up, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from lying in the pod for so long, and stretched.

As he made his way to the kitchen, he saw Sophia still asleep on the couch, curled up under a thin blanket. Her angelic face looked peaceful in sleep causing August to smile faintly.

"Time to face reality," August whispered to himself. He quickly prepared a simple breakfast and left a note for Sophia, reminding her to take care of herself.

Dressed in his worn work clothes, August left the apartment and headed to the factory.

The walk was familiar... It was the same route he had taken countless times before or rather accurately, August had.

He boarded a bus and dropped at a particular station.

The factory loomed ahead. It was a large, grimy building that seemed to swallow the morning light.

August proceeded to head in.

Inside, the air was thick with the smell of oil and metal.

The constant vibrations of machinery and the clatter of tools created a disturbing noise that filled the space but such was the space of hard honest day-to-day work.

August made his way to his workstation, where his friend Derrick was already hard at work.

"Morning, Derrick," August greeted, trying to muster some enthusiasm.

Derrick looked up with a weary smile on his face. He was a burly man with calloused hands and kind eyes. "Morning, August. You look like you haven't slept in days."

August chuckled even though there was little humor in it. "Feels like it. Been trying to make some progress in Enders Light. It's been a rough few days."

"I thought you quit?" Derrick questioned with a slightly surprised tone.

"Well, I got back into it. It's pretty fun," August replied while clearing his throat.

Derrick nodded with a look of understanding; "Let's get through this day first and you can tell me all about it later."

The workday began in earnest. August and Derrick were part of the assembly line crew, responsible for lifting heavy crates of raw materials and feeding them into the machines that processed and shaped them into various components.

It was grueling work that required both strength and endurance. Despite August's slim and delicate appearance, he was pretty fit.

August gritted his teeth as he lifted a particularly heavy crate with strain evident in his muscles. He carried it to the conveyor belt, nearly buckling from the weight pressing down on him. Derrick beside him was effortlessly handling his own load.

August might be a little fit but Derrick was a whole different beast.

"Here, let me help," Derrick said upon noticing August's struggle.

Together, they managed to place the crate on the belt, the machinery whirring to life as it processed the contents.

"Thanks, man," August panted while wiping sweat from his brow. "These things seem to get heavier every day."

Derrick chuckled. "Or maybe we're just getting weaker."

The factory was a harsh environment. The noise was deafening, and the air was filled with the acrid smell of molten metal and lubricants.

Workers moved in a constant rhythm with groggy faces set as they toiled away. Breaks were few and far between, and the supervisors were always watching, ensuring that everyone kept up the pace.

By mid-morning, August's muscles were aching, and his hands were raw from handling the rough crates. He glanced at the clock, counting down the hours until their lunch break. Each minute felt like an eternity.

When the lunch bell finally rang, August and Derrick headed to the small break room, where they sat down with their packed lunches. The room was filled with the low murmur of exhausted workers, all trying to recover some energy before the afternoon shift.

Derrick sat beside August with a look of seriousness. "How is Sophia?"