
i can Evolve Infinitely

When he woke up, Zero came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Zero, who is constantly giving birth to thousands of abilities, has become stronger than ever, and even he realizes that omniscience and omnipotence are in the future. PS: The old book "Marvel: The beginning is immortal", quality assurance, sit firmly in the pit.

oni_Wolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs

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Since the second out-of-control outbreak, perhaps the further expression of the X gene was stimulated, zero felt more and more that new abilities were constantly emerging.

Everything is going in a good direction.


Xavier Tianshao Junior College still enrolled students as scheduled. Fortunately, there were not too many accidents in this enrollment.

It is worth mentioning that there are some familiar faces of zero in this recruitment.

Don't touch other people's little naughty.

A phantom cat that can traverse obstacles.

A mutant who resembles a female star flashes.

And... Bishop, who also appeared in Days of Future Past.

This is the future X-Men team.

"I heard you beat four fraternity members alone."

"Among them, there are even clones, underground mutants such as Arclight."

Underground mutants are a general term, generally referring to those mutants who exist in the underground black market and engage in illegal transactions.

Among them, the "Wandering Mutants" group has a very good reputation in the Queens area. Westchester County and Queens belong to New York/New York City. Naturally, I have heard the notoriety of these outlaws.


"I won't agree to the X-Men without your spot."

In the past few days, the news about zero's battle with the members of the Brotherhood has spread all over the place.

zero, who was in the limelight, suddenly became a man of the year, and was admired by a group of newly enrolled freshmen.

"Shit, there's no evidence that he defeated the Brotherhood."

"Maybe it's still from the Phoenix girl? It's not impossible for the two of them to have such a good relationship!"

John the Burning Man said a little unhappily.

"Not likely."

Iceman shook his head without hesitation, at least they wouldn't lie about this, and... even if he didn't agree with his mouth, he already knew in his heart that he was probably not zero's opponent.


"I just don't feel good about that kid anyway."

John the Burning Man was a little displeased.

Just like the flame ability in his body, John's character is very impulsive and has a violent temper.

Moreover, compared to Iceman's family environment, Burning Man had a very unhappy childhood, and the scuffle from his parents seemed to have left a childhood shadow in his heart.

Such a sensitive and thoughtful person, he always felt that the other party looked down on him in his heart.

If zero heard his thoughts, he would definitely sneer.

look down on him? !


To be honest, it's not that he thought too much, zero did have such emotions.

As for why? It's even simpler!

If you spoiled in advance and knew in advance that this was a traitor who betrayed the X-Men and threw himself into the darkness in the future, would you still have a good eye for him?


Burning Man's remarks are not without any market.

At least some people in the academy do not like zero very much. It is not because the other party is too handsome and powerful to occupy the priority of the spouse.

But because zero, an omega-level existence in the spiritual and spiritual realm, is obviously the target of the Phoenix girl.

After hearing the rumors that zero ran out of control at the community school, they all thought it was another unstable time bomb, so they were a little conflicted.




A training session.

Thanks to the scientific research strength of the beast, the equipment used by the X-Men is the world's top cutting-edge level.

So the entire training session was equipped with holographic simulation technology.

The mutants in class can even be placed in a battle field where artillery is flying, and feel the real effect of it.

Each student will wear a specific sensory equipment suit. If they are hit with too much energy, they will be judged to be dead.

In order to truly simulate the battlefield effect, and to make a student take it seriously.


The sensor equipment on the body can even give people a certain nerve pain effect, but it is weakened by more than 50%, so if you want to not feel the pain, you should seriously improve yourself.

This is zero's second training session.

And... it's still a confrontation today.

Each side sent five people to fight with their mutant abilities.

The contestants are clear winners, and everyone has a good chance of becoming an X-Men.

The competition has officially started.

With the help of the holographic simulation environment, the people on both sides were quickly placed in an abandoned and broken factory, and there was even a fog shrouded in the dim night, which was a great test for everyone's eyesight.

"The five people on the opposite side start at the dock outside the factory."

"We are in the B-1 factory, and now we should immediately move to the roof of the A-1 factory, where there is a good view, and we can observe the dynamics of the opposite side from the commanding heights..."

Colossus began to command as a training veteran.


zero, who was on the same side, interrupted his speech.


"I'm here in person to handle some personal matters by the way."


Under the dumbfounded eyes of the four teammates,zero walked out of the factory alone.

"It's coming!!"

At this time, the pier outside the factory was already being guarded, and when they saw a figure walking out of the fog, they immediately cheered.

"Is this an idiot, a newcomer?"

In less than a second, an attack spewed out from his side first.

It's a fireball! !

Burning Man John's superb fire control technique and precise long-range bombing ability are enough to make his strength level 4 in the underground rating.

Whoosh! !

The fireball fell from the sky, dispelling the smoke at once, and suddenly revealing the single figure who came out.


"It's him!!"


Under the exclamations of the crowd, the 'Er Lunger' in their eyes was just a wave of his hand, just like swatting a fly, completely smashing the oncoming fireball away.

"Damn bastard..."

John the Burning Man was furious, it turned out to be this guy! !

Exasperated, he didn't have any reservations at once.

A flame jumped out of his palm, and even the flames of the brazier around him obeyed his command and suddenly swept towards zero.

But in the face of this,zero just snapped his fingers lightly.

despair! !


The surging psychic power fluctuations envelop the incoming flames, like a red tornado, pouring back on the burning man on the opposite side.


John the Burning Man was stunned, he had realized that the other party was coming for him! !

"Do not!!"

In a scream, the burning man who couldn't beat the tornado was immediately thrown into the sky by the storm, and his figure was rolling around like clothes in a laundry tub.

Not to mention that the fireworks mixed in it also burned his body by the way.

"I hate when people speak ill of me secretly."

"terribly sorry....."

"My hearing is not very sensitive."

zero smiled.